General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to get ripped irl?

How to get ripped irl? in General Discussion

    giff tips pls, got nothing to do this summer


      Ask symetrical
      He's ripped, gets paid 10k a day, and have a girlfriend

      casual gamer

        high weight low reps yes?


          ^what can you achieve with just 12.5 kg of weight?


            fap your shit out


              Taking care of a baby is also quite tiring


                high weight low reps, drop sets to finish

                only workout 3 days max but with high intenisity

                40 pushup, situps and 50 sec. plank every evening before shower

                on days between working out go jogging (include sprinting)

                on weekenddays do activities that include moving. (walking your dog 3 times, bicycle to get cigarets etc)

                dont do "low carbohydrates" BS. eat food that is as natural as possible and eat enough.

                lots of vegetables, many good carbs (oats, potatos, whole wheat pasta etc.) and good protein (no supplements, eat greek yoghurt in the evening, lentils, and low fat red meat cuts once a day)

                I'm fairly ripped I have been in the military for 3 years and all i could do for hobby was sport. when out of military i kept doing sports. dota starts ruining my routine though:(

                when i was cutting i started walking my dog at least 2 times a day and on weekends 3 times for 45 minutes besides working out. it worked wonders


                  I cant stress enough the part of eating. many people try to add muscle while eating 1800 calories to keep their "sixpack". doesnt work.

                  I ate 4k calories a day for 1 year and worked out like a mad man and slept at least 8 hours

                  high caloric intake + high activity level + long and good sleep + guaranteed gains

                  the sleep part is a highly underrated part.


                    ^Do you sleep at optimal hours? (Like starting from 9-10pm)


                      I used to go to sleep at around 21:30-22:00 and wake up at 6.


                        im an ectomorph btw


                          You won't be ripped in a summer. Ectomorph here, took 2 years to go from 60kg ~15% bf to now 80kg ~11% bf. I had to eat a lot, like a FUCKING LOT and good food. It's hard to eat enough calories with healthy food. I did the starting strength program, you can google it, it's simple but very effective. But the I don't think training part is so important, you can try out the normal body building routines, calisthenics, power building, put in the time to find what works for you the best, we can't tell you here, just because it was good for us.
                          The eating part is fairly easy, cut shit food, and you gonna look much better in a short time. Calculate your calorie requirement. Eat more calories if you wanna get buffed, eat less when you cut. Just following these basics you gonna be easy 7k mmr looking.


                            some of my gym buddies say that i should do cardio like once a week
                            is that legit?


                              Symetrical guy is ripped , paid , and have a gf

                              his life goals are beyond human understanding we having so low iq
                              ask him( God) what should u do to get ripped its 2017( stone age) and no one knows nothing whats going in their life so my advice would be ask Symetrical

                              hea 5k player and ripped and paid and have gf


                                add me on snapchat moiezz_boss


                                  You won't be ripped in a summer. Ectomorph here, took 2 years to go from 60kg ~15% bf to now 80kg ~11% bf. I had to eat a lot, like a FUCKING LOT and good food. It's hard to eat enough calories with healthy food. I did the starting strength program, you can google it, it's simple but very effective. But the I don't think training part is so important, you can try out the normal body building routines, calisthenics, power building, put in the time to find what works for you the best, we can't tell you here, just because it was good for us.
                                  The eating part is fairly easy, cut shit food, and you gonna look much better in a short time. Calculate your calorie requirement. Eat more calories if you wanna get buffed, eat less when you cut. Just following these basics you gonna be easy 7k mmr looking.

                                  i think the worst part of trying to get into shape wouldn't be the exercising but eating an awful lot of food to get up from my ~65kg or so

                                  < blank >

                                    mach mal es bild, glaub dir nöd
                                    und wie chasch überhaupt 3 jahr im militär si wenn du nur WK oder Durchdiener mache chasch? :thinking:

                                      Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                        eeeh du hayvan google mol swisscoy kosovo

                                        D the Superior
                                          Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                            lmfao aimstrong

                                            EXPOSED !!!

