General Discussion

General Discussion6.88f Discussion Thread

6.88f Discussion Thread in General Discussion

    Title ^

    I am happy with the Kunkka rum nerf, that stuff was so strong. The morph nerf was understandable. OD laning got slightly nerfed.

    Fixed return on centaur illusions (feelsgoodman)

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      thank god

      Hatsune Miku

        ffs icefrog maybe dont let passives work on illusion then


          Ouch, i hope the nerf on Oracle and Shadow Demon doesn't make them too bad in early stage


            i dont know what to play


              Luna+sd strat is more cancerous than drow strat tbh so nerfing drow isn't going to change anything, this patch is just dogshit in conclusion people will just do about anything disgusting to win 25 not saying im not one cause if you cant beat them might as well join them :v

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                6.88f: not enough pa nerf + undeserved already trash arc nerf + batrider nerf

                drow ranger and omni nerf is good tho


                  overall good nerfs.

                  im not sure how hard omni got hit by the repel duration, i still think he is tier 1 pub carrying hero.


                    this update is


                      ^ this patch is garbage

                      ?.Stock @zzo

                        Good and all around deserved nerfs imo.
                        I have the feeling that the purification cast range nerf is kinda big. But I can't be sure since I don't play much that hero.


                          Instead of only nerfing Heros they should reconsider buffing Heros that you only see played once every 100 games


                            In pubs omnik is gonna trash enemies even more cause of purification cd decrease.


                              you lose that second again by Walking into a 575 range, wich is quite short tbh if you dont Position yourself well


                                Purifying Flames manacost increased from 50/60/70/80 to 80/85/90/95
                                * Torrent cooldown increased from 10 to 16/14/12/10
                                * Ghostship Rum damage reduction changed from 50% to 40/45/50%
                                * Shadow Poison manacost increased from 40 to 55
                                * Atrophy Aura attack damage reduction changed from 18/26/34/42% to 10/20/30/40%
                                * Morph Replicate cast time increased from 0.25 to 0.35
                                * Morphling base damage reduced by 4
                                * Drow Ranger strength gain reduced from 1.9 to 1.6
                                * Purification cast range reduced from 700 to 575
                                * Purification cast point reduced from 0.25 to 0.2
                                * Purification cooldown reduced from 10 to 9
                                * Repel duration rescaled from 4/6/8/10 to 5/6/7/8
                                * Repel cooldown reduced from 14 to 20/18/16/14
                                * Outworld Devourer base damage reduced by 6
                                * Starfall Scepter cooldown increased from 9 to 10
                                * Faceless Void base armor reduced by 1
                                * Stifling Dagger cast range reduced from 825/950/1075/1200 to 525/750/975/1200
                                * Spark Wraith no longer dispels (still slows)
                                * Arc Warden movement speed reduced by 10
                                * Healing Ward manacost increased from 120/125/130/135 to 140
                                * Smoke Screen slow reduced from 19/21/23/25% to 13/17/21/25%
                                * Track movement speed bonus reduced from 20% to 16/18/20%
                                * Nyx's Scepter Burrow cast time increased from 1 to 1.5
                                * Flamebreak knockback no longer interrupts channeling spells (behaves like blinding light)
                                * Flamebreak burn duration increased from 3/4/5/6 to 4/5/6/7 (total damage increased)
                                * Fixed Return working on Centaur Illusions


                                  Seems like I have to find another hero to spam :(


                                    me after reading pa nerf:

                                    Président® Salted Butter

                                      RIKI NERF NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO


                                        underlord going undetected by nerf bat thus far


                                          @bws spam ck and play kids like a fiddle lulz


                                            whats with all these mini patches where all I see is nerfs?


                                              Bat rider nerf is more cos of a pro scene, but we all know that. Arc is not trash at all and its not the nerf I would like to see. His ultimate cd is too short. He is still OP in 5k+ brackets.

                                              Rip PA roam.

