General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed advice on heroes below

Need advice on heroes below in General Discussion

    Disruptor, Witch Doctor, Winter Wyvern

    tl;dr: i have no idea how to play these heroes (low 4k) and I want to learn them


      all require excellent positioning

      all are built for coordinated early game aggression

      Skill builds are all situational but i usually max glimpse on disrupter, cask on witch doctor and splinter blast on ww. WD and WW especially you'll need to be a little patient in teamfights (unless your team relies on you for the WW ulti or if you see a massive opening)

      aghs is probably the best late game item for disrupter/wd.

      dis/ww are viable mek carriers

      disrupter's Q gives you a timing indicator for glimpse

      ward vision of tower is useful for glimpsing units back to where they came from

      wd and ww are two of the best heroes for a tp support counterrotation

      that's what first comes to my head. GL

      < blank >

        TL;DR: Used TL;DR for a TL;DR text

        Dire Wolf

          Practice them? Idk.

          Disruptor is all about timing your glimpse and static wall things and ult positioning. Don't level his nuke/Q much, the other abilities more useful.

          Witch dr it depends on what you want to do. Leveling his heal early on a push team can be game breaking but no one usually pushes enough to matter. Maledict is one of the strongest early game damaging abilities out there, use cask to set it up. And then obviously aghs + glimmer cape is pretty op later.

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            Dire Wolf

              You can't stick to only one build on witch dr, maledict is so strong, sometimes you max it. Cask can be very strong but sometimes all you need is one stun to setup maledict. Sometimes his heal is not used.

              Maledict though, increases the dmg dealt during the first 4 seconds by 56% as magic, it's like a huge damage amplification on and nukes you have, makes it really easy to score kills.


                Disruptor is a pretty situational pick, remember that every single one of his spells is blocked by BKB. I usually only pick him to counter certain heroes, those being Spirit Breaker, AM, QoP, IO, Tusk, being a few.

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                    what does tldr means?

                    plz do

                      ^ too long, didnt read

                      plz do

                        fun way to play disruptor:
                        harrass w max q and glimpse. (mb 1 point in e)
                        unfortunately disr falls off in late game a lot. standart support build w glimmer/solar/meka/force later agha mb.