                                            also eating vegetables when trying to gain weight GIGALUL VON SALAT SCHRUMPFT DER BIZEPS


                                              but srsly im thin af and for the first time in my life i also wanna start gaining weigh and muscle so actual advice would be nice.
                                              i mean there are articles online but real life exp is noice to hear


                                                WW eye (kappa) DISCOPUMPER confirmed

                                                UM MICH AM RÜCKEN ZU KRATZEN IST MEIN BIZEPS ZU GROSS


                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                  eat all the shit u can get (as long as ure tall and skinny)

                                                  nutrition > exercising


                                                    swiss army = for kids anyways

                                                    come to germany/usa where u get sent to afghanistan or syria for some real action !!


                                                      dont do muschi machines in the gym.

                                                      go for freeweight basic excercises (squat/deadlift/benchpress should be the focus) and some assistance work.

                                                      Free weight excercise like pullups and pushups

                                                      rest i already wrote further up


                                                        how about bodyweight instead of freeweight?

                                                        the only freeweight i got are 2 small bars ~10 kg each and 1 long bar with ~30 kg (total, not bar + 30kg), nothing big

                                                        i thought about exercising with bodyweight only but im not sure :thinking:

                                                        TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                                                          Mesomorph here. Wat do

                                                          Story Time

                                                            ripped irl? But why??


                                                              Who the f wants to see action in the military?

                                                              people are happy when they can earn their $$$ and dont have to get shot at.

                                                              german army is cucked, in their eating hall they have TV's all over the place where they have to watch docs about 2nd world war and how bad people the germans are 24/7.

                                                              anyway as far as discipline, organisation and effificency, german speaking armies > US army > Western europe armies > eastern europe armies > turkey and arab states




                                                                  free weight is ok to get some base muscularity, problem is you have to be very creative to hit all muscles and its hard to keep overloading your muscles.


                                                                    im 18 and 51 kg
                                                                    i have never done any sports/excercises other than a year of volleyball last year and gymnastics when i was a kid
                                                                    abd i feel like whatever i eat im say same weight my friend are jelous of me for this part lol but well still thin af


                                                                      age & weight = irrelevant, its more about size and weight


                                                                        Lyft sum weights and eet sum steiks.
                                                                        Watt is denn los mit dir?
                                                                        SSIO macht schlau


                                                                          im around 180cm i believe but small boned


                                                                            Dude just eat 4'000 kcal, 4 times a day up to the point where you feeld you throw up at every meal

                                                                            do some basic sport and you will gain weight


                                                                              also quit dota, no way someone does sport and the cooking and enough sleep while also playing dota every day

                                                                              saving private RTZ

                                                                                OP i mean, tell more about you, what's your weight, height, bodyfat etc.

                                                                                It's pointless to get ripped if you are skinny fat, you'll just look like a skinny sad kunt.

                                                                                You don't wanna be a skinny sad kunt, you have to be a sick kunt.

                                                                                Other than that, you get ripped the usual way, eat in a caloric deficit, while doing workout to maintain as much muscle mass as possible

                                                                                If you're not on gear, don't expect to look like this:

                                                                                Guys like those are on steroids. You will look mor elike this: provided u have enough body mass.

                                                                                Basically, when you are under 10% bodyfat you will look depleted and flat. As a natural you basically have to choose 2 of these.


                                                                                Also keep in mind it will take you like 5 years at least to look like the guy in the second picture, and i mean 5 years of proper training and nutrition, while most guys don't know what they're doing in the gym and outside it for the first 1-2 years.

                                                                                The first guy got his physique in like 3 years, but he was obvs on some of that CellTech

                                                                                @MR NLSS

                                                                                Go eat, and obv workout. But nutrition is much more important here

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                Player 153433446

                                                                                  Weight yourself
                                                                                  Divide kg by 0.425 for weight in pounds.

                                                                                  Eat 0.8 grams of protein per pounds of bodyweight.
                                                                                  Eat 0.4 grams of fat per pound of bodyweight.
                                                                                  Fill the rest of the calories with carbs.

