General Discussion

General Discussionalche support/jungle new meta confirmed?

alche support/jungle new meta confirmed? in General Discussion

    get stout + tango, courier/wards if the other sup is an asshole,
    get bounty,
    give ur mid a bottle,
    go stack jungle,
    take as many bounties as possible near your jungle,
    take stacks,
    get 10-17 min agha (depending on how the game goes),
    win game?


      0/0/0 LMAO ahahaha

      the realm's delight

        hes a way better core, support is pretty bad. u can build him for utility, doesnt have to be carry items, check secret team 3rd game from yesterday vs fnatic

        the realm's delight

          wrong link , cant find the match on dutabuff gg
          was it really not recorded wtf i cant find it in dota client either

          Este comentario fue editado

            sure, but i mean it doesnt seem to be bad for pubs.. wr with 10 min agha + crit and 15 min daedalus always ends in rape i guess


              I experimented with Alch support too. I think he needs more reliable stun to become a support. ATM he is shit hero.


                ^ Sorry, i meant that it's not a real support- you keep stacking jungle and taking the bounty runes, youre basically not supporting ur safelane, but you're buying bottle and agha for mid which I think is enough support.. He certainly is not good for roaming/zoning


                  did you actually watch the game that you're referring to? EE was basically playing alch as a 4 position. puppey farmed the safe lane while EE farms jungle with acid early on, cos puppey can't farm jungle as efficiently.

                  anyway here's a youtube link to the game -

                  the realm's delight

                    yes i did watch the game and thats was definitely not a 4th position alch, just because he goes into woods to farm stacks and build him that way + gets an early aghs for veno it doesnt mean hes 4 lol
                    what do you want veno to do while alchemist farms woods? look at him clear the stacks? ofc he gets the lane. its just as common as 6.82/6.83 lycan going woods early and lettings supports get lane

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                      you could do the same thing that he did as a greedy 4 position. having farm priority early on does speed up the aghs cos you can get the early farming items. but it's really not that different from an alch leeching XP and then going into a jungle while any other hero farms the safe lane.

                      he got temporary farm priority so he could get the solar and then after that he mainly farmed the jungle which would still happen as a 4 position alch.

                      saving private RTZ

                        By definition tho he was a position 1. He took farm priority he just decided to go jungle afterwards. And no, not any pos 4 support can clear stacks so easily and 2x gold for it lol.

                        OT: no, you dont have to fuck up your lanes just to build utility items. Alsojust giving aghs makes you pretty useless , i would still get a blink just to hit the stun.

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                          the realm's delight

                            ^ thats what i said as well
                            "alch leeching xp" doesnt make any sense in a competitive game, you have to help your carry in the early stages especially against an undying and whatever hero they had on offlane i dont remember, you dont leech xp, that "greedy pos 4" has nothing to offer, if u skill stun to help u dont farm as effectively anymore in the woods