General Discussion

General DiscussionRemove "professional" players from hero rankings unless they have MIN...

Remove "professional" players from hero rankings unless they have MINIMUM 100/200 games played. in General Discussion

    This is a prime example of this.

    MSS played 33 games - ranked 3rd
    Maybe played 44 games - ranked 5th.
    Miposhka played 33 games - ranked 14th.

    This isn't fair, nor justified.

      Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
      Riguma Borusu

        will fall on deaf ears


          Why shud the best players be removed?
          What is your point?

          Riguma Borusu

            they are not the best at particular heroes


              Sample size is key. A low number of games played doesn't lead to a very accurate reading. It should be at least 100.

              Also it's very likely/possible that a large number of those games were played while climbing mmr, as a result there will be a disproportionate amount of stomps since they are much better players than those around them.

              Player 153433446

                True...some havnt played a hero in 2 years yet they rank is this system


                  ranking makes you feel you're good at a particular hero


                    Inactive players (older than 30 days) get removed from the rankings.

                    What DemonicTrashcan said is correct; although I feel like a more accurate representation would be 200 games minimum.


                      to me 200 games is like one years of playing


                        Let's just say that 1 game = 35mins (avg).
                        10 games = 350mins
                        100 games = 3500mins

                        That's 58 hours of gameplay (excluding queues/draft etc).

                        So essentially you would need ~65-75 hours to play 100 games of 1 hero.

                        200 games = 130-150 hours which seems reasonable (to have a good understanding of hero mechanics/items/etc).



                          Este comentario fue editado

                            omg!! only rank 18 sk when should be rank 10 atleast !!! e-peen not as big as it should be fix pls!!1


                              The rankings r already broken cuz they're full of 4k's and shit
                              Why wud u remove ALL pros
                              Sometimes they shudnt be there but they r usually there if they're good at the hero, and often times have more games spread on different accounts


                                Pros shouldn't be removed, but pro division should be. Just go by mmr. Add higher ratings than diamond 10.