General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the best tips to improve winrate as solo player?

What's the best tips to improve winrate as solo player? in General Discussion

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      be a team player , don't be selfish. Make the good atmosphere in the team.
      Try to find ppl to stack.
      When your MMR reach to certain points, you just can't win the game alone.


        -stack instead of playing solo

        Its a team game. Try to stack as much as you can. I like to play more dota than I can find stacks ready to play when I want to I end up playing about half my games solo. My first 550 games in dota 2 were all solo, maybe total is over half solo at this point.

        But that's for practice. I used solo que to practice things, try new with heroes I am not that good at using. Dota is really played as a team game. If you don't have enough friends to stack then you need to actively try to get more. Pay attention in your games to who is smart, who is helpful, who is nice to them, add them...and there you have your stack.

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          If you are excelent player solo queue 55% win rate is maximum. Look Dendi is 56% he solo queue alot and he don`t usually stack..or he just play with some nub friends etc.. If you want 60% + you must stack with good people and also play very very good,cos also you face 60% + too.

          SMELLY APE

            Truth is u can't improve winrate over 55 when solo queuing like BogiDoto said. You might be on a 15 win streak and then suddenly BAM!!!, someone first picks pudge and goes 0-11 mid. There will always be some asshole that won't cooperate with u and the rest of ur team so u will lose. There will always be some support picker that refuses to ward or buy courier. There will always be that offlaner that dies every 2 minutes and complains when he doesn't get help.

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              Pick what your team needs and/or counters the enemy.


                dont improve your winrate it may sound good as idea but in reality when it comes to dota 2 its really bad idea for solo player because
                no matter what you do your teammates will only get worse and worse until you reach stable top page mmr (its path through hell for worthless goal)
                realistically you can count on one game with good players out of 10 in other 9 its a farming contest ( who can kill bad players more times )
                between you and most competent player on other team

                if after reading that txt above you still want to improve your rating as solo player - my tips for you are;

                -always play aggressive (your teammates are retarded its just a matter of time untill they start feeding)(for that tank up first which means bracers/finished wands over +10dmg items etc)
                -pick heroes that snowball extremely hard
                -never go for midas
                -if somehow you end up as carry/hard carry(may god have mercy on you) never go for big/expensive items like radiance rather get drums/armlets/bkbs/bashers/ f stafs etc everything is better than holding 2/3k gold with autistic players on your team
                -let retards get crossfired first in big team fights ( remember if you are most competent player on your team your death equals lost team fight and most likely some towers and rosh )
                -add go back to your chat wheel
                -draw/ping and use chat wheel many times to warn your teammates because most of the time at least one of them is retarded

                there are few others but whatever

                or few more

                -dont go solo offlane especially against trilanes ( if you are best player on your team its gg most of the time since u cant count on others doing much )
                -dodge games during loading screen if your teammate/s ;
                *call mid during loading screen
                *show sings of being from ru/ua (flag/some music through voip/nickname/cyrylic spam)
                *someone mentions not caring/playing for fun/being drunk or high (this usually means they are going to pick their favourite hero -most of the time
                pudge/sf/invoker/np so they can ignore enemy picks and get destroyed by enemy mid)
                *have most played/successful more than one of these (invoker/pudge/shadowfiend/natures prophet)
                *completely hid their profiles

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                Ragnar Volarus

                  Right picks - counterpick enemy, pick what your team needs, pick useful, strong heroes that are capable of doing much in the game with right abilities.
                  Good atmosphere - be nice, don't try to teach people or show them their mistakes, 90% of them doesn't like it. They just go full retard and focus more on proving that you are wrong than on the game. You can give them some tips like "buy bkb", "come to fights, we need you", but that's all, and don't say a word if they don't listen.
                  Good calls, decisions - if your game sense is really good, you can even command even some russian players (I personally can't). Make short, simple calls like "go push mid", "go roshan", "go back", "come to us", "smoke gang", "go fight". Don't try anything too complex though.
                  Also, get better, there are always countless things somebody other would have done better than you did.

                  Also, keep good attitude, there will be hunders of games when you lose, even when you are doing everything right. Remember that this all is just to get this 5-10 more won games in every 100.

                  Also, stacking actually doesn't work for me. I win more solo than stacked. Maybe I don't know right people though. But the truth is that when you stack, you get to play against other stacks, or at least more skilled enemies. Of course you can 5-stack with really serious CW-like attitude and you will probably get more wins, but seriously, who does it? Nobody I know.

                  What person above me said is like recipe how to stay in normal bracket forever.

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                  King of Low Prio

                    dont expect to rise much in solo que, in all honesty it doesnt matter at all


                      ^^ actually what i wrote is legit way to reach non retarded level of teammates fast
                      on every solo account i used there were tons of losses i could avoid by following advice i gave him O;

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                        and op cares about % so

                        Ragnar Volarus

                          For me it's exactly the way the most annoying and least successful players are approaching this game. Well, ofc if you are mechanically good you won't be stuck in the bottom of matchmaking hell forever (you won't be with any attitude, trust me), but I won't expect more than 52% wr with this attitude.


                            dude just by dodging games with obvious russians/ua players most people here can go over 55%wr in a week or two

                            Ragnar Volarus

                              Yeah, dodging thing seems legit, I admit. (You've updated it after my post and I've not seen it until now)

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                                Very high rly means garbage, nice post

                                Wow, listen to him. That was very good

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                                One Man Army

                                  how to dodging game when in loading game guys ?


