General Discussion

General DiscussionWho do you think are the Best pushers

Who do you think are the Best pushers in General Discussion

    Just recently left league after getting a 2.2k elo and figured i'd start playing Dota 2 my friend said it was a better version and i completely agree...anyways

    i was wondering who you guys find are the best pushers


    early game strengths/weakeness
    mid-late game strengths/weakeness
    why you feel they are good at pushing


    i feel like just grinding levels and split pushing would be the best way to finish quick in pubs since they arent organized, if split pushing isnt the best way please give me some insight tho on what would be, or how you got to where your at.

    Thanks ;)

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      Leshrac and death prophet are really good at pushing down towers, they drop off later in the game, but that shouldn't matter because you should end the game around 30 min everytime


        Lycan is the best pusher if you want to end fast. If you can farm Vlad,Boots,Necro 3 under 20mins then you can just end the game.
        But its really hard to pull if off on high lvl games 4k+ mmr


          still easy at 4k+ mmr, after 5k+ mmr people punish you for using lycan


            split push: natures prophet, lycan, invoker
            team push: leshrac, death prophet, pugna


              Drow Ranger - best pusher, no doubt.

              Mac_Lilypad [NL]

                If you count drow you should also country luna terror and Maby even medusa


                  @Mac_Lilypad [NL]
                  They don't have any pushing skills, while Drow can press "E" and push all three lanes at same time. When your catapults get ~+100 damage, they become real pushing power.

                  casual gamer

                    -can jungle
                    -can solo rosh with vlads + medallion (nashor)
                    -strong early and midgame
                    -fastest scaling pusher in the game
                    -good escape with ult
                    -you're picking lycan you scum
                    -OK lategame, nothing amazing
                    -easily ganked in jungle
                    -countered by heroes with 5s stuns like bane and void
                    -weak laning


                      ^ lycan can outlane ppl with his woves 120 damage crits are nothing in your eyes?

                      casual gamer

                        weak laning compared to, say, weaver


                          A lvl 16 lycan with Vlad,Deso,Ac,Necro 3 can also solo push a t3 tower + Both Barracks with Backdoor protection on in less than 20sec.
                          normal teamfights/clashes lasts like 20sec.. so...


                            Everybody forgets about Lone Druid.


                              Lone Druid with AC is a fast tower destroyer too, but not as fast as Lycan.


                                With Lycan you need to commit though. With Bear you can just stand back and let the bear chop down the tower.

                                Miku Plays

                                  why isnt anyone suggesting LC.... LC with AC or mael can solo push t1 to t3


                                    Legion Commander?

                                    TRASHCAN ALERT, TRASHTALK INCOMING. PREPARE YOUR B.

                                    Primordial Soup

                                      My pelvis is the best pusher.

                                      Miku Plays

                                        my body is ready :3


                                          drow does a really sweet job with treads/wraith/wraith lvl 6

                                          she can solo tower with 1 or 2 waves easily if undisturbed

                                          even better than lvl 4 edict maybe :/


                                            Been testing some hero's now so far... lycan and terrorblade has been able to demolish towers extremely easy for me...terrorblade was a bit faster imo they were also uncontested when i was engaged had to be a 3v1 to kill me or a 5v1 with chain stuns... i must say tho lycan's level 7 dmg seems unmatched... u can literally 2v1 any champ in game game once he gets vlad/boots dmg/sustain cant be handled by any opposing laners i've played vs so far... only time i had an issue was when i played vs a smurf with like a 5k mmr playing meepo and got fed...that was amazing to watch tho triple laning meepo o.0

                                            anyways i found terrorblade/lycan the best pushers so far terrorblade a bit better late game tho imo their pushing power is absurd...if this was anything like league and i could backdoor...could easily shut down a game alone fromt t2 tower to base in like 20 seconds but too bad you can't backdoor for some reason :(


                                              Mads, lvl 6 Drow with double wraith bands doesn't push faster than lvl 4 edict.


                                                Terrorblade's one weakness in pushing is his inability to backdoor.

                                                Late game more than half of his damage output comes from his illusions, and Backdoor Protection causes the building to take 25% damage from illusions and 75% damage from other units while regen-ing 90 hp/second (before it's own respective armour reduction, ranging from 10 - 25 armour), which takes out majority of his damage. Lycan on the other hand has an army non-reliant on illusions, which makes him a far better backdoor-er in that regard.

                                                Fun fact - a six slotted TB can barely outdamage backdoor regen, even if his one illusion can solo a wave of mega creeps.

                                                Without backdoor regen though, TB has practically one of the fastest reliable DPS on buildings.

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                                                Miku Plays

                                                  ^ six slotted LC can backdoor to throne


                                                    well idk i havent got to a six slot game yet i've just been pushing really hard in my games since they're pugs and there's zero teamwork and ending quick but i havent been able to actually "backdoor" due to the protection thing which im still struggling to understand o.0 there shouldnt be a upside to leaving your base completely defenseless we have scrolls/Tele boots to counter push o.0 anyways so far i've just been split pushing with waves since trying to backdoor vs that protection from what i found out early-mid game was literally pointless o.0

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      ^ six slotted Tiny can backdoor both T4 towers + Throne under 10 seconds with the correct buffs. He probably has the highest theoretical DPS for pushing buildings if his entire team gets skills which buff him (Bloodrage, Empower, Bloodlust, Press The Attack etc)

                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                        i said maybe

                                                        and it depends on the situation really

                                                        drow can still focus the tower with creeps around and give bonus dmg, while we have to assume lesh has enough mana to use edict while clearing the lane fast enough so that the next wave doesn't interfere with his solo tower spell :/

                                                        i guess lesh would be better if you had an extremely dominating lane like 3v1 and the offlane wasnt able to do anything


                                                          You wasn't talking about situation. You were comparing a hero to a spell. And the spell pushes faster than Drow at lvl 6, which I answered to.



                                                            you still need to activate it twice if there are no creeps around, the last time i checked anyways.

                                                            and i was comparing the spell because that's what we're TALKING about. you know? pushing?

                                                            i also inferred his other spells by mentioning "assuming lesh has enough mana" AKA lightning and/or split earth to clear creeps.
                                                            if you simply just attack creeps then it's less likely that you'll be soloing that tower with edict