General Discussion

General DiscussionIs vlads deso basher still viable as a early fighting build for PA?

Is vlads deso basher still viable as a early fighting build for PA? in General Discussion

    With the reduced price of the deso is it viable to get these 3 to fight early?

    If so , what time range woudl these 3 items be most viable to get around?


      I prefer HoD over vlads on PA, grab an alpha wolf. May be just me, though.

      Deso is great early game! I'd think whether your get deso or basher (which is also cheaper) to be greatly situational. Do they use a lot of TPs when ganked, etc. Also, I'd also try and get a yasha before either of those, but that's just me.


        the only scenario in which I can imagine a Deso PA is in a snowballing mid with bottle and deso, like a TA

        vlad first item is not efficient, and if you play safe lane PA and go farm vlad deso you spend 5.5k gold and you have no survivability and no farming speed.


          I wasn't really thinking this build for a lategame 1, i was thinking farm these 3 items around 20 minutes to 25 minutes (although being solo offlane everytime makes this timing harder to reach), and then just roam and fight while our teams actual position 1 keeps farming.

          It'd be a midgame fighting strat.


            big fan of your avatar, Reese :thumbsup:


              If you want to fight U want to Skip dagger and get a hairdress, that really is all you need :kappa:


                Early fighting build without BKB? I don't think you'll be able to fight at all. Especially early, since spells are more powerful in comparison to your hp early on. Unless of course you are faced against five right click carries (even then you might need bkb for things such as Drow's silence etc)


                  Headdress > RoB > Maelstrom > Vlads > Phase or BoT > Daedalus > GG EZ


                    "still viable"???
                    when was it viable?
                    did i miss something?


                      it was a suggestion for an offlane PA build. focused on easy pick ofs mid game

                      Pom Pom 🍕

                        She's one of the best satanic-carriers though. Just go medallion after hotd if you want armour reduction and mana regen.


                          if you want a early game pa build i think basher is more favorable tbh..HotD + basher gives you sustain and good damage for ulti, It also gives you some kind of lock down for ganking.

                          Edit (build a bkb after these still..her build is pretty set in stone with her obvious weaknesses)

                          Este comentario fue editado
                          SWAG DRAGON

                            Still viable in normal skill? anything is viable in normal skill mate, u can buy dagon on any hero and win in normal skill

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                              casual gamer

                       the pa snowballed like crazy but idk if it was her going vlad deso basher

                                L > BLACK MAGE PARTY

                                  Was the last slot for aegis?


                                    treads, HotD, basher, bkb (situational) basically normal pa build without battlefury. basher>deso and hotd>vlads cuz transition into late game


                                      item passives are not disabled by silver edge fyi, just hero abilities.