General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is it with blademail

What is it with blademail in General Discussion

    I can't figure out why people always buy blademail.
    i dont see any reason why pudge or cent would get a blademail
    in this match over a pipe, or cent a vanguard/aghs

    I usually dont buy blademail at all, unless axe/lc or i have a drow/sniper on the enemy team and im
    the initiator

    is this a normal skill thing or am i undervaluing blademail?


      No, they're just retarded


        Because ns people will keep hitting you even when you pop bm. And stop when they have 10%hp


          Because blademail beats ench hurricane pike
          Ta can't meld strike you when refraction is down
          Timber wrecks himself if he chains over you
          Seems ok to me.

          Story Time

            i always recommend the worst player on my team to buy blademail, in this case he will at least feed with some purpose (aka damage to enemy) xD but in my bracket people are even stupid to turn it on on time (they do so only when left with 100 hp, lel)


              Gud item. 5 blademail strat is op


                contrary to popular believe, players at high 2k learned to stop hitting when blademail is active.

                guess abbaddon spammers increased awareness of the possibility to stop right clicking someone


                  There are some heroes that have BM as a core item like AXE and LC, also it's a situational item for some heroes like for example Spec if she is underfarmed and can't get fast Radiance then BM is an option.

                  The thing is BM is just situational on most of Heroes on Dota and maybe they need it because of the situation, it's not about the reason but the situation.

                  Player 368673122
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                      pops out blade mail while 50-100% hp picks different target.


                        6 hours ago

                        i always recommend the worst player on my team to buy blademail, in this case he will at least feed with some purpose (aka damage to enemy) xD but in my bracket people are even stupid to turn it on on time (they do so only when left with 100 hp, lel)

                        the feeders?


                          i always recommend the worst player on my team to buy blademail

                          diox need to buy this item otherwise he pull down high mmr players but he is 1k


                            nice 1kda diox. dont feed pls. buy blademail next time

                            Chao Vritra

                              blademail is amazing on pudge, especially when you are an early game lead and you are looking to keep that going into mid game.