General Discussion

General DiscussionSay something insightful about the previous comment's owner's perform...

Say something insightful about the previous comment's owner's performance in the last match. in General Discussion

    Cuz they cant counter it with ability and in 600 mmr no one has no idiea about countering omnislash with items

    Swap Commends

      U had the early game but lost in late.
      Invoker kinda ruined the game with shit items.
      U did ur best

      KGBlue Lives Matter

        looks their husk got a bit fed early before he and his team got dumpstered. Wp on your part positive KD lots of assists and 2nd highest Hero damage. I would have gotten an Aghs before the aether but it looks like the game did end rather quickly. GGWP


          19 kills with a crystal maiden. Under normal circumstances, you'd that was a bad thing, but your team only had 1 carry, and it looked like he didn't even participate unless he was forced too. Well played.


            You played well with puck and your denies are great!
            Your HD is not that superb and makes me think you only killsteal.

            Swap Commends

              31 kda dis.wp
              U won cuz of the right draft vs enemy


                Weird items but they abandoned and you won I guess so you can just clown around.

                Assuming you were offlane Slardar just go urn, blink into force BKB if you need to go in.


                  Carried your team, but even if you didn't you will outlast them late game


                    Didn't farm well for an LC. Sven carried the game.

                    Player 175043649

                      hell thats a nice comeback, but why do you buy sange yasha on bh? something like guardian greaves would be better imo since lion doesnt upgrade his mek
                      and you die too much for a bh


                        nice invoker, with that hd and td it looks like easy 1v5
                        easy stomp


                          You out farmed Sven!!! Overall nice stomp though, that rapier finish lol


                            Probably the typical roaming bounty
                            Looks like a stomp

                            Este comentario fue editado
                            Fee Too Pee

                              Both team line up is greedy. But hey u are an OD ez stomp. Wp


                                Gave your team the farm they needed to take a big 'W'

                                Fee Too Pee

                                  Got OD'd and zeus'd. And that necro ez dagon rush ez lost


                                    Aren't you supposed to say something insightful about my performance???


                                      @Parasin - wrong item build on Troll. Troll's optimal item build was very clearly worked out during 6.83:

                                      Phase->aquila->helm->(take rosh at 15 minutes)->SnY->Blink->(take rosh at 26 minutes)BKB->Skadi->(take rosh at 37 minutes)->Satanic->Boots of Travel

                                      Ending game with 3000+hp, permanent 522 movespeed, 200+ damage, able to permalock any single hero, 60% blind for 7 seconds on 12 second cooldown and a 30% movement slow for 5 seconds on 14 second cooldown which also gave flying vision for some reason.

                                      Great fucking balance Icefrog.

                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                      mom said it's my turn to ...

                                        so many fights yet just 226 xpm. oh and yet another invoker ughhhhhhhhh im so fucking sick of seeing another invoker in-game


                                          Holy hell, what kind of match is that ??
                                          4 Rapier ? 1 hour and 32 minutes ? Plus a comeback ? Welp, you should treat yourself to something now

                                          Player 175043649

                                            wow idk how do you win that match, but i guess it's sven mag combo right? your bh is doing ok with 4 lasthit (dont do only 4 lasthit) and 34 assist is really good

                                            Pale Mannie

                                              Not sure if low prio or not but anyway you created space for morphling and participated in every teamfight wp


                                                OD BALANCED HERO
                                                Carried your team and tide abandoned lol


                                                  Game seemed very uneventful. Not much to say really, their draft was bad. All their Techies seemed to manage was to stall out the game long enough for your 3 carries to get farmed.

                                                  Swap Commends

                                                    4 cores team wins late ofc.gj


                                                      Good: Item build.
                                                      Bad: Slow farming and timing for radiance spec.

                                                      Este comentario fue editado
                                                      Swap Commends

                                                        U were carried by you team.U were ksing the entire game I guess.U did nothing at all.
                                                        drow and wr won u the game.Also sick item build.


                                                          Nice game. Your farm was a bit meh but you did your job.

                                                          That Furion was a beast though. I chuckled a little too much at his name.


