General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane Omni or support?

Offlane Omni or support? in General Discussion

    Just wondering the pros and cons of both. And whether I should be learning one more than the other.


      i prefere support, very agresiv against solo offlaners, his degen aura should become a nightmare for opposite hero, also if u are well synchronized with your carry u can make him almost immortal


        His offlane win rate is 59%, versus 57% in the safe lane.

        The win rates difference isn't conclusive, but offlane Omni will level up faster and have a much bigger impact on the game than a safe lane Omni. Plus, Omni can really fuck up the enemy hc's farm with soul ring heal spam on creeps.

        Support Omni won't have any items to play aggressively and use Degen aura in team fights. You'll be limited to just healing/repeling using GA from far.

        Offlane Omni will have things like force staff and greaves early enough to play more aggressively, and make full use of the hero.


          i see one big problem with omni on off, he's useless against ranged cores. he can spam with heals but it will do nothing to enemy. on safe lane there is always chance to catch enemy hero from tress

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            ^ HAHA
            sadly no true sight but I was solo off


              here's the games i just won where enemy offlane was zoned in whole early game, mine carry(two times pa btw) had almost free farm


                Nice job but running omni as #5 instead of #3 is losing his potential.


                  Offlane Omni is situationally game breaking against weak melee cores, like slark, lycan, tiny, Sven, etc


                    as #5 omni gave mine potential to standard offlaner

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                    casual gamer

                      Offlanes better IMO


                        What makes him a good 3 pos hero?
                        No stun. Average survive average stats
                        Low initiation...
                        I just can see him only as a 5 hero...this way his aura its pretty useless its true.


                          >Average survive
                          He has decent starting hp, armor, attack dmg and degen aura helps him to chase/escape


                            im not sure if i understand but u talking about omni that goes on offlane to gain faster lvls and faster items, but its still support items


                              Yes, these are support items but in a right match up u can shitstomp enemy safe lane and come up with 13-15 min greaves, midas and get fast solar crest or w/e is needed. From there u can freely take all t1s and snowball even harder since it's literally impossible to 5v5 vs omniknight team at this point.

                              Just check my omniknight games. I'm playing him #3 exclusively and have a great success. Pretty sure I'd be 5k+ if I only played him but spamming him feels way too gay even for me.

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                              casual gamer

                                meks not a support item lads


                                  member sf/viper rushing mek? i member

                                  casual gamer


                                    this was some pro player ROPFL


                                      omni is tanky early, and he is super hard to kill with his heal
                                      he just wins most trades against carries, with exceptions going to mk, ursa, and maybe am cuz he drains all his mana
                                      he also doesnt fall off or lose effect later in the game, he basically makes it super hard to initiate on anyone, if they go on him, he protects himself, if they go on his carry he saves them

                                      Fee Too Pee

                                        tbh, i prefer omni as 4th position : roaming greedy support

                                        I tried as 3 pos and... i do not know, its just i have minimal impact as 3 (i am noob)

                                        i tried roaming with windlace + venom + degen aura and it works pretty well. Omni does need some items and EXP ( very important)
                                        So, pos 5 not really suit omni, and i cannot play him as 3. so i tried in the middle and it works for me

                                        vera rahma

                                          OMNI IS A SUPPORT... NOT HARD, HE IS NOT A CARRY. Check my win rate bitches

                                          Mode : TOPSON

                                            i though pos 3 is hero with lot of stun and initiation