General Discussion

General Discussion8 Losses in a row....

8 Losses in a row.... in General Discussion
[DFG] Whale King


    [DFG] Whale King

      Just realized that im on my record...


        im 2-9 in the past 24hrs.

        thanks hero challenge. also generally retarded teams.

        [DFG] Whale King

          Im playing ranked and seriously... make that 9 losses

          poopkid 420

            go for 10


              pick storm


                ez -200mmr. They say once you get it sucked in it, it will be very hard to get out. thats 10 in a row but 10th didn't count :D. Not sure if it's bl or just you mentally collapsing from previous loss.

                [DFG] Whale King

                  10... losses

                  [DFG] Whale King

                    not playng particularly badly! I dont get it

                    poopkid 420

                      queue limited heroes for maximum ez life.


                        Change the title plx, needs an update :D

                        It's just a game but 10 in a row.

                        Pick your slark, i am sure it can get you out of this nightmare.

                        [DFG] Whale King

                          Hhaha Not sure how to change the title XD I'm so infuriated though. I'd JUST gotten to 4k

                          [DFG] Whale King

                            And I've done the most damage on my team in 4 of those 10 and never done below 3rd most damage despite playing support for half of those

                            We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                              OP don't worry. I have those moments as well. Playing on tilt isnt good however xD. Play another game or party with some friends.

                              NextStep ®

                                It's bout time to go for 11.

                                [DFG] Whale King

                                  I'm done for the night :(

                                  We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                    Wanna play pokemon with me?


                                      relax, its just a game.

                                      try playing it for fun. you might just escape your streak


                                        check my losstreak :(


                                          oh and ALL becuase of people leaving game or lagging out, one of the games we had 4on5 entire game and i got 20 0 and team still lost :(

                                          Ultimate Zerx

                                            I lost 20 in a row man.... But whatever. Just keep moving forward


                                              I had a bad series of games too I went from 4900 to 4650 in 3 days mostly from me playing bad but I guess I wasn't the only one.
                                              I've seen it all, people failing at FB --> griefing and proceeding to feed relentlessly, tunnel vision gaming, solo mid snipers losing games, and lastly 6.1k Slark using sandboxie to play cliff junlgling furion on my team.

                                              Stay strong :P

                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                              Dire Wolf

                                                go do something else for at least a day, maybe two, you need to take breaks to break loss streaks


                                                  I have 3 wins 17 loses in past 20 games.
                                                  I lost 350 mmr in a week.

                                                  BEAT ME.

                                                  [DFG] Whale King

                                                    Light, I'm really close to doing so

                                                    [DFG] Whale King

                                                      THERE we go! 11

                                                      Last picking is 4 pussies

                                                        Sorry fella laptop still broke and no funds to buy a new one.


                                                          play something else. constantly reminding yourself that you're on a loss streak just makes it affect you and you'll play worse. try playing to have fun and you'll probably end up with a clowny game that you didn't deserve to win


                                                            fyi payday 1 is free to keep permanently, but only for today, so grab it seeing as you haven't already. maybe it'll take your mind of dota, it's a casual co-op based game (although you can play single player)

                                                            [DFG] Whale King

                                                              Thanks Andro :)


                                                                grats on the win lol

                                                                go kill urself

                                                                  free wins = phase drums weaver

                                                                  [DFG] Whale King

                                                                    Ends up being the solution was to play stress unranked matches as storm :) Thanks again Andro, I downloaded the game ^_^

                                                                    [DFG] Whale King

                                                                      In fact loads of great games are free today


                                                                        ^ Not really you are just playing your best hero storm-spirt. You'd be amazed at how much impact one hero can have on who wiins.


                                                                          i lost a bunch today too bro. very frustrating. i just hit 5k again too. now im down 200 mmr. and look at my games. clearly i am the reason i lost so much.

                                                                          [DFG] Whale King

                                                                            Choco I feel you <3 I'm at 3798 right after hitting 4k... We're in the same boat I guess


                                                                              man, i've been going up and down too. win 6, lose 6, win 5. been floating between 4500 and 4700 all week.

                                                                              [DFG] Whale King

                                                                                I'll trade MMR with you if you like :D

                                                                                THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                  frostychee, hey e played together


                                                                                    haha dude that's awesome how'd you find that

                                                                                    actually how's that game v high, okii is like 2600 mmr lmao

                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                    THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                      yah, my friend is 4800 mmr and im 3200 and I support very well he gets matched with ppl who are worst then him and he carry ezy wins. It was ember who was my friend. I found it cuz i have dotabuff plus and I clicked on you. Anyone wants t stack add me.))


                                                                                        sweet man. glad you're reppin the USW. most people here are EUR or USE

                                                                                        THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                          yah, nice having fun with my friend winning games, its just we play and he dsnt teach me shit, I need someone to tell me when I fucked up and tell me what I should have done so I get better and move up. I play US W and E, the ping difference what like 10 to 40 max? also Im having trouble knowing what to do sometimes, like if im cent offlane lvl 4 and enemy pull, I can tp to safe and gank get something out of it, things like that or stack ancients.


                                                                                            haha yeah takes time to learn everything. i'm still trying to figure out what works and what doesnt.

                                                                                            haha my ping is pretty bad, I pretty much only play on USW (hawaii). 100-120 to USW, 180+ to USE

                                                                                            THICC BABY SHUM

                                                                                              Can I add you? mbe we can stack sometimes.


                                                                                                yea np man go for it.

                                                                                                Unity Chan

                                                                                                  everyone have those moments wen they lose 7-10loses in a row i had that losing streak a few days ago in my other account and the matchmaking is fairly broken eg if u were 4k u will still get matched with players that have lower bracket or higher bracket then u. im 4k in my other account but wen i add this person he was 2.5k good thing we won


                                                                                                    not that sadness again :(


                                                                                                      The more I read about Visible/Real MMR, the more I want to stay in unranked/hidden MMR.