General Discussion

General DiscussionIs new lycan better?

Is new lycan better? in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I've only seen lycan once in 6.86 and he seems pretty op. With ult his necro 3 and wolves chase you down and demolish you, he doesn't even have to participate if he doesn't want to. Just wondering anyone else's experience, I have yet to play him. Old lycan I always played as a rat, new one looks like he might be able to fight more. And cripple on wolves? Seems like it would make jungling a lot easier with that attack speed reduction once you get to lvl 3, plus iron talon.

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      cripple only helps for rosh i think other than that its completely useless
      but hes better

      Dire Wolf

        it should help on regular creeps before you finish vlads no? My lvl 2 wolves still die a lot or I tank and hover around half hp.

        Is talon a worthwhile starting item? Maybe I'm weird but I used to actually get stout shield, qb, tangoes.

        Livin' Real Good

          Iron talon is sick on him, you can ACTUALLY JUNGLE WITH HIM now, and even start on the hard camp. Before you had to start from the small camp, even had to suicide in some strategies, it was so bad. Iron talon just makes him get levels so fast (stronger wolves) and an easier Morbid mask. I just saw some top 50 Lycan on Twitch DESTROY this 5K average team.

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            I was watching streams of Kudes, qSnake, and !Attacker streams last night. They kept meeting each others in matches.

            qSnake was abusing Spectre and Kudes' team had Lycan. They tried to win in 25 minute rat having Chen with them. They succeeded. Hence, I gathered Lycan is still good at ratting (in one match, they didn't have Chen but still won.)

            Then, today I watched Matumbaman of Liquid with Lycan in on-going Star-Ladder tourney. His Lycan was a fighting Lycan. He's really good with Gyro & Lycan and Wolves can pin a support down at lvl4.

            In both cases, Lycan with books or Lycan with Basher+Deso is completely frightening. I think, Lycan is good and back again.

            I would prefer having Venge in same team, though, just in case.


              "They tried to win in 25 minute rat having Chen with them."

              do you even know the meaning of rat


                seems like nowadays anything that involves hitting towers is ratting


                  Sano: The Most Purist of Pedants Strikes Back!

                  Rat is a rodent which resembles a mouse. It has long tail and pointed snout.


                    seems more like deathball to me


                      sure just spout incorrect bullshit and when people correct you say it's pedant


                        well he might mean chen+team hitting a tower and lycan taking one in other lanes, which is ratting

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                          @sano: We should not argue. It really takes the focus away from the topic and actually annoys the person who is seeking answers.

                          Rat for me is when you are pushing one or all lanes in order to secure/destroy structure but not committing to team fights.

                          They were doing it two way with Chen + army & 3 heroes at one side while Lycan popping book and ultimate on other side. I don't know what you call this one but I deem it rat when you are not committing to fight.

                          It would had been better if you said: "Hey, I was watching it too and I think it wasn't rat," but, okay.

                          Hence, in second part (Matumbaman) I used the word "fighting,".

                          Please take one sentence out of it again, put it in between inverted comma and show your condescending sarcasm which is completely different than "when people correct you,".

                          @Kristaps: they weren't fighting enemy team, weren't killing them in process, they were just distracting them and securing towers from two sides -- so I'm not sure if I'd use deathball term. But, if it suits you, it doesn't harm anyone.


                            ^ who's pedant now, rofl

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                              whos pidar now

                              Dire Wolf

                                you can rat at 25 mins, you can rat at any time if you just avoid fights, but really don't care, was just wondering about lycan and if he's better at fighting now or pure rat like before.

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                                    I prefer to lane with him then after the laning stage just go ham on towers, farming and yes carry a tp scroll to allow you to take part in team fights, I've played him loads in 6.86 and he's so fun, his passive also makes last hitting ridiculously easy if paired up with a quelling blade.

                                    Dire Wolf

                                      I did a couple jungle games with him since this, jungle works. He honestly feels almost exactly the same, I still have to avoid most fights cus he gets blown up or kited, but when ult is up you just put your creeps on stuff and it dies, then ult is down and you get kited lol. So he's a good fighter but only when his ult is available. Pushing ability is the same as it always was.


                                        Lycan is actually pretty strong now however I prefer him actually MID at the moment

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          haha mid lycan I'm sure that'll go over well in pub play. But if you get quick necro book it's like free kills on anyone, finish vlads second

                                          Riguma Borusu

                                            ^mid lycan is ocassionally seen @ competetive, much like mid beastmaster, the reasoning is that he can get lots of farm given a good matchup, is tanky and not that easy to gank, etc.