General Discussion

General DiscussionWhich carry ultimate is the worst one...

Which carry ultimate is the worst one... in General Discussion
Riguma Borusu

    ...and why is it omnislash?

    Totentanz to The King: M ...

      assasinate, infest, eye of the storm, true form, eclipse, replicate


        The worst carry ultimate is poison nova kappa

        Este comentario fue editado

          Macropyre, true form, eye of the storm.


            how are any ultis mentioned in this thread bad

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              idk eye of the storm isnt rly good even after the wreowrk i think




                  you might say reincanate.

                  its a good ult when it happens but the spell itself hinders the hero getting picked as its so easily countered by mana burn.

                  dont be thrilled by this ...

                    if you mean ridiculous by saying bad, i say omnislash! i really hate this spell cuz it can be a 1 spell free kill. especially on supps.
                    even as a carry you manfighting jugg, you drop juggs hp to 10% while youre on 60-70%, he ults you, you die, he walks away, end of story.


                      Every carry ult is good...
                      Call down


                        True form
                        It just doesn't synergize well with current ld build
                        Otherwise they're all good


                          NUMBER 1 : GYROCOPTER
                          bane(can be canceled and is solo skill)
                          clock( can be missed )
                          ench( i mean whole hero is garbage xd)
                          Luna ( why the fuck ulti hit creeps , atleast it hit heroes only but reduce dmg or number on eclipses

                          ogre magi ulti( hes fucking suport hero he dont need that shit at all)
                          pho(lvl 1 egg lul trash , buff lvl1 egg pls valve)
                          tusk ( considering hes mostly suport)

                          and worst goes too ............

                          Veno , kappa

                          Este comentario fue editado
                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            the worst of something doesnt mean its bad. goodness and badness is just relative to the counterparts.


                              QoP: 290 damage on 135 second CD with a bad cast animation

                              Honestly though all Ults have their uses


                                Assasinate is pretty bad , it takes so long to go off and makes you lose out on a lot of right clicks , all three of his other skills are more vauluable .


                                  probably arc wardens

                                  Pigeon ( °□°) ︵

                                    Didn't he say carry ults so why is everyone saying supports ults


                                      Mana void is probably pretty bad on any hero in Dota except am and maybe nyx.


                                        True form
                                        It just doesn't synergize well with current ld build
                                        Otherwise they're all good

                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                          ^i mean how much use does ranged ld get out of true form as compared to like any generic carry ulti
                                          it basically is a walking warcry, but warcry as an ulti isnt even that good and u can cast warcry immediately cuz u have to switch to melee, then warcry, then switch back.
                                          i understand ur a much more experienced player, especially as ld, so can u just explain to me instead of shitposting so i can learn
                                          no hate just being real

                                          meteor hammer

                                            prepare for an essay


                                              true form is actually insane and one of the better carry ultimates.

                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                ^i mean I didn't know bear build is still used, from the pros I've seen rtz went ranged build (obv rtz isn't some ld god but that was my exposure)
                                                I already understand why true form is good on bear build, but I appreciate the explanation for ranged form
                                                Ty fam


                                                  you know its dotabuff when someone sais beastmaster ulti is bas

                                                  4 second spell-immunity and linken sphere piercing stun, WORST ABILITY IN THE GAME


                                                    I don't think arteezy is exactly the pro player you look to as a model lone druid player.

                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                      linken sphere piercing stun



                                                        Black hole sucks


                                                          since when does roar pierce spell immunity

                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                            roar stuns through BKK, but doesnt deal the damage

                                                            well, roar doesnt ignore linkens, but you can stun the linkens carrier as a secondary target, when you target someone close

                                                            meteor hammer

                                                              juxtapose dude

                                                              Riguma Borusu

                                                                roar stuns through BKK, but doesnt deal the damage
                                                                well, roar doesnt ignore linkens, but you can stun the linkens carrier as a secondary target, when you target someone close

                                                                They are talking about LD's roar, not BM's roar. BM's roar pierces spell immunity, also it doesn't stun anyone except the original target. LD's roar just doesn't pierce spell immunity but it goes through linkens unlike BM's roar (well, obviously).

