General Discussion

General Discussionwhat happens when a 2.6k guy plays on a 4.3k account

what happens when a 2.6k guy plays on a 4.3k account in General Discussion

    1v1 mode only. I was TA in all those matches (this is the hero i want to master) (i was the TA that won)

    7 wins, 2 loses so far. 77,7% winrate, 2 games on ranked MMR, 2 wins (one with Lifestealer, which can be seen on screenshot, another one with void. So I play high impact heroes even though I am the worst player in the game and still I manage to get good impact throughout the game)

    the 2 loses I got was when i first played 1v1s on this account, so I was pretty lost and was getting dominated so badly

    so I analyzed replays and worked on what i was missing, and kept playing on this account of mine, here:, which has a 4.1K MMR, though it is in High Skill in the 1v1 mode (dunno why). I am 13/3 (almost 82% winrate) since I started this "experiment". I developed my skills pretty fast since then. Like, I used to get pwnd by a 3.8k friend, no matter what I picked he would simply roflstomp me. Yesterday we played 5 Bo3, I won all games.

    thats it boyz.. mechanically wise (which is what I was interested in the first place) I developed greatly during the proccess, I'm not claiming I'm now a 4k player because im sure i would get lost as I still lack map awareness and stuff, but atleast mechanically wise I think i'm pretty close (if not paired) to a 4k player, which was what i was aiming for anyways.

    dunno if it will lead to anything good in my matches anyways, but i am happy to see that you can learn much faster this way than I would playing vs 2.6k playerz.


      1v1 mode.

      Why don't you try solo ranked mm if you want a better indicator if you can play with 4ks.


        I played 1v1 mode once and just picked sniper and shrapnal'd the tower, that has no indication of how good or bad of a player I am.


          You're in high because that account was not calibrated in the very high range. You still have an undisclosed non-ranked MMR.

          Technically you haven't been playing at 4.3k in those 1v1s, probably around 3.5k or something.


            @frosty, because I want to get better at laning phase right now and I'm during exams period on university so I don't have much time to play in a sequence, thats why I chose 1v1 gamemode, because it usually won't take longer than 15 mins, so I use it as a break from the study. I'm not abusing hitting towers first, nor picking Jakiro/Leshrac or anything to push towers fast, Im playing an actual mid hero paired vs another mid heroes

            Este comentario fue editado

              I guess my point is 1v1 has no real indication of what mmr people are. The laning phase IS the most important part of the game, however it only is only a portion of the game.

              Este comentario fue editado

                @Guiri probably so. The 1v1 gamemode started from "normal" (below 3.2) and now its in high, I dont know if it has a hidden MMR that increases in the same way as you would in ranked, but judging by players skills im playing vs ppl around 3.6~3.8k mmr.

                I'll play a few more matches next week to see if I can get to "very high" in 1v1 solo (which means it has a increasable hidden rating) or not


                  @frostychee no doubts bro, I agree 100% with you and thats why I think i can't consistently play at 4ks yet, because the game in general involve a lot of factors that I can't develop playing 1v1s, such as map awareness, decision making and stuff. But my point here is to get as good as I can mechanically wise so perhaps it will be noticeable when I get back to this abandoned account here (which is sitting around 2,6k, I'm using this one to play while drunk or high or shit like that)

                  next week I'll leave my job and will get vacations on university so I'll be able to play more. Maybe we can have a more trustworthy experiment here, to check if I can develop another game "areas" (like positioning, map awareness) as fast as I could mechanically wise, but I really doubt so.


                    I am 2.9k ranked, play very high unranked and own shit in 1vs1.

                    1vs1 means nothing.
                    MM is fucked up.

                    It's all about the heroes you play your calibrating games.
                    I went full support and played Sand King in my games - and was calibrated at 2.9k.
                    I teached a complete noob a bit and he played his calibrating games with necro: he was 2.5k.
                    (and he's really bad - no map awareness, doesnt know every hero, even have no idea about the jungle pathes)

                    It's all about hero dmg, hero healing and shit. You play supports in calibration games you will suffer in MMR.

