General Discussion

General Discussionfuck you volvo and diretide and fucken hats

fuck you volvo and diretide and fucken hats in General Discussion

    and fix MM thats broken ... fucken noobfest ....


      Let's make hats, moneymachine diretide instead of creating a ladder system.



      Woof Woof

        match maker is perfect no need to fix


          look at my last 3 matches ... new MM rox!



            I swear every second cunt is an absolute retard, WOW HUGE UPDATE, SO GOOD, not realising that other than the 2 heroes (which are nice), everything else is pretty much just cosmetics with stupid shit like socketing and other garbage that no one gives 2 fucking shits about. This game has desperately needed some kind of ladder/bracket/rating system of some kind, every other similar game does, and it brings with it a lot more positives than it does negatives. Without a doubt the most disgusting thing though, on top of making profiles private, hiding wins/losses, etc, is that they removed dotabuff's DBR without implementing something themselves within a reasonable time frame. Herp derp we don't like the algorithm they used, guess what fucktards, its better than NOTHING.

            I'm on the edge right now, most of my mates play LoL, even one of my really close friends that I've played DotA with since early WC3 has moved on to LoL. Its sad, I love DotA, but its the competitive nature of games that interest me the most, not "pro" or anything like that, but knowing where you stand and striving to get better and better is what I enjoy most, but its really hard to see that when the matchmaking is so weird that I can't even draw out a rough idea of where I rank. I didn't expect anything like this during WC3, even when most servers had their own ratings, but I would have thought a rating system of some kind would be a must if someone was making a whole game for DotA 2.


              wow diretide so fuckin boring, at first i thought it was cool then 3games later its just alawys same fuckin shit ????_?????
              thats for mmorpg players.

              King of Low Prio

                People thought they would get insane amounts of rares from it so they pushed for it saying "we love playing diretide". Very few people actually like diretide and they really only do it for what you get out of it.


                  maybe they mixed words rares and retards and instead of lots of rares they gave us lots of retards


                    @Sampson, not that many people wanted dire tide, only an ignorant idiot like yourself believed that. The real issue was that valve handn't shown any progress at all, and most people believed that was because they were working on dire tide, which wouldn't have been a big deal, but when we found out that not only had their been no progress (shown to us), but there was to be no dire tide either, and this was without any official communication with valve whatsoever.

                    Had they released an official statement, stating there would be no dire tide because a big update was coming, or if they had released one or two heroes in the months since TI3, then there would be very few people crying for dire tide.


                      80% of the work on this patch was on the new "itemization" - runes, recipes, modify all strange and unusual items, etc.

                      Quick maffs

                        I am PRETTY sure that a lot of people wanted diretide. On pub games, twitch, even fucking twitter a lot of retards spammed "give diretide".

                        You guys should try to play another online games i see how much problems all online game usually have, alrealdy the fact that this game is not pay to win its huge .... believe me.

                        I dont know where the fuck valve is going to get money without working on they payment model that is selling items, they need to get money, they NEED to sell items.

                        The funny thing is the amount of lazy nerds raging about how slow they are updating .... rolf

                        The only thing that anyone can reproach to them is they decision to not put a ladder system .... what is nothing compared to other online games problems.

                        People need to stop raging at FREE games .

                        But well i guess some people think dota is their entire life instead of just another online game ....

                        King of Low Prio

                          I am sure there are tons of other 8 year old kids like yourself who wanted diretide so I guess you are right. Valve is making lots of updates they might not be the updates YOU want but they are making alot of updates. They dont want to put in visible MM because they feel dota is a team game and having a solo MM option just feels stupid.(If you dont like that go play something else it is their game and they can make it as they see fit). Use common sense, a company does not need say "we are working" every day to prove that they are in fact working any reasonable person could tell that however long it takes they are slowly adding more and more content to the game.

                          King of Low Prio

                            @Dorkkly People wanted the free items and some of the newer people followed suit because the people who wanted free items made diretide out to be some kind of awesome fun game(when in reality its gimmick wears off after the 2nd game)

                            Totentanz to The King: M ...

                              You guys are the bad side of the community. You are way too selfish to see that the things you want won't always happen. First of all, this game is F2P. If you don't like it, you can just gtfo and don't lose anything. Second, Dota 2 is not the only game Valve has. They are actually looking after A LOT of things. Third, I'm sure there are people who like those "hats".


                                +1 to everything Terrible said

                                idk why everyone was so excited about 2 "new" heroes, they have sub 40% win rates right now in pubs. picking it is almost autoloss for your team unless you're actually semi-skilled

                                Quick maffs

                                  Sam is right, well at least i see that there is still normal people in this forum.