                                    Dont make people leave before the game even starts. This topic is full of fucking bullshit, ditch people who have Sf/invoker/pudge/NP as most played heroes? Are u fucking kidding me.. They are all great fucking heroes !

                                    If you want to secure a higher winrate when playing solo, try to take the command, have a nice attitude, pick whatever the team needs (counterpick as well)

                                    The only thing you can change is you. You can improve, you can make the difference. The people under winrate 50% are often the same fucking people who are complaining about Russians destroying their games when they actually are the guy who fucking sucks but are to blind or proud to see it.

                                    Attitude, use ingame communication, take the leader role, pick whatever you team needs.

                                    My winrate aint good at all, but I don't do shitty stuff trying to improve it.

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                                      pick heroes that blend into your team and can have a huge impact on the game.
                                      you can counter pick, or pick to compliment existing heroes.

                                      since your question was to improve 'winrate' for solo queue, then choosing solo mid heroes that can snowball or have a large impact on the game would help boost your winrate.

                                      Franck D Tank

                                        If All you want is higher winrate then go to some chat channel and get a party with noobs and you will be playing agains noobs GG easy winrate

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                                        One Man Army

                                          like hell the fucking RUS listen to you, they just go farm, feed and quit

                                          No fucking way i can talk nice to shit RUS


                                            lastpick, if its possible. never firstpick in AP, cuz u'll just end up getting counter picked harder than ever before.


                                              Russians want to attack. If you want to lead a Russian team then you must show that you are willing to attack and take risks. Then just try to manage when the attacks happen. Encourage everyone to try a bold plan. Sneak roshan, smoke to dive behind a tower. That's what Russians like to do. When they do it alone they look like feeders. But when they all dive hard together its really very powerful.

                                              Russians will be happy to listen and follow if you what you are calling for is an aggressive plan. If you keep calling to back...they will just decide you are a coward and ridicule you. Don't call for retreats...just call for rotations. Attack in a different direction.

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                                              Babi Ngepet

                                                @relentless seriously? is that true?

                                                @very high what is ua?

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                                                  ya. what is ua ?

                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    Either pick hard carries that don't need early support to snowball/win games or pick what your team needs and play awesome.

                                                    Basically you can pick strong mid carries like OD, qop, storm, bloodseeker, viper and generally if you own mid and gank you will carry even the worst teams to wins. However if there's a ton of carries already picking a great support and wardining, supporting, ganking is your best bet to win sometimes.


                                                      Yes, it is true. I get along just fine with Russians if I just choose to play an aggressive gank heavy style. I don't know why Russians go to US servers and try to dive towers alone...maybe only the dumb ones do that. But this is all because they are trying to copy their pro players. Moscow 5, VP, Empire, RoX.KIS....they all play/played super aggressive dota and have for years. Russian dota is played to get kills or die trying. If you don't, you are considered a coward and will be flamed for it.

                                                      The game I just played yesterday against Russian pro player Rox.KIS.Sedoy,
                                                      he dove the tower on me from level 2 and kept doing it until he died or we died. That is how they play dota in Russia. Of course Sedoy knows exactly how and when to tower dive, his control of creep agro is amazing...meanwhile average Russians just dive in and feed trying to copy his moves.

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                                                        So, it's sort of like westerners trying to copy Dendi's (even though he's eastern european I think, is Ukrania considered that?) hooks and lose mid horribly with Pudge instead.

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                                                        pls no trash picks

                                                          -play one hero on ur main account for 500 games (has to be a slightly overpowered and high impact hero)
                                                          -start a new smurf, play only that hero

                                                          at ~200 games u should have more than 60% winrate

                                                          Vanity  ツ

                                                            Pick something, wait for them to counterpick, then repick and counter the hero they counterpicked with


                                                              Lot of good suggestions, but the EASIEST way to improve your win rate is to know tactics and coerce your team into following your tactics. The most preventable cause of losses is poor co-ordination.

                                                              I must stress that I don't mean "pro tactics", I mean pub tactics. Pub players don't have the same level of coordination as pro players, so you can't watch NaVi and just assume what they do will work in a pub game. When it comes to pub games, basic cohesion can win plenty of games that would of otherwise been lost, thereby improving your win rate enough to make a difference. Here are some basics:

                                                              1. Smooth out angry players. Players who get mad and quit, cause a lot of losses. If you can moderate a troll on your team, you can really prevent someone from checking out of the game (even if they don't leave they can still throw it). And obviously, never troll your own team, there are very few situations where this will help.

                                                              2. If you have a teammate who won't communicate or fight with the team, try to convince the team to follow that player. You probably won't win with four, so even if that player won't get with the team, try to get the team with that player.

                                                              3. Be what your team needs. Even if you're a carry, buy wards if your team won't buy them.

                                                              4. Raxes. Be sure that your team knows how important they are. Sometimes teams don't focus them, if you can give your team more focus on the most important objectives, you can prevent easy losses. Also, if double rax is possible, let your team know by pinging it so that they don't back after the first rax.

                                                              Basically you can only improve your self so much. If you can help your team be better as a unit, you can wield a greater influence over the game than your skill level would suggest.

                                                              Woof Woof

                                                                .ua is internet country code for ukraine like .ru is for russia ie ect ill try to be more transparent next time 2 avoid confusion

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                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  you will enjoy solo que alot more when you dont care about win / loss


                                                                    play support, most solo que plays carries