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                      good luck man

                      King of Low Prio

                        I sent a report via steam to get the account shadow banned (you realize valve can track the match Ids and just because you have it anonymous does not mean you will not get your accounts shadowbanned)

                        These experiments are extremely cancerous to the ladder

                        Quick maffs

                          Well congratulations man

                          Quick maffs


                            Cmon man its 1 vs 1 who cares, he is not ruining any games


                              @sampson well good luck on that, its not like i care for that account though
                              but i dont see how cancerous it can be if whenever I played a ranked match I tried my best and ended up having good impact and won the match

                              Quick maffs

                                Sleave if you lose ONE game you will be blamed man :P

                                King of Low Prio

                                  shadowban = a lock onto all accounts coming from your IP

                                  It is cancerous because while you 'think' you are playing correctly you are not playing at the level of a person at for example 4.5k. Just like if I bought a 6k account MM would create a match in which is balanced around having a 6k MM player


                                    dorkly well I will be blamed even if I lose on the 2.6k bracket :'( people so mean why they do dis
                                    but the fact is im not ruining any games lulz its only 1v1 and the 2 games i played on ranked mmr so far i won with good impact, its not like im intentionally feeding and stuff like that

                                    and its funny, when ur 3k and stack with a 1k friend and get matched vs 2k players and u stomp hard its all fine its fun how easily you can stomp, thats not cancerous, but when your under a certain bracket and you play there and still you can win OMG CALL THEM COPZ


                                      @Sampson and where playing 1v1s vs better players will ruin a game? except for me ofc that get rekt, the other guy will get his win and life goes on lulz

                                      Quick maffs

                                        Well good luck in your crusade Sampson

                                        Lets see if its going to result in anything

                                        ( spoilers: nothing will happen )


                                          im sure valve is worried about a guy who plays 1v1 against better players when they have people playing vs bots, cheating and abusing left and right

                                          Quick maffs

                                            GIFF PITCHFORKS

                                            King of Low Prio

                                              MM calibrates it based on you having a 3k player and a 1k player.

                                              For example rtz has a 6k MM and games will be created based on the fact that he can carry more weight than 3k player. Now if rtz continuously buys 2k accounts and stomps all the new players he is ruining the game for people in that MM range because matches are being formed around the fact that they assume he is a 2k player NOT a professional.

                                              King of Low Prio

                                                I am not actively hunting down people abusing MM but if you make a post about how you are abusing MM I will report it to get you banned because you people who do not understand how much it ruins games for other people


                                                  I get that sampson, but where does that relate to the fact im playing 1v1s, if it will ruin any game it would be mines, the other guy will just enjoy his easy stomp and move forward


                                                    rtz himself smurfs quite regularly while streaming for 7k+ ppl, plz volvo ban

                                                    King of Low Prio

                                                      You put the account on private so you can hide what you are doing. I am sorry if I dont believe that you will never play non 1v1s on that account.


                                                        well the benefit of the doubt shall be given, you can't assume im ruining games if you don't have any means to know it yourself

                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                          You're playing vs. 3,5k while 1v1solomid cause it takes unranked mmr in action.

                                                          2,6k play with 3,5k is a huge difference from 2,6k plays with 4,3k though.


                                                            dd-san, im playing with 4.3k, all the games I linked was vs 4.3k playaz as you can see from the bracket (very high)
                                                            the other account (muddy) is the one I play vs 3.5k guys and i'm 13/3. Playing vs 4.3's im 7/2.

                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                              very high is 3.7k


                                                                yea but the account is 4.3k as you can see from the lifestealer game, the one at "high" bracket is the muddy one. On the 4.3k account all games are at very high and thats where I'm 7/2.

                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                  ranked MM =/ hidden MM

                                                                  you realize you can learn about MM if you just open it up in google.

                                                                  Most people would think you would do some research before you start making 'experiments'


                                                                    what if i said that 4.3k account was entirely played by a 4.3k player, that would mean his hidden MMR is pretty close to his MMR, right?

                                                                    so.. :)

                                                                    King of Low Prio


                                                                      my hidden MM is alot lower than my ranked MM

                                                                      can you please do some actually research before you make your smart ass remarks

                                                                      I know Guiri stated his hidden MM like well over 1k lower than his ranked MM


                                                                        well because you played a lot of ranked and not that much on unraked, thats why you have a hidden MM lower
                                                                        now a guy played all the matches needed to get lv 13, played his 10 calibration games and then abandoned the account, i dont see how the mmr would be so different from his hidden mmr. he played pretty much every game as TA, in both unranked and ranked, got lv13, calibrated and never played it again, so i'm pretty sure his hidden MMR is somewhere near 4.3k lulz

                                                                        King of Low Prio

                                                                          you are still wrong. There can be a large swing in MM based off how you do in calibrations due to the uncertainty factor.

