General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat mid matchups does alchemist win?

What mid matchups does alchemist win? in General Discussion
Robbo the Blind

    Been interested in experimenting with alch mid. Any idea when he is actually a good pick?

    Only one I can immediately think of would be TA in lane because the acid would make refraction nearly useless

    bum farto

      Quite a lot actually, I think more importantly while he can't really do much to contest a massive amount of farm he can be really annoying to deal with mid and can still get a sizable amount of farm. Some heroes aren't about going mid to win it or contest farm but more to get the faster levels and farms so they can apply pressure to other lanes while the opposing mid is still "winning" his lane mid.


        never pick him?


        Night vision reduced from 1400 to 800.
        Unstable Concoction icon.png Unstable Concoction
        Maximum shaking duration reduced from 7 to 5.5. Max power is still reached after 5 seconds.
        No longer continues to get stronger while it is in the air.


        Chemical Rage icon.png Chemical Rage
        No longer provides 250/500/750 bonus HP.
        HP regen increased from 15/30/60 to 50/75/100.


        Chemical Rage icon.png Chemical Rage bonus HP reduced from 300/600/900 to 250/500/750.

        Did you see any sign of this?

        Robbo the Blind

          Singsing has been playing him mid recently and to great effectiveness

          Dire Wolf

            The only person I know who ever does alch mid was my brother and he used to farm quite well getting like a 5 min midas and a 15 min or so radiance, I think those are good numbers? whatever it was, it was quite fast. No one really does that now, now I only see him going safe lane til 6, then all jungle til he gets a mjollnir and then tries to push towers.

            The regen is actually better than the bonus hp for farming and only slightly worse for fighting. I think the main thing is the meta has changed. He's a lot like anti mage, doesn't want to fight until he farms a couple big items.


              I really dont like him after his ult was debuffed. I preferred the health/mana regen to be a lower rate over the higher rate and no health increase by 800 per ult pop. He makes me sad.