General Discussion

General Discussionthe battle for peru

the battle for peru in General Discussion

    classic 2k NA dota and by NA I mean me and 9 Peruvians on a US West server. This was a great contest of idiotic drafting, horrifying skill builds, and a general unwillingness to do anything but throw as hard as you can.

    First thing some guy randoms Oracle, I beg him to swap with me but he says in broken English no I try. So I think to myself, I need to save the game and not let this idiot disarm our carry and heal our enemies, what is a hero that fits and no Peruvian can possibly resist? As soon as i pick Bloodseeker, the Oracle player asked to swap. This one act may have saved the entire game and Peruvian Dota as we know it, as I have come to believe this was in fact the battle for Peru. How Peruvian was this game? Every player who has a Dotabuff profile has Pudge as their most played hero with %41 wr on the hero, that is how fucken Peruvian this game was

    Next my mid player wants to pick zeus into and AM, the enemy team picked meepo so I begged him to pick Ember and he listens. Unfortunately I was so focused on the meepo pick I didn't realize they had an OD, so it was a tougher matchup for him than I thought. The Meepo went offlane however, and I was moist with anticipation since it was me(now Oracle) and WK. My anticipation turned to horror however when I realized the WK didn't level his stun until level 3, allowing the Meepo to get some levels. It's like someone handed a basket of gold to a communist or something, the WK player just didn't understand the gift the Dota gods threw at him. Once he finally got his stun however I rained down a fury of KS'es which made everything feel better.

    Another great thing to witness was the enemy Axe player, who like clockwork would wander into our jungle every 2 minutes, go for rune, then cut a wave, and die. He did this 4 times at least. He ended up with 1 kill and 1 assist the whole game.

    Other oddities were our afk Treant who rushed ags and demanded wards, the BS pinging me and saying how much damage False Promise did thinking it killed him instead of allowing him to get a double kill before feeding, and a Jakiro who actually made decent plays with a naked shadow amulet

    tl;dr whatever cosmic fiber that holds Peru together will remain intact because this game happened

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      Ember Spirit -> check profile -> 44% winrate :questionmark:
      36 minutes and ZERO tower damage antimage
      and I didn't even talked about jakiro

      some1 nuke this bracket

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      meteor hammer

        nice oracle but not as good as the one in my last ranked game, hes on a 5 winstreak and has won 9/10 of his last ranked games

        lebron james jr

          Does anyone know why Peruvians have to ruin games on Na servers??


            Retard tells Peruvian to pick ember against meepo lmao


              i thought he'd lane against him shield ruins meepo early in a mid situation


                nice oracle but not as good as the one in my last ranked game, hes on a 5 winstreak and has won 9/10 of his last ranked games

                wow yeah i will have to watch that guy's replays


                  ez game