General Discussion

General DiscussionAll i want for my birthday is to be healthy again

All i want for my birthday is to be healthy again in General Discussion

    Stay with me in your minds on my b-day guys, my condition is getting worse again and i dont really know what to do anymore.




        complain about ur irl problems on an online game forum?

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          there are so many paths u can choose

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            < blank >

              If I do a vacation in a slavic country and something happens to me I'd never let them operate me in their country, no way

              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                will u die? srs q


                  Triple - do you really think i didn't do everything that's in my power already to find the cause of my problems? Long long hours of waiting in emergency centers and their departments and no one actually gives a fuck cause you're young and never had serious problems before. They take your blood and urine and if it doesnt show something drastical (even if it does) they're too fuckin retarded to take proper action, even if you can hardly walk and you live in unbearable pain.

                  Honestly, if i had any spare money left (it's all gone since i cant do anything for 5 months already and bills need to be paid) i'd go and pay for diagnostics this moment, but sadly can't. I lost all trust in diagnostics of our shitty health system. The best thing is to avoid them with all you got and stay healthy as long as possible. Take care guys.


                    Just don't worry about it and do what you like to do

                    And a very Happy Birthday to you

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                      thats not something u should come on a dota forum with


                        Its "general"discussion cyka TripleSteal


                          Deadweight, can you share at least what kind of problems you have, and what's happening?


                            wheres my comment?


                              I lost all trust in diagnostics of our shitty health system.

                              this is very true for me, but i live in like the worst country in europe.
                              where do u live man?

                              King of Low Prio

                                Man it must really suck for people born outside of Canada the rest of the world is horrible

                                ASSESS Product

                                  Not sure if troll or serious. I cant tell since I browse 9gag a lot.

                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                    hes actually serious, hes been previously talking about his critical health condition as well

                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                    ASSESS Product

                                      Really? OP dun give up. Idk what is your sickness but just keep positive. Placebo is might do the trick.

                                      Edit: Happy birthday OP. Just keep in mind everything that happen must have its own reason and might have its pro, con. Hope you will get better soon.

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                                      Player 175043649

                                        you can always git gud at dota before u ded
                                        but seriously just put your mind into religion so you can live a 2nd life or in heaven (or at least u tried lol)


                                          Sampson, why do you have to be such mentally disabled piece of shit?

                                          me, government hooker

                                            thats not something u should come on a dota forum with

                                            everyone report this impassive poster

                                            ASSESS Product

                                              ayy lmao



                                                  Happy birthday buddy.

                                                  #All men are created equal, only the best born in may.

                                                  Mr. Furryhentai

                                                    dont report him


                                                      sorry, gotvet, too late

                                                      < blank >

                                                        this is the nicest that gotvet ever posted in this forum

                                                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY


                                                          Holy Roman Empire

                                                            When is/ was your birthday?

                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                              holy shit

                                                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY
                                                                Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                  How to report guys, have never done this before?


                                                                    He might be dying guys. RIP his soul


                                                                      Answer my question above ^


                                                                        I'm from country called Slovenia where they can transplant or fix heart issues without any problems, but cant diagnose severe abdominal organ(s) problem till it's too late and "healthy" person fuckin dies out of nowhere. The worst part is NO ONE is resposible if they fuck up, often they even get promoted to better payed position and you get fucked unless you pay best specialists with your own money and take things in your own hands - even tho i pay 60eur every month for health insurance (10% of minimal wage). I'd pay for specialist right now if i wasnt broke cause i can't fuckin work, have terminally ill mother and my father 1 year till pension without job. But w/e, hard life.

                                                                        Shred - i'm suffering for sudden extreme exaution and chills over my body (sometimes i can't even feel hands or feet), intense pain in the kidney area which is swollen too and pain in the upper abdomen on left side. Also i have to pee 20-30 a day and even tho i drink 2-3l of water every day my mouth is dry and i feel thirsty all the time. Water just doesn't stay in the body somehow. I also have constipation and diarhea who switch on every few days. I went to our internal medicine "specialists" 3 times and they sent me home cause "i was fine". First time when i saw blood result test even i could tell that pancreas enzymes are much higher than they should be - they did nothing or they didn't care. All they did was SOMEHOW roentgen of my lunghs TWICE, which showed that lunghs were fine already the first time and they still repeat it.

                                                                        I'm searching for 2 months now what could be the cause of my problems, eating super healthy and taking different sumplements and i nicely explain them everything everytime, what hurts and what symptomes do i have and they DO NOTHING. No diagnose, no medications, nothing.Then i go back striving to survive. At least till the next time i just HAVE to go to doctor again cause i can't take the pain anymore. Honestly, fuck the medical system and careless people that work there.

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          Ah the balkan medical syndrome.

                                                                          Don't worry my friend. Death is a release from life in the Balkans. I'd say this is sarcastic or ironic but I too have some medical conditions that nobody takes seriously, possibly not directly as dangerous as your problem, but they might still halve my lifespan.

                                                                          But yeah, fuck life, if you're born @ Balkans, either flee or die. Sounds depressing, but that's how it is here, god help you if you are not healthy, chances are nobody will give a fucking shit if you're 20 years old and you just might be a tragic case of "he just died" because nobody cared enough to properly diagnose you.

                                                                          Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                            ^flee is the right answer, I don't get the point of staying in a shitty country that doesnt give a **** about you (I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend your homeland but there is no time for patriotism when ur life is at risk). Hope your health gets better as soon as possible.

                                                                            Below the aliases there is a "report player" option

                                                                            Riguma Borusu

                                                                              Well, of course, but you are not always in position to flee. My idea is to finish uni and get the fuck out of here if at all possible. Hopefully Deadweight would be able to pull something like that off too. People tell me that nothing is perfect even in more developed countries, which is true, but I am pretty sure that at least fewer people die to completely preventable shit than in Serbia.

                                                                              rice cake

                                                                                If i were you, i'll go to a shaman to diagnose wether the symptoms are caused by some black magic or stuff. IDK though if shaman practices exist in EU.


                                                                                  I wish u bring back your health soon and cure the illness
                                                                                  god bless you


                                                                                    Didn't know ur conditions were so bad. Hope you get better man. Health problems really suck. Just remember the future is probably less painful, wether you're dead or get your problems sorted out.

                                                                                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                      Your problem actually looks like diabetes. Obviously I'm no expert, but don't eat sugar AT ALL.

                                                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                                                        It is impossible not to eat sugar, if we do not eat or synthesize glucose, we will die. But reducing digestible sugar intake in general should be a good starting point if you have certain problems.

                                                                                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                          I mean, obviously the fruit you eat or milk you drink will have sugar, but even that is too much sometimes and on top of that a lot of people just eat lots of sweets and desserts.

                                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                            Have you considered paid online consultancy from doctors abroad? Look into it op. Hope you atleast don't need prescriptions in your country.


                                                                                              Didn't know you have such problems bro. I really hope everything works out good for you, and I hope you'll be okay.

                                                                                              It's normal to be afraid for your life, and I understand you.

                                                                                              Have you tried to turn at some sort of "natural medicine" or idk how do you call it, to see if some other people could help you?

                                                                                              I don't know if you know what I mean.



                                                                                              Have you thought it's maybe something like that?

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                                                                                                Maybe the chills and exhaustion are panic attacks triggered by your existing kidney problems.

                                                                                                Guy Riki
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                                                                                                    How mentally retarded you have to be... :/

                                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                      Whatever you do, don't give in to shamans, "natural medicine", homeopathy and similar crap, it doesn't work. You need proper medical treatment. BTW is there any possibility for you to open up some sort of a fundraiser?

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