                                  "Second, Dota 2 is not the only game Valve has."

                                  This is the main issue that people dont seem to understand.

                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                  King of Low Prio

                                    What people dont seem to realize that Valve is doing one of the best jobs in how they acquire money from a F2P game. They are only making money from cosmetics and not adding items that effect the actual gameplay.

                                    King of Low Prio

                                      @Abnormalized It is valves fault that players are not good with new heroes?

                                      Quick maffs

                                        ^Yes and if someone lose is not only his teammates fault but matchmaking fault and valve fault too.

                                        Because its easy to blame everyone for everything.

                                        LH-El Barto

                                          diretide is tealing my items, why? dota dont give me the items, plz stop the bugs valve..


                                            2 weeks ago: "fuck u volvo, give diretide, stupid idiots do nothing for community etc. ..."

                                            today (diretide implemented, official excuse by Valve, new update, new heroes, matchmaking same as it was = ok) : "fuck u volvo, new update shit, u only wanna make cash$$$, diretide suxx, MM shit etc. ..."

                                            please guys, you dont have to pay NOTHING to play this game. If you hate it, than deinstall it. Noone forces you to play it.

                                            when will this community be satisfied ... every time I read this forum there are always unhappy kids who complain about a COMPANY who PAYS developers to create a game that players DO NOT HAVE TO PAY FOR! Get that in your brains or quit.


                                              volvo got almost 2 mil. $$$ only from compendium sells ... don't trash they dont have any income from this game ...


                                                ^you think valve employes work for free?

                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                  Actually I think many people just spammed that diretide for fun. I don't believe that many people actually have fun playing it, maybe the first few times (or people who tries to beat record) - most of all people just wanted free hats. Don't know why, it's fucking virtual fucking images. Instead of wasting their time making new hats, or boring ass mods they could have spend their time creating a ladder system which would satisfied way more people not only today but in the long run.

                                                  Make the ladder cost money, if it's all about $.

                                                  bum farto

                                                    This is the problem with people like you. No one is ever satisfied with what they get and always want something more.

                                                    Community wants diretide - community gets diretide - community realizes they don't want diretide but something else.

                                                    You people are like spoiled children just play the damn game nothing is really that broken just your perception of what needs to be fixed.


                                                      I am not sure if that was to me. I never wanted Diretire or random hats. But you are right, people often wants more. I just think a ladder could have improved the game way more in the long run. (many people really miss a ladder, or some kind of progression system)

                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        how can they miss a ladder that NEVER was in the game? Having a solo que ladder makes 0 sense in a team game just because other games make the mistake of doing it doesnt mean Valve should follow suit. All valve needs to do is make forming teams easier

                                                        bum farto

                                                          A ladder system will eventually come into play as in the past they have messed around with a few different things which all seemed to fail, or not work, or get abused.

                                                          I worked as a scrubby QA tester for a couple years and stuff like this takes forever to release and even when it is, it is still full of bugs and things that people want to see implemented. The issue is as well that it wasn't built into the game in the first place so now they have to try and work it into the current system without breaking or missing something in the long run.

                                                          Time will tell and at least they were courteous enough to try and please the community but a couple disgruntled solo queue'rs isn't enough to launch a massive overhaul of their current game design.

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            In reality all they really need to do is add back the 3 tier system. It is good for the experienced players and good for the new players.

                                                            Sōu ka

                                                              huh they've always had a ranking system and making a ladder is no problem at all
                                                              the only problem they have is that their system isn't good enough to be shown off and they actually want to have something special that doesn't hurt them(financially) in the long run
                                                              you can't just go and hire an expert in making a MMR in a 5v5 dota type game
                                                              people like that don't exist

                                                              it's like people complaining about diretide saying that it's not that much of a problem to port over since they've already done it last year while not realizing that valve can't just go on and throw out items for free without hurting themselves economically
                                                              in order to make something like diretide a success you need to have a decent business plan
                                                              you need new hats so people actually want the items you could potentially get and other rewards (new couriers)

                                                              it's like the international
                                                              i doubt that the event itself makes them any money- this year it was obviously a lot lighter on their own pocket
                                                              it creates huge exposure and fuels the competitive scene for the rest of the year so that they actually get free exposure for the rest of the year by 3rd party investors advertising their game for them

                                                              bum farto

                                                                I think a lot of people underestimate the amount of work that can go into what most consider a simple task. People hate Valve for giving them free games and other games at a better than store value price and think that Dota2 is the only thing that Valve think of and that Valve somehow owes it to them to give them what they want. Spoiled children.


