General Discussion

General DiscussionPlayer rankings chart shouldn't include unranked games

Player rankings chart shouldn't include unranked games in General Discussion

    Would be way more interested to see the Player Ranking charts based on ranked games only, since most people play unranked with friends / just for fun.


      its super easy to abuse. for example i can get a fresh level 13 account and throw the 10 calibration games, get some trench 1k mmr and proceed to get 100% winrate in ranked or something similar.

      in fact with the release of ladder mm you can already abuse winrates really easily.


        How to get high winrate on unranked:
        Method 1: 5 stack russia

        Method 2: Get 9 bots/virgins like urself to go on SAfrica server with chinese or some shit and win games (other servers dont work very well because CPT. Taco selects all servers and languages)

        Este comentario fue editado

          It's not easy to abuse because the player rankings page takes in to account MMR

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            ^ wat?


              It doesn't, which is why my TA can't get in despite my 5.6k mmr lol.

              Probably still based on the old DBR a couple of years back, can any mod confirm this?


                Your TA has a relatively low KDA, that's why =P. It does take mmr into account (difficulty).