General Discussion

General DiscussionThis is how to PLAY Broodmother - lesson number 2

This is how to PLAY Broodmother - lesson number 2 in General Discussion

    Match ID: 1481813471

    Yeah, it is a lost game. But I think most people here understand that it is possible to play good even if you lose. After all, it is a team game and 10 people are involved.

    I am not going to list any achievements and stats this time because people don't seem to find them interesting anyway.

    Just watch the replay and learn. Don't tell me you already know EVERYTHING. Please don't.
    The green graph is more or less completely due to my play. But my team feed and fail to use the space I created for them.

    I am not saying that this is the ONLY way or the BEST way of all to play Broodmother. But it is a very good way if you have a team that now how to play this tactic with you. Yeah, it is a team game and you are dependent on your team trying to play WITH you and not ignoring what you do.

    And yes, I didn't play good the last ten min. Just to tired and grieved about my useless team that lose my won game.

    Here, everyone that watches gets a flower:

    And here once more is the ice cream pictures that people seem to find so very important...

    If you want to hate me in this thread also? I could not care less. It just make you look stupide.




        Quality thread



          You are so stupied. The administrators knows I will just come back on another account. So why ban this account? And I am generating so much page loadings for them (which generates money for the owners).

          And TBH, I think the administrators are intelligent enough to understand that it is you guys that harass me. Not the other way around.


            I have nothing to really say, so just posting to let you know its spelt "Stupid" and not "Stupied".


              Also, abbreviations like tbh or btw are never written with capital letters, cz its "to be honest", not "To Be Honest Inc."


                Yeah I know. I always spell this word wrong. And I allready said I am bad at English spelling and grammar.



                  Does it matter?


                    Come on mods, you banned people who werent as annoying as this guy


                      Nah, I just grouped up with xG.XoD in order to senselessly spam this forum in general and your thread in particular.

                      Este comentario fue editado


                        "...your thread in particular."

                        Really? I have hardly seen you commenting in my threads for a week or so :) <3

                        the realm's delight

                          yeah i mean u banned me
                          2 times !!!!!!


                            Well, have fun guys. Now I go to McDonalds and eat hamburgers.

                            Dont get your selves to upset meanwhile. It is not good for your hearts. If you have any that is...

                            ;) <3

                            Love you all!

                            Hugs and kisses


                              I post rarely, but when I do, I post senseless bullshit. Ye, that's me, that's my lifestyle, busta.


                                Can't you create a single "CC1 - Guides" thread so we don't get new ones whenever you come up with a new build for some hero?

                                the realm's delight

                                  hope y'all like my artwork

                                    Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                      you forgot the headress

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                                            Why does my threads disturb you so much? If no one comments them they disapear in a few hours...



                                              I allready explained that this is a trash account several times. But I know that you dont want to understand that.

                                              "if u can find me 3 replays of u being the best player in the game (10 people) ill shut up"

                                              I will not do that. But you can go and view these games and see if there are any that fullfil your expectaions.


                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                Did you know that if you want to sell something, you can't do it by presenting it in a shit package, like the shit account you are posting in? It's common sense.

                                                Just in case, no, I don't mean literally sell. But I'm going to assume you knew this considering you have 3 degrees.

                                                  Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                                                    Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                      core items of eevery hero ' headress

                                                      nice brood, bogi, are yo ualive? :DD


                                                        Hi guys I am back from McDonalds now!

                                                        (I just did some minor postings before writing this here below)

                                                        Missed me?

                                                        Here is my food in McDonalds

                                                        Here is me taking a picture of a white pile of poop I bought just to entertain you guys. Yeah it is how entertaining mister Master Troll himself is ;)
                                                        Do note that even the ice cold ice cream has a heart on the bucket…

                                                        Here is a picture of my new "friend" waving and laughing at you guys. I never met him before but I told him that I am teasing you and asked him if he wanted to be on the picture and wave to you. Apparently that was fun for him.

                                                        Here is a picture proving that it is in the middle of the night.

                                                        Here is a picture on the pile of poop on my computer.

                                                        Sincerely yours,

                                                        Mr. Master Troll

                                                        PS. This is why I can't stay away from this forum:


                                                          if u a grill at least show pics, kappa


                                                            Nooooo my precious pile of poop is melting away from me...


                                                            It takes to damn long time to upload all these pictures just to entertain you guys. You should start paying me money tbh. At least for the ice cream ;)

                                                            Or just send me some nice cosmetics items. That would be fine too ;)

                                                            Love you all! Take care :) <3

                                                            EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                              My friends room reeks of seamen. It's quite disgusting.

                                                                Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador


                                                                  If you had read the link about H. Badger I posted in the first Broodmother thread... you could have read that ONE out of three reasons for me to come her to this forum is to troll. I said it there. Very clear. It cant be missunderstod.

                                                                  You can go read if you dont believe me. I dont care.



                                                                      this guy is rly kappa or? :D

                                                                      did he just troll all of us?

                                                                      or he's just geniuly stupid guy?

                                                                        Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                                                                        Quick maffs

                                                                          By far the best troll on this forum

                                                                          By far

                                                                          Clap Clap man

                                                                            Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                              Lol man. WP! XD


                                                                                If this Meta Designer guy is not trolling I don`t know life makes 0 sense, all of us need to breathe same air at same planet with a guy who has a IQ like a ant. ( don`t wanna insult the ants tho )

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                I'm Fucking Back!

                                                                                  "I'll admit that I'm a 32 year-old virgin. Although I can't even pull down my foreskin completely I still wanna play brood. Viva la Peru ajajajajajajajaja" - Meta Designer a.k.a Foreskin Puller 2015



                                                                                    Life cucks when u get rick rolled

                                                                                    isnt it kumbo?


                                                                                    : DD

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      If you guys keep replying to these retarded threads he will make new ones. He is just desperately looking for attention, don't give him what he wants.


                                                                                        ^but you've just bumped this thread when it was about to get to the second page. it looks like a contradiction to me.

                                                                                        Este comentario fue editado



                                                                                            how about bf on tony? make that new meta


                                                                                              thanks learned a lot from the replay

                                                                                              We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                                                                Me too learned a lot thanks!



                                                                                                  :) <3


                                                                                                    No I don't need your attention. If I want some love from people I just go out on the town and go to the stores that I usually go to. Many of the employees working there "love" me because I am always nice, talk and joke with them and give them compliments and so on. You can see how happy the guy in the picture above was to be on my photo even if I never met him before.

                                                                                                    Last time I was at the pizza store the owner promised me free pizza next time I come back because I was so nice and entertaining to him.

                                                                                                    Two weeks ago the vice operating manager at the nearest local Burger King gave me a VIP-card with this motivation:
                                                                                                    "You come here often, you are lovely*, you are always nice when you order food from me, and you are a damn good customer basically."

                                                                                                    *My translation from the Swedish word "go".

                                                                                                    Last time I bought a facial the woman that performed the service did not want to let me leave the store before she had given me a BIG hug. Because she like me that much.

                                                                                                    This is just not some ordinary bragging. If you read my next post I think you will understand why I tell you this. It is because I want you to read the books I have read. So also you can be nice and "successful" persons that "strangers" love.

                                                                                                    plz do

                                                                                                      pls make a twitch channel so i can follow ur guides better. all hail the new meta designer. god of dota and dotabuff forums.


                                                                                                        this guy is so next level retarded that i like him