General Discussion

General DiscussionDotabuff

Dotabuff in General Discussion
The Creator

    where did my team DotaBuff?


      u dont know? lol i always know when my team does dotabuff

      The Creator

        she disappeared from this site

        Riguma Borusu

          gotta tell you son there's all sorts of things to abuse like meth heroin etc

          but dotabuff.. now this thing be the worst of them all they get hooked on it for hours and hours and lose their precious time and by the time the high is over they are all just shivering

          nasty thing this dotabuff


            my team usually dotabuffs in amsterdam

            The Creator

              my team disappeared from dotaBuff. this is a bug?




                  gotta love such threads B O Y S


                    I accidentally Dotabuffed 500MB of RAM
                    What do I do?


                      Im dotafupping right now while riding the train

                      Oh wait!



                        I would turn lesbian for you Benao.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          shitpost eternal

                          Pale Mannie

                            i understand nothing about this post

                            Este comentario fue editado

                              TFW your team dotabuffs and dies Xd