General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
chicken spook,,,,

    Abyssal > diffu

    死の恐怖 Haseo



        Pugna and necro instantly dies if you jump thm

        chicken spook,,,,

          Not if u feed them


            They can still survive if they have a saving hero. Argument against Abyssal > Diffusal is quite redundant. One is more expensive than the other. And while you want to burst heroes with crits in the 2 second stun duration, either of these items can come on hand to break Linken's on an enemy. The hero rarely ever builds items to solve that problem in the late game. Usually when you have Bloodthorn, you want both it's active and the stun to be applied instead of using either to break Linken's.

            Thats why I asked about these items. Diffusal can be used to break Linken's while Abyssal goes through BKB and can be a follow up to Storm Hammer if the enemy is tanky.


              I like daedalus on sven more


                GG just got out of lp and my com crashed in the pick phase. aaaaaand another 4 games


                  I mean diffusal is kind of necessary some games
                  I think ideally u want to just use blink and pick off the pugna before the fight starts but sometimes this isn't possible.


                    Once u have 5 second stun cd u can use it to break linkens
                    Also if u have any u can actually run people down
                    Like sny is usually enough to keep people in hitting range, and bloodthorn removed their escapes

                    chicken spook,,,,

                      Both are suboptimal how about yall stop worrying about items and actually push your advantages to its limit and not let them toy around your snail hero lol

                      Potato Marshal

                        Just go for the standard Sven build, sometimes you can't just blink in and kill the whole enemy team solo. Sometimes you just need your teammates to cover your weaknesses.


                          Get eul on sven

                          >2.5sec disable
                          >break linken
                          >movement speed
                          >2750 gold only

                          Potato Marshal

                            ^ Don't forget storm hammer 0.7% damage boost from spell amp.

                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                              I just found an anime that's exactly right up my IRL professional alley PogChamp



                                  Get eul on sven
                                  >2.5sec disable
                                  >break linken
                                  >movement speed
                                  >2750 gold only

                                  Best. Advice. Ever.

                                  i have 5 reports to use

                                    Normal Sven build:
                                    Dagger sny bkb bloodthorn threads mom. 4000 1350 7195= 12545

                                    Next level euls build
                                    Dagger echo bkb daedalus mom euls. 2700 2750 5320= 10770

                                    1775 gold cheaper.


                                      Yeah of course , still better than diffusal sven


                                        u shudnt have MoM and bloodthron cuz of effeciency disassembling duh
                                        then make the morbid mask into satanic

                                        i have 5 reports to use

                                          They need to remove sven's strength bonus during ult because it is too retarded atm.


                                            u shudnt have MoM and bloodthron cuz of effeciency disassembling duh
                                            then make the morbid mask into satanic

                                            You can make Butterfly from the Quarterstaff. It's a good replacement for SNY or the like when you lose the attack and movement speed from disassembling Mask of Madness. I see it viable on heroes like Tiny as well, late into the game.

                                            They need to remove sven's strength bonus during ult because it is too retarded atm.

                                            It was nerfed. It's fine. I'd imagine Undying needs something similar with his ultimate.

                                            Este comentario fue editado

                                              ^i know, but sometimes u want bloodthorn over butter, and then might as well disassemble then
                                              if u even then want butterfly later its fine, either way 2 quarterstaves have to be bought whether u disassemble MoM for one or the other


                                                btw renshin when is renshin jr coming?


                                                  I like daedalus better than bloodtorn and i only got bloodtorn if i am facing pa. I prefer echo because i prefer to play the jump 1 guy and go back repeat but i havent try sny lately. Just go the normal build

                                                  chicken spook,,,,



                                                      im winning games again

                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                        Me too
                                                        Although I'm not winning mmr

                                                        A Little Knight

                                                          pick tinker

                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                            Last time I picked tinker I fed 50000 african kids

                                                            死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                              jungle is the best lane for tinker



                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                  cool and good


                                                                    ^sad 534 commends




                                                                        Is renshin jr out of the vagina yet? thanks


                                                                          resnh1t f4gg0t

                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                            Seatard thread birthday is coming boys


                                                                              Guk guk


                                                                                Can we get some Ted Cruz memes?


                                                                                  Woof woof



                                                                                      so analboi can u just settle whatever conflict it is u have with me or whatever reason u hate me and move on
                                                                                      like u cud just act like a mature human being and not force ur hate for me into every post on this forum but u do
                                                                                      lets just figure it out

                                                                                      Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                        THe Ritalin post got locked lol .

                                                                                        chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                          Dotabuff mods being dotabuff mods

                                                                                          chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                            Also I afk rune grab for an entire game and the average mmr only dropped 200 ?????????


                                                                                              ????!? U have to feed like crazy if u want a 1k mmr drop. And why do you bother calibrating an account already in high skill dummy


                                                                                                there is a real reason behind it 😏