                                                                  Come on. How can people be spoiled for wanting a fucking ladder system in a fucking competitive game? Even CS:GO got it. How many games do you know off where their is no ranking system? wow, lol, dota, strife, FIFA, battlefield, COD, sc2 - even fucking chess and hearts got it.

                                                                  Come on... People will eventually look for other games instead of just playing endless hours without having any goals besides having fun. You can have fun, and have a ladder system in many other games.

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                    Dota 2 does have a visible team ladder so saying dota 2 does not have one is twisting the facts. Just because you dont want to make a team is not valves fault

                                                                    Im the Bully of my School


                                                                      that just the new coach system... people post too fast on dotabuff

                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                        yea kd just proves everyone's point more. Jumps the gun to find ANY fault with the game even when there isnt one. Kids these days are so spoiled......


                                                                          ah , im tired of braindead people ... sry guys and hf ... :)

                                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                                            ROFL I dont understand some people. YOU made the mistake we correct you and you call us braindead?

                                                                            Quick maffs

                                                                              I dont think you shoudlt trashtalk against MM when your KDA and winrate with top heroes are so low kd ....

                                                                              In the OD, Doom and rubick game you were the one with more deaths.

                                                                              So maybe in another forum one of your team mates are blaming you for being bad ....

                                                                              Penis Monkey

                                                                                Gonna throw it out there, everyone moaning about the whole ladder system and saying they will move to other games... look at the amount of hours you've racked up, you really gonna tell me you're gonna move on? I'm sitting on about 1200 hours in total on DotA on a few various accounts and whilst I would prefer a ladder I'm certainly not gonna go to LoL to get their system. You play for the game, not for the ladder, and the fact that you want one has brought you to this website, a stat sharing website. You complain you have nothing and yet you can see your KDAs and WRs here, and all you do with it is call each other noobs and scrubs. In short, game is fine.

                                                                                Im the Bully of my School




                                                                                    Lol just as example I played a few months ago in high and even very high skill levels (I have no clue why im back to normal MM)
                                                                                    so what I can say is THAT THERE IS LITERALLY NO DIFFERENCE BETWEEN NORMAL POOL AND THE HIGHER BRACKTES
                                                                                    just in higher brackest Mirana and Buttseeker are extremly often picked and yes MM should be reworked mostly the russia servers should be filled with russians

                                                                                    Btw someone explain me the new Diretide ? Is that shit a fucking joke ?

                                                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                                                      Very high was for people who knew the basics
                                                                                      Normal was for people who had no idea what they where doing

                                                                                      Very high didnt mean the players where amazing but they knew the basics (the name of the bracket was misleading) I played a few games in normal when I was helping a new friend and if you are saying there isnt a difference you must be blind. Supports constantly auto attacking/coming into lane with a quelling blade. I am not saying Very high players where great BUT normal bracket was the worst dota experience of my life


                                                                                        Really ? Not sure about that I sometimes even had as bad supports in Normal MM as in the Higher ones, I just dont see a
                                                                                        difference seriously stomps, whinning about Bristleback beeing op,Carry with less then 10 CS in 15 mins thats my experience


                                                                                          first u stupid noobs cry for diretide , and now you hate it zZzzZ
                                                                                          Gosh worst community ever seen :D

                                                                                          Woof Woof

                                                                                            ^ i think u post that on wrong forum most people here couldnt care less about diretard

                                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                                              @pride I could only find a few High bracket games and the ones I saw where games in which yes they lost / won BUT they seemed to understand the basics of dota

                                                                                              King of Low Prio

                                                                                                games like is normal bracket

                                                                                                as bad as some people I have gone against I have never seen things like that in very high

                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                  not bad I liked BF on drow quite a lot lolz whatever dude you freakin searchin so long for this shit ? And games like BF on drow is newbie lvls hohoh im quite speechless now like there are people who actually understand the game in normal MM just wanted to point that out

                                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                                    No I just clicked last in the search instead of clicking next 50x til I got back to games that showed skill bracket :P. Well there has to be some but eventually MM will notice that and take them out of normal. My point was no matter how bad people think their teammates and opponents are in very high they are still miles better than one ones that people get in normal


                                                                                                      You can actually do that ? Had no clue about that sorry and take as example me I think I know atleast the Basics but I still used to have teammates like those Im not whinning im just saying its weird sometimes who you get matched with and well I have to agree that the bad players in Normal Bracket are probably more bad then the ones in Higher Brackets