General Discussion

General DiscussionReflecting spirit breaker charge

Reflecting spirit breaker charge in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    I was playing anti mage and got aghs and I couldn't figure out how spirit breaker kept pulling me towards him. I was checking all his skills, seeing if he got some weird aghs buff to charge of darkness. Then it dawned on me, spell shield reflects the spell so I was reflecting charge which cause me to charge him every time he cast it. Pretty weird. I had to just be heads up and click move to break it asap whenever he did it.

    I wonder, does lotus orb do the same thing? Cus it reflects but doesn't block and reflect like spell shield.


      ya same effect, the difference is am aghanim block sb charge and then am charge sb, lotus orb both charge at the same time until they cancel the charge


        You are not watching DOTA WTF aren't you, I can't count how many times they showed a clip like what you have experienced.

        Player 345068850

          Its pretty fun as a spirit breaker lol


            reminder to not buy agh against lc, even with linken
            agh procs first

            white boy summer

              quick reminder that u dont want aghs on am at all. dogshit stats for high price and waste of slot


                ^? I feel the opposite about this
                Agh's as a 5th or 6th item is great. Leaves you feeling plenty tanky, and is a great counter to spells like TB ult, BS ult, and Duel.

                I see many Linken pickups instead of Aghs, but I feel like Linkens just gives regen and slightly more damage than an Agh's does. Plus, Agh's has the added benefit of block + reflect.

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                  i remember some rtz's donation regarding this choice and he said that he rather buys linkens for the regen and damage


                    AM already has a shitton of damage and regen is irrelevant mid-lategame.
                    +10 stats and +2(0 or 5 - cant remember) and a +20 attack damage talent.

                    But what do I know, I've just been shitting on players with my undefeated AM this patch. >:\
                    High Skill newb here. MUAHAHA (NO LONGER NORMAL SKILL SUCKAS)


                      Regen is absolutely not irrelevant midgame, he needs mana regen and thats why linkens is better than aghs.
                      Even burning said linkens is way better than aghs.


                        For any mana regen issues mid game, get a vlads.
                        Item timing (ideal) would be BF 13 minutes, Vlads 15-16, Manta 20-2, Butterfly 26-8, then you go to the more conditional items.

                        My games look like BF 16 minutes, Vlads 18-19, Manta 24, Buttefly 29 and then whatever.

                        Plus, with all the farm you have (and the 20+ ancients you've farmed) and the kills you've acquired, you should be level 25 before 30 minutes - and with all those levels, you aren't as regen-dependent.

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                        Dire Wolf

                          Idk I felt like bkb wasn't that great on am, in retrospect I should've just gone bkb cus they had eartshaker and slardar, but I thought spirit breakers stuff went through bkb. All the bashes do, so do slardars, just not their abilities. I needed to get tankier mid game so I went aghs before abyssal blade. Again it wasn't that great of a pickup but it's normal mode single draft for compendium shit so whatever.


                            Charge and Netherstrike both stun through BKB. So does Slardar bash. I'd have to play that game to decide what itemizing I would've done.

                            Dire, I'd advise getting a Vlad's. Its seriously underrated on AM, but IMO, has a huge impact. Believe me, it will help with your terrible item timing between your BF and Manta.

                            That is the item that helped make my AM play go from under 50% winrate in 2k mmr, to over 55% in 3k.

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                            Riguma Borusu

                              In practice, abyssal makes you as tanky as an aghs does, pretty much.


                                It does, but I prefer the DPS from an MKB over A-Blade, especially since I see so many evasive heroes (talents + buttefly pickups + solar crest and recent increase of Tinkers and KotL's in my games).

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                                Dire Wolf

                                  I did get vlads at like 20 minutes, after bfury before manta. I sold it to buy butterfly. I debated keeping it and putting boots in backpack but just felt too kitable, even with blink, if you don't bash people can run from you and alch was running around kiting with radiance. Also debated selling aghs and keeping vlads, but they had a lot of stun, vlads requires you to hit stuff to be tanky, and with butterfly I wasn't sure I'd need lifesteal anymore. Drow did not have butterfly thank god, radiance alone not worth mkb imo.

                                  Abyssal is really, really important for locking down enemies, it's not about dps. It's like on jug same thing, very low bat so you stun a ton and can manfight anyone. If you abyssal someone, pop manta and put illusions on them they die so fast. It's very good anti carry item. Mkb kind of sucks on AM, only to counter evasion which sucks if you have to do that. I'd still get abyssal and do like boots, abyssal, butter, mkb, manta, bfury. I think keeping bfury til end is important to so you can split push really fast and force fights.