                                                                                  Dont cut calories drastically, start slowly, just enough to start fat lose, when the weight stops going down....remove more carbs.

                                                                                  If you havnt lifted weights before expect your weight to stay the same or even go up, amd thats good because it means you are gaining muscle mass.

                                                                                  Train 3- 4 times a weak....cardio always post workout...traininng session should last 70-90 minutes.

                                                                                  Invest in a good whey protein and creatine (Myprotein) best brand.

                                                                                  These are just guidelines....adjust and tweak as you see fit, listen to your body and do what works for you.
                                                                                  Stick to a certain plane long enough for it to work so you can see the difference...dont change routine every week.

                                                                                  Gl and have fun


                                                                                    people who say eat alot and have high calories intake trigger me so hard.

                                                                                    saving private RTZ

                                                                                      ^ why?

                                                                                      If you're skinny that's pretty much what you gotta do


                                                                                        if ure skinny thats pretty much all you gotta do*


                                                                                          ^ why?
                                                                                          If you're skinny that's pretty much what you gotta do

                                                                                          you're that guy who got boosted by allison to 4k, do i remember correctly? :thinking:


                                                                                            you shouldn't gain more than 1 pound a week if you're trying to bulk up. because at the end of the day you will have to lose the fats for the abs in the end, and when losing weight you always lose some muscles. so the more fat you have, the more muscle you lose while cutting.
                                                                                            In other words:
                                                                                            If you're eating all you want, you gain decent muscles, but gain way more fat. and when it comes to cutting, you will need to lose way more muscle to lose all the extra fats.

                                                                                            aim for 1 pound per week, and have around 130 grams of protein intake daily (whether with supplements or food). don't eat junk food. and don't expect quick results.

                                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                            saving private RTZ

                                                                                              @arin to 3.8k, but then i dropped lul. but now i am 4k so

                                                                                              ^ but you still gotta be in a caloric intake. Your wording was like you can gain muscle in a caloric deficit.

                                                                                              I mean if you are in your first year, you can probably make very good gains of lean body mass running maintanence, you prob can retain your strength/improve it even by cutting, but hey, noob gains are magic.

                                                                                              I do agree you shouldn't just go full on dreamer bulk unless you wanna end up like this


                                                                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                im 5'11
                                                                                                70 kg
                                                                                                but anyways thanks for all the advices
                                                                                                btw I've been taking in amino acids and mutant mass for the pass week now
                                                                                                so far so good, no bad side effects
                                                                                                im just looking for a good program for someone like me since most of the guys in the gym are mesomorphs and endomorphs, so they cant really give me good advices for someone like me

                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                  dude throw out the mass gainers thats overpriced BS

                                                                                                  saving private RTZ

                                                                                                    side effects from supplements? Xd
                                                                                                    use your mutant mass for now, but seriously, for the future, i recommend against buying any gainer. Like wtf is gainer supposed to mean, just eat more.

                                                                                                    You can still buy your proteins, BCAA and stuff if you feel like it's more convenient to you than just eating, but seriously, gainers seem like a waste of money.

                                                                                                    If u're a beginner i recommend some linear program like StartingStrength or 5x5 StrongLifts.

                                                                                                    Plenty of them online.

                                                                                                    You wanna do linear because in you're first 6-12 months you can pretty much just add 2.5/5kg on the bar every time you enter the gym.

                                                                                                    Focus on the main compound lifts. bench, squat, deadlift, OHP , barbell rows etc

                                                                                                    Your workout should be around these, not machine stuff. Bodybuilders do a lot of machine stuff with high volume, shitty weights because most of them are on steroids, which improve protein synthesis so pretty much all you have to do is high volume work and up the dose lol.

                                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                      I see, yeah I like bench,squat, deadlift since those target a lot of muscle group right? ill switch to gold standard whey after im done with the mutant mass since thats the thing available atm, i will order the things you guys suggested when I can.
                                                                                                      thanks again for the advices.
