General Discussion

General DiscussionLearning

Learning in General Discussion

    I want to learn about my mistake in last game :

    Can somebody help me to analyze? I just feel there is some mistake that I made but it was hard to analyze by my own.

    Thanks for helping me. Sorry for bad English.

    Happy weekends!

    Potato Marshal

      You went aghs on am against lc

      cero miedo

        I did not watch the game, but one big mistake you made is building aghanims scepter against legion (it reflects back the duel effectively doing nothing). You should have built linken this game, also this is really not a bkb game imo.
        I would have built Battlefury->yasha->linken->complete manta->assault cuirass->abyssal->heart/skadi (butterfly would be good this game instead of assault if you had big gold advantage over enemy cores early on)


          butter over ac every time on am

          Potato Marshal

            Eh, I can see AC over BF this game since:
            -enemy team is 90% physical damage
            -evasion doesn't work against dp ult
            -AC is pretty good for ratting since it's a normal skill game against 5 cores, it's very unlikely for them to kill AM
            -enemy team is rushing mkbs

            But bkb is definitely the wrong move, doesn't help against troll bashes, dp ult, duel, fury swipes, or anything really. You can remove silence with manta, and linkens blocks duel, storm hammer, and spirit siphon. The only really big downside to AC over BF is that your illusions are a lot weaker.

            Riguma Borusu

              I cannot believe there are so many cores in that game and not a single jungler. Is the bracket so low that people don't know how to jungle?


                Thanks a lot, guys. That was my mistake using Aghs over Linken. I though it was cheaper than Linken and save my gold for buyback.

                It was not a bkb game but I feel that was a good option against blade mail.

                Riguma Borusu

                  ^how does bkb help you against blademail?


                    blademail goes trough bkb


                      Yeah, this was a lower deep hell mmr. Everybody is a core. So do I.

                      This bracket, I just want to carry myself. Am I wrong?


                        Damn, I need to learn a lot. Thanks guys. I thought bkb help me against blademail

                        Riguma Borusu

                          BKB does help you against blademail, if your damage output is blocked by a BKB.

                          For example, if you hit a hero for 1000 damage using mana void, you will receive some of this damage if the hero receiving damage has blademail. However, if you have a bkb turned on, since you have SPELL IMMUNITY and 100% MAGIC DAMAGE RESISTANCE, you receive no damage.

                          Thefore, BKB only blocks the types of blademail damage that BKB blocks in first place. It won't block your right clicks, which are physical and go through bkb.


                            Blademail used to return the damage to you as magaical damage before, but nowadays blademails damage type is exactly the same as the damage source. for example, if u turn on the blademail and Lina ult you (without Aghanim) she will also receive the damage as magical damage, so in this case, she can pop the BKB in order to avoid the damage. but if Lina ults you WITH AGHANIM then the Lina ult will be pure thus the damage she receives will be PURE and can't be resisted by BKB.

                            The same story goes for Physical Damage, so if you turn on the BKB while hitting someone the damage will still be reflected since it will be reflected as Physical Damage which goes through BKB.

                            Another thing to mention about Blademail is that it reflects the damage BEFORE REDUCTION. For example, if Lina (without Aghanim) ults you and you turn on the Blademail, you will receive less damage than her since most of the damage will be blocked by Spell Shield but the Blademail returns the damage BEFORE REDUCTION so she will receive the full damage.


                              Aghanim vs legion its a nope