General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's your best comeback?

What's your best comeback? in General Discussion
kiss my ass

    I have no words to describe my emotions after this game

    It's a biggest comeback i have ever saw in my ~4k games


      This game was so hard.

      Basically: Brood fucked me over early (those spiderlings and their poison are ridiculous), Pudge snowballed, but luckily top went pretty well, and mid went pretty well too (although WR fed Pudge a few kills early) so while we lost an early rax we were able to fend them off long enough for me to find the farm to push us over the edge towards winning the game.

      EDIT: Ok according to the wiki Brood's Spiderling's Poison DoT is bugged and does double the amount of damage that it should do.

      "Goes through magic immunity, currently bugged as of 29/04/2014 (6.81) as it deals 16 dps in two damage instances of 8 and does not stack."

      EDIT: Was bored, looked up DB matchups for the enemy team vs. AM.

      Meepo: -3.49%
      Pudge: -1.27%
      Bane: -2.46%
      Broodmother: -1.43%
      Slardar: -3.88%

      Total: -12.5%

      I guess to be fair AM has a -matchup against like 70% of the roster.

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        my best comeback is call the people pinoy noob
        then i mute them so i win arguement


          ur mom


            a long time back where I teleported to enemy T4s, made treants then my entire team came and we backdoored just in time.

            dunno if you can call this "biggest comeback", but it at least the most unexpected win I've had,


              All our T2's fell by 25 min mark(as long as i remember), and Luna just farmed farmed and farmed, came to fight with a Rapier, Doom got it, basically we had to def for another 2-3 fights but after that we just finished easily.

              The match got to long, so Void had items. But somehow Anti-Mage destroyed their ancient faster than their entire team ours. I had no fucking idea what happened for the first time.


                1hour and 20 minutes - Void was a 3.3k mmr scrub but hopefully he had Balanar tutoring him since he was 4.4k mmr and they were 2-stack, rest of us were 3-stack and opponents 5-stack. It wasn't a fun game...

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                Tormented Demiurge

                  Not the best, but a VERY recent one, Look at that chart going up'n'down, and their lineup was so push-friendly that we played for around 20 mintues without ANY Tier 3s.
         In this one we had to watch our asses and played super-safe, thus the chart advantage but in the actual game we were one fight away from losing.
                  And if this ain't a comeback I don't know what would make one.


                    Can't find YouTube video on phone, but our ancient dropped to 9 HP twice and we won

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                      Never had one,
                      I'm a quitter,


                        That's my best comeback ever and i totally had forgot about it but it's in my records just to remind me... ;')


                          1v5 and won, from an ability draft game


                            I call this game fake and/or both the game and the opponents were set up. It's impossible to win with such a score. What happened? :)



                              I was tinker and helped my team hold off long enough that spectre was able to carry. The gold and xp graphs were never once in our favor, not even after we won :)

                              I think we overcame a 25k gold deficit, not sure.

                              Spectre ended up with a godlike streak while ending with 13-10 ROFL

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                              SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM


                                they rat
                                see tower damage, so noob
                                this is defend of ancient not kill hero xx360noscopesupermkbcritxx

                                SOHAI KIA OF TANJUNG MALIM


                                  Carried with fucking DOOM

                                  WIN EVERY TEAMFIGHT WITH DOOM

                                  6 SLOT WITH DOOM

                                  BLINK DAGGER I LOVE YOU

                                  Lorne Malvo

                                    Match 705170742

                                    Lol Carry Veno and Treant. Luckily our opponents just couldn't get their shit together.


                                      Feed with meepo, then win against megacreeps, ez.



                                        That Sniper was just effing us up early game. We couldn't get organized, and we all just kept getting caught out. Then Axe takes the reigns and tells us to get our shit together, or we're gunna lose. At this point I said f-it, and instead of waiting to use my ult in teamfights, I'd use it when we're only catching out one guy. We managed to turn it around by the end, and it felt so freaking good.

                                        Fuck U All


                                          1h14min game.

                                          Got stomped the entire game and eventually left just with the throne. Defended it for like 10 mins straight or something and backdoored for the win.

                                          casual gamer

                                            When in doubt apply rapier


                                              we had no middle rax and bot rax and no t4 towers, only 1 ranged rax on top, while they even had some t2 up. we managed to win

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                                                Lol my last game. I guess.

                                                Normal tier level. Huskar got solo'd by Tinker 2 times. Mirana unnecessary feeds and took him an hour to get items. Tinker and Enchantress were ballin' all game. I'd go in to die first every time.

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                                                  Pudge had 5k hp
                                                  WK got shadow blade
                                                  Enemy tanky as fuck
                                                  Shit early - mid - late game

                                                  Won the super late game :)


                                           20k + exp comeback, not the best ever tho but this I played 30 min ago :D

                                                    Hex Sigma


                                                      Well farming is op in 2k

                                                      आप गे क्यों

                                                        My best comeback:

                                                        Mom: Go clean your room!
                                                        Me: But its MY room.
                                                        Mom: And this is MY house.
                                                        Me: Then you go clean it.

                                                        Needless to say, i rent now

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                                                          Just look at "difference in XP earned" it says all. =)


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                                                              probably the dumbest comeback game ive played?

                                                              i actually lose mid here cuz i had 200-400 ping. our lanes were losing so badly. they were pushing our t3 tower and took our range barracks. the enemy weaver just having a good time for farming his item. he got his desolator up and linken.. i was like we FUC KING lose guys. (shitty 5man stack) but mistake were made from this fucking spider. he bought divine reaper and got killed by my bh and alch. and i hold the divine and we won. ez


                                                                @dacheat, you can't expect a pudge to carry

                                                                bum farto

                                                                  In all respects we should have lost this one as we played like garbage (including me) for the first 30 minutes and we lost so much in that time that everything from there was literally a crawl but managed to pull back


                                                                  Game is hard


                                                                    NP rats it up getting bot rax while we lose a team fight middle of the game and throughout the game gets tier 4s. Then we win a team fight and push ancient while they buy back but they cant kill all of us. Gotta be the most demoralizing loss for them since they were ahead in every way. 1 team fight can win a game.

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                                                                        1 leaver, 1 lane of rax down and I still managed to carry my team.


                                                                          Just had another one. My skill is lower than ocean depths, but my teammates somehow managed to carry me out.




                                                                            Basically my team feeds hard early game, so I just afk farm mid a radiance, end a few enemy killstreaks while continuing farm, and everything comes toghether.


                                                                              Why would you ever buy a radiance on BS? For most people in the trench bracket it is like the ultimate dps item.



                                                                                Not really my best comeback, but my most recent

                                                                                We are way down early game (even though we are tied in kills). Their pushing power and farming capabilities forced us into our t3 at (maybe around 30 minutes?). They couldn't end the game even with 2 of our players disconnecting for 5 minute or so due to our teamfight damage.

                                                                                Long story short. We turtled. Won a few team fights. Pushed mid (taking down t1 -> t2 -> t3 + rax -> t4 -> ancients) then won the game

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                                                                                  I cant remember the last time I had a memorable comeback, I only remember the 3 or 4 miserable throws I've had in the last week or so. LMAO


                                                                                    Our comeback = enemies' throw, got sven's rapier after they tried to kill our ancient, top lel


                                                                                      so I should pretend I care about your comeback and post mine ?



                                                                                        Pretty much ^^