                                                                Dire Wolf

                                                                  Yeah sniper's ult is kinda bad, it's really only good for hitting fleeing heroes or to harras/init a gank sometimes cus the delay is so long. But they don't need to buff it cus sniper is strong as is.

                                                                  Gyro's ult is really horrid it just doesn't do much dmg for what it is, easily dodged. Gyro sucks as a hero so maybe buff his ult.

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                    seriously juxtapose is fucking garbage

                                                                    assassinate is amazing for early fights, lvl 4 shrapenl + assassinate is enough damage to kill a shitton of heroes with like 3 right clicks and sniper can maintain a huge distance while doing this. assassinate also can be used and stopped on creeps for vision, and it gives true sight+vision and a tp interrupt

                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      It takes 2 seconds, tp is 3, so you have to be really on your toes to interrupt tps with it.

                                                                      meteor hammer

                                                                        if ur paying attention you have enough time unless its max range

                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                          If you can predict what the enemy will do you can precast it. Assassinate is pretty good in the early game, as someone above said, lvl 4 shrapnel and assassinate are a fuckton of damage early game and as someone who spams bs I can tell you that sniper is really hard to dive (and he will hug the tower if you are missing).

                                                                          Still, sniper does not need a better ultimate because his hero design does not require it at all. He profits from being able to hit from a huge distance which is hard to even initiate on. His potential as a carry really does not rest on his ultimate, he isn't a Sven. The thing with juggernaut is that his overall skillset really isn't that amazing a lot of the time (for a carry). and then omnislash is just eh.

                                                                          Maybe if juggernaut had an ultimate that gives him phased movement, magic immunity and about 800 movement speed, and a ton of attack speed for a small period of time, it'd be better than omnislash. It'd have to be rebalanced, obviously, but omnislash is just way too RNG dependent, a carry should not have an ultimate that you absolutely cannot depend on landing reliably, except for in a few edge cases or some setup.

                                                                          I mean, that ultimate was added to DotA 1 because someone thought it was cool. Nobody really give it a thought regarding how much sense it makes, how competitively viable it is at the time, and in the last few years a lot of the RNG factor has been removed from DOTA, I am pretty sure omnislash is going to get either some more specific rules on how it works (so that you can predict it), or be reworked.

                                                                          Crits, evasion and miss chance got pseudo rng'd.
                                                                          17% got pseudo rng'd.
                                                                          Mirana's starfall hits the closest creep.
                                                                          FV timewalk/backtrack got reworked.
                                                                          SD's soul catcher got "spread, not random" treatment.
                                                                          Probably a lot of other things.

                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                            I'm sure pa ult is obviously the worst ult in the game.
                                                                            It creates a playstyle around the game rewarding RNG.

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              well yeah obviously sniper doesn't need buffs. It fits the hero well.

                                                                              I think the problem with omni lash is like you said the randomness of it. Any creeps around, the dmg may just spread to all of them and do nothing. In a team fight it can take you way out of position and get you killed, again spreading dmg. In like 2v2 hero clash or 1v1 it's incredibly op.

                                                                              Of course we're most likely bitching about it cus jug is weak right now. I can't think of a great way to fix omnilash without tons of changes though, if you return jug to his original position he loses chase on fleeing heroes, but if you don't he might get fucked in the middle of a big fight. If you make it based on his attack dmg it might suck early and be too strong late. Making it prioritize heroes is good but probably doesn't fix all the issues.

                                                                              I would just change it to do some kind of aoe attack like ember's sleight of fist. Make him do a giant cleave in a 600 radius where he hits everyone around him for 1.5/2/2.5 times damage on like a 20 second cd. Can do everything a regular attack does like crit, procs, lifesteal, is reduced by armor because it's physical dmg but cannot be dodged.

