General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat does the new Beastmaster's Wild Axes do?

What does the new Beastmaster's Wild Axes do? in General Discussion

    So, they reworked this spell and now it has some damage amplification per stack property. What does that mean?
    Neither the spell description nor wki tell anything about it.

    Potato Marshal

      Doesn't it just apply a short debuff that amplifies any damage from BM and his summons do?


        Yeah. Had to look for it in the patch notes. Though it would apply bonus damage based on number of units hit or somthing.
        So, reapplying the debuff refreshes current stacks? Would make little sense if each stack had it's own duration, since it's 10 seconds duration with 8 secs CD. Though, indefinite stacking seems as weird.

        Riguma Borusu

          ^yes and apparently you can stack them, I think if you hit someone with both axes the amplification is applied for every axe

          i think valve is purposefully making a lot of things stack so that they can mess around with cooldown reduction and provide bonuses based off that (in wc3 dota a lot of things JUST COULD NOT STACK due to engine limitations, not due to some specific design choice)

          Though, indefinite stacking seems as weird.

          ursa would like a word with you

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            if you hit someone with both axes the amplification is applied for every axe

            Sweet, so it's actually double the values. I suppose now you max axes before the aura. Even more so if it amplifies the damage done by axes themselves.

            Riguma Borusu

              just tested it

              yeah thats how it works

              wait what the fuck

              if both axes hit you get 2 stacks

              if one axe hits, it applies on stack when it passes through the unit, THEN ONE MORE STACK IF IT GOES BACK THROUGH IT

              what the fuck is this how is this logical

              apparently it can AT MOST deal twice the axe damage, seems it does not depend on both axes hitting, but that when both axes hit, you apply one stack when it hits and one when it retreats, but it starts retreating right away so it seems like both axes apply this


              TL:DR: It deals two damage instances, on passing through when thrown, and retreating, it also applies a stack every time it passes through the unit, but the two axes basically act like one (if you cast it from melee range or make sure axes cross at the target unit, it still deals two damage instances and applies only two stacks)

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                I though it just for open the jungle and farm till tier 2 tower destroyed lul