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                                    Abyssal is really, really important for locking down enemies, it's not about dps. It's like on jug same thing, very low bat so you stun a ton and can manfight anyone. If you abyssal someone, pop manta and put illusions on them they die so fast. It's very good anti carry item. Mkb kind of sucks on AM, only to counter evasion which sucks if you have to do that. I'd still get abyssal and do like boots, abyssal, butter, mkb, manta, bfury. I think keeping bfury til end is important to so you can split push really fast and force fights.

                                    I 100% agree with you. My thoughts are that your team will usually have stuns, (reliable ones too) - that way you can consider going for an MKB instead of A-Blade (especially since that Alch will prob have a radiance = miss change = harder to kill). Also, AM is one of the best ratting heroes in the game. I can take out a t3 and a set of racks, and still join the fight in time to get a triple kill.
                                    If my team needs lockdown, I'd get an A-Blade without thinking twice. Aside from that, I prefer MKB. The other day, I grabbed both for shits.

                                    That game was by far the most difficult AM game I've had yet (because of super tough lane + constant pressure on me from 3 heroes).


                                      vlads has fallen out of favor for me on am
                                      he is so greedy and vlads doesn't rlly suit his fighting playstyle
                                      it helps him push which is good, but it doesn't suit his style of fighting which is basically jumping on the backline and weaving outo fights, not manfighting.
                                      also it feels bad to buy an item that u will most likely get rid of cuz he farms so fast he'll end up replacing it
                                      also abyssal is core cuz even if ur team has disables, u don't, and with abyssal and manta u can basically solo kill anyone with blink abyssal manta rightclick into mana void.
                                      linkens > aghs
                                      even if u have levels u still don't have much regen, linkens is percentage based while vlads is flat regen.


                                        "Fighting playstyle"
                                        This does not describe AM. AM is a hero who flash farms with his high damage (and agility talents), and 4 second blinks. He doesn't fight, he flash farms and gets pickoffs until he can singlehandedly win the game at 30 minutes. Also, by the time you really get involved, you are killing supports in 4 or 5 hits.
                                        He needs mana for sustain, as well as the ability to go back to farming after escaping a failed gank or won fight without wasting 60 seconds at the fountain.
                                        You don't have to get rid of it, you can backback it - and it is useful until you are 6 slotted with legit items.

                                        abyssal is core

                                        In your opinion. You have solo kill potential through many other ways, including outplaying opponents.

                                        Vlads is flat regen, yet for the purpose of regen, it does plenty enough, especially since you have benefits from BF. Use your brain and tread switch, and with Vlads, you almost never run out.

                                        linkens > aghs

                                        Nope. Shit that makes linkens better than aghs = a little more damage and regen.
                                        Agh's by itself on the other hand, provides more raw HP (which AM needs), as well as a lotus orb affect which can be catastrophic in fights.

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                                          usually mid game I'm fine in mana with tread switch and bf just late game I have problems which is why I like linkens more than aghs
                                          also the aghs on am is often times not much better and can sometimes backfire with shit like legion getting double dual dmg and batrider lassoing u which actually disarms u.
                                          multiple pros favor linkens over aghs, mainly for regen which is all I can really say here
                                          they usually don't go vlads either

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                                            Well I'll get 8k mmr, then you'll have no choice but to see my wisdom as wisdom. >:D

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              How is blocking a spell every 13 seconds better than blocking AND reflecting a spell every 12?

                                              It's 20 dmg more and 5 attack speed, literally meaningless in the grand scheme of things and linkens costs 650 more. It's only better if it's undesirable to reflect a spell like lc duel.


                                                because mana regen is more valuable
                                                reflecting a spell is bad in a lot of ways too, and the cd's r so close its almost meaningless to compare those as well
                                                reflecting rupture into dying to blademail
                                                reflecting duel
                                                reflecting lasso into being disarmed
                                                you can't properly reflect double edge
                                                reflecting ck pull into pulling urself into the enemy
                                                reflecting euls on a silenced enemy
                                                reflecting ion shell
                                                reflecting life break
                                                reflecting burrow strike
                                                reflecting sunder

                                                but the biggest reason is mana regen


                                                  Using tread switching, and like I said, Vlad's - you will never, ever, ever have mana issues. Not unless you forget to tread switch AND get mana drained by KotL with a blast. Not to mention that Aghs' gives you almost 300 more mana pool.

                                                  Does Manta no longer dispell disarm (aside from Deafening Blast)?
                                                  TBH, I've not played against an LC who thought ahead far enough to duel me - especially mid and late game.
                                                  Reflecting sunder? Really? Why is that bad? I played against a TB and I got sundered more than once. AM's Aghs acted more like a Lotus Orb than a block+deflect. I didn't notice anything weird here.

                                                  Most of those aren't even issues, or are HIGHLY situational on whether or not they'd actually be game determining.

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                                                  Dire Wolf

                                                    You already have mana regen on battlefury and you don't need more