                                                                          Quick maffs

                                                                            Well if it helps in something at 3.4k i already had very high solo queue games

                                                                            just sayin


                                                                              he lost 6 out of the 10 calibration matches, so he may be sitting around his hidden rating, but all this arguing is pretty useless because doesnt matter what i say you will still come up with "yea bro but due to the uncertainty factor he got calibrated 1k over his hidden mmr eventhough he lost most of his matches during the proccess", and its funny that you defent a point like this because you were the one saying a few months ago that wouldn't matter if someone would smurf, they would get calibrate around their main account's MMR. several experiments have been ran in the sense that if a guy smurfs and he plays the same heroes he would in his main acc, he would get around his MMR (and you were in one thread agreeing with that) on his smurf. so im pretty sure thats the case

                                                                              but everything to prove your point, huh? but it doesnt matter, everything is going fine so far and you'll never admit that you may be wrong, so this arguing is as dumb as it gets

                                                                              gotta study now bro take care


                                                                                @dorkly no doubt thats possible, but every single match i play is in very high so i assume it may be around the 4.3k mmr as there is no big difference between the guys i faced in ranked and the ones i face in 1v1, but thats my biased opinion

                                                                                gotta leave, ttyl bro thx for posting

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  'and its funny that you defent a point like this because you were the one saying a few months ago that wouldn't matter if someone would smurf, they would get calibrate around their main account's MMR. several experiments have been ran in the sense that if a guy smurfs and he plays the same heroes he would in his main acc'

                                                                                  because you have no idea how MM works is why you are confused all the time.

                                                                                  I stated MM is based over a long period of time and you will eventually reach your true MM if you play enough matches (more data = more accuracy)

                                                                                  when you calibrate you are given a 'uncertainty boost' which lets you shoot up or down alot faster which will lead to your ranked and hidden MM the opportunity to split off at a faster rate (instead of slowly rising or dropping)

                                                                                  People being too stupid to look at all the available information(or too delusional to accept it) on MM is why these 'experiments' keep popping up

                                                                                  King of Low Prio

                                                                                    And just so we are clear I never once said smurfs will calibrate to their true MM, I said they would eventually fall or rise to their true MM once more data is available (play more games)



                                                                                      why cant u just add the players urself

                                                                                      3518 solo mmr.

                                                                                      3745 solo mmr

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                        1v1. end thread. why does anyone care about this mode? real games aren't 1v1. when they add 1v1 to TI then you can post this worthless garbage.


                                                                                          There is no such think "2.6k" player is better then "4k" player.

                                                                                          I'm 3.5-3.9k or call it sub 4k player, let's play 1v1.

                                                                                          I'm pretty sure I can beat you.

                                                                                          I've played some party ranked these days, got mached vs Invoker on mid against my SF. He was 2.7k mmr.

                                                                                          I literaly destroyed him. He was simply just bad. Over-extending in everything, missed tons of LH(as I would for an example if I played against 5k player) - and so on.

                                                                                          Get better. The only way to go HIGHER then your current mmr is to GET BETTER. :)

                                                                                          wasted penguinz

                                                                                            1 v1 ? srsly ? real game isnt 1 on 1 , nobody cares


                                                                                              Woah you so cool man. You be my idolize god. Oppa giff singnature plz


                                                                                                are you 2,6k for real?

                                                                                                also, 1v1 mm is shit just like unranked

                                                                                                we are on the same boat man


                                                                                                  in 4 of those 6 games you were playing ta vs skywrath, puck, sf. you can literally win these heroes without using a keyboard, so no biggie.

                                                                                                  Low Expectations

                                                                                                    V. High starts at about 3850 I know cuz I have been there for while at 3,7k its high.


                                                                                                      guys, no, high means HIGH like 5.5k mmr, very high starts at 6.5k mmr. very accurate info 100% trust the source.