                                              Omni got nerfed big time. I dont remember how many times I saved a guy who was a 1-hit-kill and just got into range to heal him. Now u will have to stick to your cores 24/7 if u wanna play this hero. Aether lens is a core item on him now.

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                                                Nice Every Nerf to other heros is a buff to Medusa <3


                                                  @zero good idea ahahaha
                                                  I'm sure my CK isn't that horrible to drag me down 500 mmr or something lul


                                                    nerf morph more plz iceFrog

                                                    Preap Sovath

                                                      Pudge and Meepo still survive.

                                                      Io has nerfed the patch before.

                                                        Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                          Obviously it's hitler
                                                          You can't kill oracle cuz he's OP

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                                                            casual gamer

                                                              yeah im pissed as fuck about oracle nerfs

                                                              just means i will have to play ww more instead i guess

                                                                Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                                                  Dude why gaben keep nerf my morph ? Ithink morph is hard hero and not everyone can play it very good . Pls gaben stop nerfing ma hero . Try to nerf ur fucking battle pass lvl prize . F4ck u gaben


                                                                    Omni nerfs! Is this real life?

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      omni nerfs are very appropriate, repel was one of the most op spells in game

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        It seems like we’ll be living with patch 6.88e for a couple more months,

                                                                        anyways as long as they dont touch slark im gucci

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                                                                          omfg my wishes were finnally heard ;oo bye piece of shit omni players ^^ and thank the lord for kk nerf also, im in love with this pathc)))

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                                                                            nerfing a hero that only appears in pub games and even then, not often cz of being boring to play, is quite a weird idea


                                                                              arc is fine, stop nerfing him already

                                                                              お Knight を

                                                                                wtf! is this mobbing? its ridiculous how many nerfs oracle and arc got since they release, i mean some nerfs are ok but this is way over the point. i think icefrog need to nerf oracle and arc every patch to feel happy. most nerfed heroes in history of dota i think...

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                  Arc has 285 ms right now, wtf? It's almost as slow as invoker, meanwhile invoker has massive speed buff from wex, and he builds items like eul's drums and bots to make it up, arc is just screwed if got caught in early mid game. 10 ms nerf is huge for a hero that is already slow. Spark wraith nerf is well deserved, he used to be able to dispel and rune buff with it, unless u bottle it.


                                                                                    As soon as I saw centaur illusion nerf I thought RIP Miku.

                                                                                    Seems to be that he is having a big go at cutting back at power creep. For many patches in a row now the number of buffs has increased past the number of nerfs, so these mini updates are working at scaling back everybody (apart from those which are already shit). Doesn't really matter to me since I don't play atm.

                                                                                    Of some historical importance these are the first kunkka nerfs in years, literally years. He was buffed almost continuously every patch going back to something like patch 6.6~something.

                                                                                    Drow nerf (with the earlier slight base damage reduction) is exactly what I thought he would do, lower her hp so she is more easy to kill if you have a good gap closer.

                                                                                    Even triggering only every 10 seconds Mirana still has the best aghs upgrade of anything in recent time. Ironically because of the massive mana cost increase to Oracle his aghs is now even more shit.

                                                                                    Nyx burrow cast time now seems like it will take eternity to go. It's like the same length of lycan's transformation time now and the addition of that transformation time was part of what turned him from first pick/ban material in 2014 to one of the rarest seen carries in existence atm (admittedly the massive cooldown increase and loss of a better BAT were probably more consequential but the extra transformation time on a hero who you used to be able to just disengage or engage in fights immediately is the thing you most notice when playing him now compared to before).


                                                                                      strange how they nerf drow ( and most heroes) with str gain reduction but not his fucking aura ..why is that so?


                                                                                        ^i think they trying to nerf her but allow her concept of buffing allies to stay strong .


                                                                                          its not only drow but most heroes drow is still op with weaver razor or od she will not fall the str gain can be fill with item who give 4 str like magi sticks fucking volvo


                                                                                            i am alreasy sick of this patch need 6.89 now