                                                            @ You got lit up: LOL! Typical of a normal skill tier player to talk shit. If you cannot take constructive criticism then say so. BTW, unlike you, in my game I didn't kill secure. I roamed and got all my kills during laning phase, early, and mid game. LMAO! I was the one putting pressure for drow and wr to farm and constantly ganked. The two carries were having a terrible time early game. You might want to watch the game before you talk shit and maybe you will learn something and get out of that normal skill tier.

                                                            PS: I am not the only one who notices the slow timing of radiance and bad cs in your last spec game. It is a fact no need to retaliate by talking shit and making shit up when someone points out your flaw.

                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                            Player 175043649

                                                              ^ noob 'high skill' smurf talking shit, dont ruin the thread brah, or are you phantom riki? because if you're him that makes sense

                                                              @Barbados Slim : it's been a while since i see tinker in any games, looks like you wreck them really hard, good job

                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                WP supporting man. Making space for morph and always there where team need ya. But maybe earlier levels point for ulti?


                                                                  @ Faye (Muted): Learn to read or follow the thread. I was responding to the normal skill tier noob who was talking shit. Stay in school kids or else you will end up like Faye; a noob who cannot read but wants to be a keyboard crusader. If you wanted me to stroke your noob friend's ego or dick and praise him for his poor CS performance in his last game then say so.

                                                                  PS: Are you phantom riki's abandoned child? If so, then it makes a lot of sense.

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                  Fee Too Pee

                                                                    Can someone just comment at my last match :(


                                                                      ^ I'm pretty sure u ganked a lot in the early game to get that much gold and farm


                                                                        @rikimaru guy
                                                                        that riki spam

                                                                        KGBlue Lives Matter

                                                                          gah that looked rough as it seem like you guys did well but then weaver plus injoker just caught up and rekt u.


                                                                            Welp, nothing crazy from your part i suppose. Looks like your Techies really did a good job in delaying the game.
                                                                            In the end you just demolished them all

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                                                              I don't like the item build. Going mek/greaves into orchid would've been much better than a pipe and as a result CM could've gotten smth else instead of that mek, maybe a bkb. Honestly, pretty much everyone in that game aside from sven and tinker made some questionable choices. Magnus should've gone refresher instead of cuirass especially since he had a bkb.

                                                                              Player 175043649

                                                                                nice game, mostly you won because good line up and the enemy team had a basher spec, other than that idk what else


                                                                                  @Faye muted - pretty decent farm, nice TD indicates you knew when to split and take towers I guess. Arteezy would get nightmares from your non-QB build tho XD

                                                                                  I can’t believe its not h...

                                                                                    You played with trixi, kinda cool. 20 min match, an ez stomp :D i like undying players


                                                                                      23/0 brood you owned really hard in lane and didnt let AM farm wp!


                                                                                        Absolute stomp.. Nice farm.. Though I wonder why the hell did sk feed so bad.. Kotl is a dumb pick either way.. He needs a vhs bracket.. In normal.. He's just feed.. Also I guess sd did very well as solo support.. Overall.. Scales tipped in your favor due to dumb draft on opponents

                                                                                        ASSESS Product

                                                                                          @CrusaderSK you dun have gut to buy divine rapier :p
                                                                                          Anyway wp.


                                                                                            ^had a divine in duels.. Just wanted to be sven with epic crits

                                                                                            Player 175043649

                                                                                              @Look at me. I'm captain now
                                                                                              your last games was 2 days ago, your team line up was really bad, no hard carries and a techies? i guess your team dominated them until mid-late game you start losing teamfights, and you have aghs with veil but only 7.3k hero damage? also nobody on your team push i guess

                                                                                              Swap Commends

                                                                                                ^ If u weren't just afk jungling & joining ganks,then gj

                                                                                                ASSESS Product

                                                                                                  The backstory is, i were the frst pick along with puck, cw, techies ( i already said to him, how much you kill what so ever you will never win the game). And the last pick is random ogre. We all ask him to pick hard carry. Man I really mad at him. fcking random last pick in MMR?! i gank a lot early game. We somehow hold the game for 50+ min coz enemy is too stupid for not buy a bkb. Seriously if he pick hard carries, pretty sure we can win the game but viper and fv is already fat in late game. The story of my typical 2k match.

                                                                                                  Shadow Moon

                                                                                                    Not very good HD on Sand King. Also I think you lost because none of you had late game hero

                                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                                    stupid fuck 2000

                                                                                                      The classic 5 core hero stomp.