General Discussion

General Discussionsafe lane kotl

safe lane kotl in General Discussion

    When I pick kotl
    What I skill
    Worst mistakes
    Good moves


    Yung Beethoven

      Only pick kotl if you are with a carry who benefits a lot from chakra magic by spamming skills(PL for example) . dont pick kotl if you are a solo support. This hero cant zone out the offlaner. You should skilll mostly your mana leak and chakra magic. IF your carry can farm or the offlaner has given up the lane you can farm the jungle by giving 1 point into your wave. But: DONT LEAVE THE LANE if your carry cant farm! Your agha is not as important as your carrys farm!


        worst mistake:

        nuking the creepwave with illuminate while trying to zone the offlaner

        you have to be greedy with the hero because you need to almost always rush aghs. when carries start to roam/jungle try to push out some waves with illuminate to get gold

        make sure your team fights in day time

        be cautious about using blinding light, you dont want to push the enemies out of a black hole etc

        Este comentario fue editado
        ''NoSg''  BagHeerA

          Kotl is a awesome solo sup... in Solo MMR matches dont go for Agha, go for Glimmer/orwhateveruneed to survive in fights, if u are in a Team and u can communicate, Agha would worth it, but just in a Team... My opinion


            no always first item aghs, occasionally pick up a small item like force first but aghs is always ur priority.


              you can buy mek if you really need it and have no other mek carriers

              glimmer cape can also be good if you have a slark that would otherwise kill you non stop

              Riguma Borusu

                go force staff first if they have riki


                  buy tangos and ward first

                  chicken spook,,,,

                    ^9k insights


                      always max your Q and spam it in lane. when carry ragequits, you continue and take over the position 1 and provide free mmr. to the enemy.


                      kotl is one of the most annoying supports for strong offlaners. hes one of the few who can become a problem for heroes like lc and axe because of mana leak. skip your Q! communicate with your carry. tell him to spam nukes after you shakra him. works really well with jug, pa, pl, luna and many more


                        Kotl is my most played hero. Max Chakra magic first, but usually your first skill is going to be your Q. Get in a good position behind the trees and try to hit the enemy offlaner(s) without hitting the creep waves. Double stack and pull every minute using your Q and auto-attack. By the time you are level 5, you can easily clear your massive stacks (2 points in Illuminate, 3 in Chakra), but let your carry in on some of the gold and experience. (Or all of it depending on their hero)

                        As far itemization, I will sometimes rush aghs, but I prefer getting an urn of shadows and/or medallion of courage first as it gives you some early team fight/mana regen so that you can chakra your allies more often than yourself. (plus easy commends from them)