General Discussion

General DiscussionNaga Siren 7.07C

Naga Siren 7.07C in General Discussion
Schrödinger no Kaeru

    Heya fellas, how is doing Naga Siren lately?

    Can she be played quite well? Is solo offlane a viable option or what?


    Cheap Laugh Guy

      Nah, nothing changed really.

      Riguma Borusu

        it is not about how much you buff the hero, her playstyle is just weak atm

        that and many radiance nerfs in the row have really hurt the hero

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          sumail played it diffusal 1st item into bloodthron blink early fight build


            that said im pretty sure if you do play core naga early fight with diffusal is probably the way to play it, it also works with the buffs to illusions damage.

            Mode: machupichu

              What is naga siren


                roaming can work with blink song as setup

                Story Time

                  great hero but so few good players...


                    AGHANIM TO REFRESH BATTLE


                      I play Naga as a 4 when they have big ultimates I can nullify. Other than ult, she has a scouting tool with Illusions, fairly good stats and MS a really good root and Riptide( if I’m not mistaken, havent seen her parch notes but it provides minus armor right?) very well rounded in this position. Lategame you can still push decently, not as fast, but better than other roamers. As a carry, I think she’s unparalleled in her ability to engulf the map if it gets to that point, but she just doesn’t fit the pace most of the times. Draft ger and you basically draft a reset button for bad fights


                        I think zai ran naga 4 at TI.


                          I think ice frog is trying to move naga into more of an actual hard carry role instead of just a master splitpusher


                            anything can work in any role, but that doesn't make it good

                            you can run a carry crystal maiden, but the enemy carry will simply eat CM regardless of how many items she has.

                            same thing with roaming naga

                            while you set up 1-2 ganks for your team in the laning phase

                            the enemy roamer sets up 10-20 ganks for his team

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                            👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                              Really cookie?
                              She is one of the most tanky heroes without items in the game
                              She has a 5 seconds bkb piercing root on almost 50% uptime with ensnare

                              She can scout easily with mirror image

                              She can counter initiate or set up initiation reliably with song of the siren

                              And she has a nuce minus armor and a counter pushing mechanism with rip tide, which she can pull safely with mirror image

                              She has a decent right click to help her farm empty lane and harass in the early game, combined with her tankiness she is a formidable harasser early on. And can somewhat safely farm

                              Sounds like a very potent hero, especially against slippery bkb users like anti mage and storm spirit


                                Well I definitely won’t win an argument against Cuki. And he’s probably right. There are roamers with better kill potential, And 90% of the time I would pick them instead. But I mostly pick her for song which can interupt stronh initiation. But I’m only 3k so I’m not gonna be defining the meta. But if I’m against a team with say like a Magnus/ Sven, I’m gonna pick Naga as a 4 and I feel like even if I’m not constantly setting up ganks, I’m keeping my team safe


                                  She's still sucking ducks