General Discussion

General DiscussionEz plz

Ez plz in General Discussion

    Hi guys I am greatest player of my village, I listen to Ice cube hard core rap, and go to college, I am 34 years old, I have 3 kids, 1 with down syndrom 1 abortion, 1 walking backwards, Igor Kuzmanovski is my comrade, we fight in Kosovo war together, I wear hat of Robinzo Kruzo. I think I qualify for adminitstrator of this forum, please give to me.
    I nominate Grujo and branata for the ICE bucket challenge in 13 minutes. Donate for food and watter so I can go to cafe escape and fuck bitches, PS Kocov Dzole is greatest basketball player of my country.


      Op has my vote

      I'm 14k mmr let me mid

        Mods plz...

        Dude smurf me an account.

        Este comentario fue editado

          I will not dissappoint you all, I will proudly carry the burden like Void with mkb and divane. I name vice president Sampson, secretary of interrogation Voshkar, chief of security blunt and yes

          FUCK RUSSIA

            I am also first child of Drake and my name is Drake Junior