General Discussion

General DiscussionWC3

WC3 in General Discussion
Linda | DotaExchange

    Does anyone plays that thing ?

    So i have crappy laptop, which can only run wc3 , so was wondering, is garena, bnet, rgc alive? I'd like to play few games, just to recall everything, so what you think, could i make it ?

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      Linda | DotaExchange

        Great, now just need to find where to dl it, and we are cool. ty,ty man

        Totentanz to The King: M ...

          You can download maps at epicwar, though not sure how updated it is.


            Last time i was playing it w3.arena was alive.
            Not sure if people still use it tho.

              Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
              Linda | DotaExchange

                That was the one i was planing on dl-ing, already have it bookmarked.


                  If you don't want to sift through the masses of maps on epicwar, just visit hiveworkshop, tons of quality maps there.


                    Gaias Retaliation is pretty much my favourite!

                    Mortimer Smith

                      WHAT IS WC3?


                        warcraft 3, mother of dota

                        Linda | DotaExchange

                          the thing we played before dota 2.