General Discussion

General DiscussionDouble down rank

Double down rank in General Discussion
Story Time

    Why do people bet double-rank on games where they are most likely to win? Dont they understand that this will only increase the number of games that they will lose and eventually make their winrate smaller. Am i wrong?

    Dire Wolf

      because mmr matters more than winrate?


        Holy shit you are a genius.


          makes sense


            Since double down introduced i only get 2 win when double down (the rest is lose)


              Doubling Down is just another marketing eye candy, it's attractive and useless to those who cry about their mmr. But, as someone who is resetting mmr after a couple years of playing, it saves me time, haven't lost when i've used one.


                It saves so much time, on your highest winrate heroes you're pretty sure to get + 50 mmr

                one syllable anglo-saxon

                  i always use dd on autolose games so volvo forced 50% wr system throws me another win so i increase my winrate
                  10/10 would recommend


                    Why do people bet double-rank on games where they are most likely to win? Dont they understand that this will only increase the number of games that they will lose and eventually make their winrate smaller. Am i wrong?

                    Story Time

                      It saves so much time, on your highest winrate heroes you're pretty sure to get + 50 mmr

                      It saves time to get into bracket where you do not belong and where you will be granted eventual lose-streak?

                      Holy shit you are a genius.

                      LOL, all data points towards that conclusion (kappa)

                      Este comentario fue editado

                        Story Time 6 minutes ago
                        It saves so much time, on your highest winrate heroes you're pretty sure to get + 50 mmr

                        It saves time to get into bracket where you do not belong and where you will be granted eventual lose-streak?

                        Or you can say it puts you in the bracket you belong to even faster than it would have been without double down.

                        Story Time

                          ^which is less likely for people who have more than lets say 2k games

                          Dire Wolf

                            Most don't care about winning, they care about mmr, so they'd rather win 1000 in one game then lose the next 30 if it were possible.

                            Story Time

                              ^but the whole forum is so obsessed with winrate and everyone likes winning...


                                25 mmr "inflation" isn't that much


                                  For a casual player, winning 50 mmr instead of 25 is so important
                                  When you don't have the motivation to play 3 ranked a day, just play one you double down
                                  I assume you can get a quick +1000 mmr this way

                                  Story Time

                                    25 mmr "inflation" isn't that much

                                    getting +50 on average would mean doubling the probability of losing the next game ceteris paribus


                                      Absolutely not
                                      you may stay around a 50% winrate average, gaining 50 mmr does count as one victory, so the next game you have more chance to lose since you are at 50 % winrate.
                                      It doesn't count as 2 victories, so what you're saying is nonsense

                                      Story Time

                                        ^but arent you gonna play against a player with extra 50 mmr next game? or you mean that you will also lose -50 mmr for one game on average as well?


                                          as if 50 mmr matters

                                          Story Time

                                            what i am saying is that on average you get +0 mmr over 1000 games if you do not change your skill level, and then winrate is 50% logically. With geting +50 mmr once, you will still have +0 mmr increase over 1000, but that would only mean that you gonna lose extra game to balance you "undeserved" +25


                                              Mittens are boneless gloves

                                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                is op trolling or is he really that stupid i cant tell??

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  "^but the whole forum is so obsessed with winrate and everyone likes winning..."

                                                  It... is?... forum is obsessed with mmr not winrate


                                                    His logic is technically correct...

                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      No it's not, it assumes that you are inflating your mmr and bound to return to +0 with 2 losses to get there, which is of course false. We don't know if you will stay higher or lower. It doesn't even decrease the win rate needed to get higher mmr, cus the number of games is variable. Someone could gain 50 mmr by going 12-10 for a 54.5% win rate or they could go one double down win, one loss, one win for a win rate of 66%.


                                                        or there is no such thing as a bracket you do not belong to as long as you manage to actually climb legit to the mmr?

                                                        Story Time

                                                          or there is no such thing as a bracket you do not belong to as long as you manage to actually climb legit to the mmr?

                                                          a lot of people wish so, but no, everyone belong to his/her bracket


                                                            @dire wolf. That's not how you're meant to compare those two things.


                                                              Op is right


                                                                @story time
                                                                but if you climb from 3k to 4k, 4k becomes your bracket and therefore you belong to it right? you contradict yourself man


                                                                  Touching a bracket doesn't mean u belong there though. I think your bracket is roughly where you are at 50% wr in your last 50 games or so


                                                                    Even if you manage to win 3 double down matches every week, +150 mmr per week in 3 matches rather than in 6 matches, barely affects your actual skill level

                                                                    Story Time

                                                                      for people who think that +150 mmr difference is nothing, you may also read how team averages are associated with chance of winning. Here is a quote from the source:

                                                                      The data more or less fits a pretty nice line, which shows that when your team's average MMR is 150 above the enemy team, your team's chances of winning is around 70%. A team MMR difference of 300 basically gives the better team a 90% chance of winning.


                                                                        Well i have 33% double down win rate, i cant really say for sure as double down only made me play more games because it made me lose mmr,

                                                                        I lost 3 dd matches =-150 mmr
                                                                        Then win 6 non dd matches= around +150 mmr

                                                                        Mmr gain= close to zero

                                                                        I WOULD SAY THAT IF YOUR PARTY MMR IS 500 mmr lower THAN YOUR SOLO MMR, double down is good to use.


                                                                          Well the flip side is that doubling down and losing will boost winrate?


                                                                            well double down is not for everyone i guess.
                                                                            me and my friend get the benefit of double down rank.
                                                                            because we always play unrank and p 1 game ranked a day
                                                                            everytime we go ranked and play our signature hero(most played) hero we go double down and never lost at all
                                                                            it really effective for people who dont play ranked all day like me

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              That reddit post is so flawed, are you serious? It through a 5-6k booster into 3k pool to increase team mmr average and then considers win rates. Having a team of 5 players at 3k play vs a team of 4 at 3k and one 5k for a 3.4 average is a completely different scenario than having 5 3k players go against 5 3400 players. That 6k player is so much better than everyone else he is going to boost that win rate single handedly, it has nothing to do with the team averages.

                                                                              A couple hundred mmr in the mass pool between 2k-high 3s makes very little difference. Actually your hero picks and try harding matter more than any other factor at those levels. If you pick and spam easy heroes who have high winrates you'll go up in mmr. Are you better? No, you just pick better heroes. So you are better at picking.

                                                                              Optimus Drip

                                                                                honestly, it just gives me +50 mmr usually.... and because i am the slowest mmr blimber ever i dont even knwo if it helps. I started at 2200 and now im hovering at 3800 . presumably i am getting better, and winning every single double down gets me there faster.


                                                                                  idc mmr