General Discussion

General DiscussionUnranked feels like 1k

Unranked feels like 1k in General Discussion

    1. why does dotabuff need like 1 week to update my mmr?

    2. why does unranked instantly feel like you dropped 1k mmr down?

    in my unranked matches i have people that pick sven or luna offlane, build orchid on BB and feed 11 kills in 15 minutes, no one buys BKBs, supports dont buy wards, daedalus on every hero imaginable, AM mid with echo sabre vlads, first pick invo, 1k skill builds like roaming slardar that level bash??

    Ranked is just 100x better, but sometimes after working out or after overtime at work im too tired to play ranked (i wont perform at 100%) and play therapeutist for my anxious teammates that cry all game and call gg when theyre actually doing fine

    but now i just cant take unranked games anymore. but i also dont want loose mmr because i play when im tired

    what else can i play?? solo with bots? play ranked on a smurf?

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    Potato Marshal

      My unranked match are literally 1k below my ranked games, mostly low 4ks. I don't know how I keep getting matched up with people dumb enough to let Magnus skewer them towards tower.

      chicken spook,,,,

        You mean like this godlike storm?


          Funny my unranked games have ppl who are much higher in mmr than my ranked. But Yea ppl give less fucks so everyone plays suboptimally in terms of lanes, heroes, builds. Ppl afk farm more and are slower to objectives but they are still similar in terms of gameplay skills


            Cause it`s different of your rank. and everybody with mmr plays more free or try to do something else there. also in unrak you can get 4k and 1k in seam game. But main reason is because your normal rank is on 1k lvl.


              cuz u know ... it's fucking unrank


                now i just cant take unranked games anymore. but i also dont want loose mmr because i play when im tired
                what else can i play?? solo with bots? play ranked on a smurf?

                Your question is stupid in my opinion.

                Why do you actually care?

                You can't play ranked because you're tired and think you're just going to lose every game
                You hate unranked because people don't focus and you lose

                If you're so tired that you're a burden to your team that it would be YOUR fault that your team would lose in ranked.. why do you even care about winning or losing in unranked?

                It's your fault you would lose anyway.

                You're only playing unranked because you're afraid to lose that 25 not because you're overtired to the point you can't even function properly.

                My advice - go to bed if you're so depraved you can't make it through a single game without throwing and stick to ranked. No point making a smurf account when you're 3k MMR main. You are the smurf account.

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                  Strange because i use unrank to improve my winrate

                  Story Time

                    make a 1k mmr smurf, seriously, and play ranked like a baboon and still win :D


                      sure thing bro, too bad i never even mentioned the word "loosing" or "winning"

                      and no i dont play at all if im that tired that i would loose my team the game. i dont play ranked when i cant take the whining and flaming and i actually want to play another role then roaming.

                      i still have my 55% winrate in normal MM, that doesnt mean that a BH with battlefury afk farming or an echo sabre AM feel very much like stuff 1k's would do.

                      theres still a noticeable difference in the gameplay

                      ranked: people cry and flame while actually playing well

                      unranked: filled with players that gave up on playing ranked, somewhere down the road their skill starts to deteriorate and they become part of the mess that currently is unranked gameplay


                        New post

                        sure thing bro, too bad i never even mentioned the word "loosing" or "winning"

                        Original post

                        but i also dont want loose mmr because i play when im tired


                        Maybe your hidden MMR is reflective of your true ranking and you calibrated too high. Hence the fear of losing your ranked games and losing MMR.

                        Maybe you're playing your unranked games with the same effort as your ranked games and expecting them to feel the same as ranked games, but without any of the risk. In which case you should just be playing ranked anyway.

                        If I click unranked queue it's because in my head i'm thinking "I just want to muck around and practice/have no responsibility/try a new build/whatever". I don't go into a normal, backseat gaming everyone else about not buying wards/building bad items/playing recklessly/not focusing on objectives.

                        If you want good games, go ranked. Don't whine about unranked. Personally who the hell would want ranked and unranked to feel the same anyway defeats the purpose.

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                          you're welcome to check my dotabuff profile since youre already posting on this homepage...

                          57 % winrate normal MM
                          51% winrate ranked, would be closer to 60% actually, feeded my way down to 2.3 in intranked for all hero challenge, and then all the way back to my current mmr with maybe 3-4 losses.

                          ahh i get it, its some kind of psychologic thing. analyzing someone with a problem that the person himself has... mr "5k-havent played ranked in 6 months" lmao

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                            btw why do people in here always have to get personal and start flaming people all the time? holy jesus man calm down a bit, if you have issues deal with them irl




                              Unrankeds are basically a meme. Especially for a solo player, you'll be matched with stacks who want to "try new things" (like 200gpm alch or riki first item butterfly) or worse, "tryhard as hell" (with cancerous lineups)


                                my original statement:

                                dont want to play ranked all the time, because sometimes i dont have the mental fortitude to babysit and say nice words of ecouragement to 4 crybabies threatening to feed when we are actually winning.

                                thats why i play unranked sometimes (quiet a lot actually) either to learn new heros or as mentioned above.
                                now i realized that people play god awful in every aspect, strategy wise, map awereness, skill and item build, picking.

                                all of those are worlds apart from what i see in ranked.
                                my 57% unranked winrate in mind, my "hidden mmr" should even be higher then i guess?

                                guess i will be playing ranked or with bots from now on, maybe arcades.


                                  thanks to all my dudes in the friendlist that stopped playing or play 2 matches a week ya cundts

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                                    I'm not flaming though?

                                    I'm saying your questions make no sense. You care too much about unranked, and are afraid to play ranked, simple.

                                    So my advice, stick to ranked, if you belong in 3k you'll stay there, if you improve/belong higher you'll climb or you'll drop.

                                    Mr 5k haven't played ranked in 6 months.

                                    Can't argue with that logic :gg: cuff me boys.


                                      dont want to play ranked all the time, because sometimes i dont have the mental fortitude to babysit and say nice words of ecouragement to 4 crybabies threatening to feed when we are actually winning.
                                      mute all, have some good time with yourself



                                        meteor hammer

                                          play unranked, enemy duo stack instantly locks abaddon + omniknight :thinking: