General Discussion

General Discussioncan you survive a Slark attack?

can you survive a Slark attack? in General Discussion

    then after that you try to kill slark after he uses all of his spells.

    Pale Mannie

      use the wisdom of diox


        yes usualtly when im pos 5 suport scenario is like this

        i acrive bkb then shiva then glimmer if he has gem i cyclon my self and when he get shown i hex him if my blink is on 3 sec cd i use refresher and fast blink to hill and tp


          it doesnt make any sense
          is this a question
          a solution
          a reasoning
          what the actual fuck

          casual gamer

            he bit off my leg and swam away..


              you can use defensive items like ghost, euls so you survive his shit, hopefully he has to use his ult to engage you, then you can turn and he has to run.


                Don't be noob and let him dark pact off your stun. Every dipshit uses their stun as he's on you. Unless he's pro in which case listen to Jacked.


                  diox feeding slarks HAHAHAAHHA


                    Your life was just a cage


                      carry buys euls and ghost scepter really?


                        Hurricane Pike, Blade Mail or Shadow Blade if u play carry. :)


                          new acc. wtf how many acc u have


                            I was hoping diox got perma banned


                              I'm hoping for you to get a better education.


                                or at least mental therapy.


                                  savage... diox commended

                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                    bkb pike for ranged carry, bkb abyssal for melee


                                      The fuck thread is this! Title / decription op


                                        pike doesn't do shit against pounce.
                                        just buy 5 hearts and BoT's so u can instantly tp, also basher isn't an item in dota 2


                                          Why do people always use disables on slark the moment they see him pounce on them? i think this is the reason why people think slark is hard to play against, he is so easy to shut down as long as you know his first skill duration and cd.

                                          Président® Salted Butter

                                            your body is a cage, I just let you free

                                            1-IceTea 🌟

                                              Just block it first when he jumped,try to use elbow to hit him when in close distance,hit on his upper part of face,care for his teeth


                                                ^ man this guy really needs to get out of lpq , cause he is trolling everyone and it aint even funny , lmao


                                                  clemont *set
                                                  decent english by diox
                                                  3 months till his sentences start making sense in my estimation

                                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                                    ^^It ain't supposed to be funny,I am death serius

                                                    MID OR FEED

                                                      pick axe then throw it to slark head


                                                        if he engages u as a carry, i hope the slark knows what he is doing, because if he cannot burst you ( i duno what carry u are playing) he fokking lost. unless u are playing with complete idiots in 1k (which u likely are)


                                                          if the game is dependent on u surviving, why not get euls or ghost on a carry? or just get a bkb/pike


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