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Speaking of snipers ult I would love to make an aghs sniper someday but because you need dmg and sniper benefits a ton from attack speed it's really hard to make a good aghs build. Like pretty standard sniper build is pike, maelstrom/mjollnir to farm and go from there. That's good attack speed, decent stats, terrible +dmg.

                                                                                Just to do equal dmg to a single target, level 3 assassinate does 487 to a normal resist hero.

                                                                                Aghs assassinate always procs head shot for 90 dmg, let's assume most heroes in late game when you'd get aghs have around 50% dmg reduction from armor just to simplify things. Really supports/int heroes will have less, carries will have more, but it's easy to calculate. So 45 dmg from headshot. So we need 442 dmg to equal non aghs, with the 280% crit that's 157 dmg. But that's before armor reduction so you really need around 314 dmg. ((314 * 2.8) + 90) * 0.5 = 484 so yes that's close. Sniper at 25 does 103 average dmg. That means you need 200 from items- pike is 20 and always core, phase boots is 24, daedulus is 80, deso is 50, mkb is 66 = 240 so that would do it but damn that is a squishy sniper with poor farming ability. I guess you could go maelstrom, deso, daedulus, aghs.

                                                                                Anyway it seems like a really hard build to maximize.

                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                  If there are 5 creeps and 2 heroes, you can omnislash and get a double kill. Or you can omnislash and not kill anyone. It's dumb. With PA, you expect a crit every 8 attacks and you pretty much get it, as enforced by the PRNG. With jugg, there's no "pseudo" element to it. It's just RNG.

                                                                                  As for sniper aghs, I have yet to see a situation in which it is better to build aghs + dmg as opposed to just attack speed + damage. Even if you are buying rapiers, they still scale better with attack speed cause you can have consistent DPS and actually kill carries.

                                                                                  Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                    For me no better than Juxtapose, PL ulty. Ok it`s maybe just best in some combo, but sick in AD mode. Also i like Weavers ultu. in my opinion much better than WK cause gives you more options in fight or gank. Depend on player who think PA is best, but if no crit and that can be you lost TF and maybe game.

                                                                                    Riguma Borusu

                                                                                      I don't see how Juxtapose is bad.

                                                                                      Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                        you are just unnecessarily salty about omnislash. they made it one-shot creeps for a reason, to make it less luck dependant. in the long run it will even out. eclipse is a worse offender if you are so obsessed about rng

                                                                                        Riguma Borusu

                                                                                          That's true, I think beams should get some sort of a rule too. Chain frost as well. I think all of those spells need to get some rule that would allow you to play around its RNG. Valve/Icefrog apparently think the same thing, they just haven't found the right answer for all of those spells, even though they've already rebalanced/reworked/changed certain spells to shy away from the game-defeating RNGness.

                                                                                          Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                            juxtapose is a hero defining ability, how is it bad?
                                                                                            like pl isnt even pl without juxtapose
                                                                                            its really bad against some heroes and impossible for other heroes to play against themselves


                                                                                              so for things like omnislash and eclipse you cant just make them hit heroes because that would make them way too strong but one way to make it better might be to make it more likely to jump to a hero, so like if theres a hero and a creep within range for the next slash it would have a 75% chance to hit the hero and a 25% chance to hit the creep.


                                                                                                maybe i haven`t understand but juxtapose, gives you hard time in TF, little harder to control, but hard to use use strong burst on PL with juxta in TF.or maybe in every my pl game i haven`t see anyone to counter that. But good in farming, good in fight, good for push, I don`t see some bad side of spell. And no mana to stop you.

                                                                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                                                                  A lot of morons play PL without controlling their illusions probably, always giving away which the real PL is, I get triggered by this every time I see it. Just how fucking hard is it to tick "select newly summoned units" or whatever it is? in dota 2 options?

                                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                                    juxtapose illusions dotn do any fucking damage and they dont last long enough to hit towers

                                                                                                    diffusal blade nerf after diffusal blade nerf has done more to fuck pl than whatever weaver/mirana/void etc fotm heroes use diffusal



                                                                                                      Friendly player

                                                                                                        Chronosphere is shiet