General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen should you ditch lane and go jungle if its hard?

When should you ditch lane and go jungle if its hard? in General Discussion

    When should u just ditch lane and jungle, or try stay in lane for a few cs and xp?


      When u start feeding uncontrollably


        when your team pick jungler

        chicken spook,,,,

          When you can't touch the creep without trading horribly/the wave is too far away, I think

          wake up :)

            When you're up against a viper


              When you're like 0-5 mark 10mins.


                Ask yourself: If I show up in the lane will I get pooped on?

                If the answer is yes, you go gank a different lane.

                Then ask yourself, does my team suck?

                If the answer is yes, then go jungle.

                meteor hammer

                  very early jungle as mid is usually super bad considering how much more lane gives now, so id only do it if im guaranteed to die if i enter lane (aka smoked kunkka camping me or lvl 7 arc vs me lvl 5 or someshit like that)

                  because u end up being lvl 6 and the enemy mid is lvl 8 and he has like 80 cs or mroe and u just lose because hes super broken from his feast upon mid lane creeps


                    The answer is in the thread title itself, only with the words shuffled.

                    You should ditch lane and go jungle when its hard.


                      It all depends on the lane you are in. The offlane or the Safelane, if you the safelane carry then you need better support but if you the offlane you should stack jungle creeps and farm then then get back in lane. You should reach lvl6 fairly quickly and at least be 2 lvl's up from the other lanes then gank.


                        it's always the same answer, you go jungle to prevent dying if your supports can't rotate to fix it.

                        regardless of what lane


                          Still you shouldnt jungle to hard and show on lane occasionally so your other cores wont get permaganked and pressured by their supports to much.


                            nah, save yourself, the supports can deal with the other cores.

                            if hte supports aren't fixing your lane then they are fixing other lanes.

                            only show on the lane if enemy pushed a free creepwave under your tower so you can take it without risk, otherwise stay jungle.


                              Lets say you have rubick + dazzle as Support and a slark as safelane carry, how in the world can they deal with a necro who has kunka and venomancer as Support? rather have your offlaner have a bad game then


                                simple, if the offlaner doesn't feed the kunkka + veno in the first place then there's no issue, they'll be equally matched when enemy supports come to your safelane.

                                Este comentario fue editado

                                  how exactly are they equally matched? just because its 3vs 3 doesnt mean its equal. Take a Viper vs invoker midlane. Ofc its 1vs1 but nowhere near equally.


                                    I think, it is depending on how to handle it - manage it. Sometimes, playing dota is same as doing a quantum physics. If there is a will, there is a way.


                                      Watch bsj guides

                                      O.J.'s Juicy Bag of Nuts

                                        If you pick a core that can't even stay in the lane you deserve to lose the game. I hope you low mmr layers understand that you can't just safelane every game with hero you want to play