General Discussion

General DiscussionOP Morphling?

OP Morphling? in General Discussion

    - attribute shift now cost no mana and you can even use them bottle/salve trick
    - adaptive strike is split into two spells so you can deal damage or stun them forever
    - ultimate is op depending on heroes against or with (lvl20 talent allows to morph into allies)
    - agi perk makes up for the low ms
    - gets countered by hex and burst damage of at least 800+ (unless your team is good enough to help and dispel it for you)

    tip: you can play with your friend for a much more fun game like
    morph into axe and you get 2 calls
    morph into ck and you become a death knight with your manta
    morph into enigma with stolen spell allows you to use it too
    morph into a razor steals damage using static link even though you undid the morph
    or why not a natures prophet for dual rat? or a beastmaster perhaps?

    in short morph is op but people is just bad at playing or still adjusting to the changes

    The DarKNovA

      Morph is not OP by any means. Ultimate is now usable, it can even be situationally amazing (or bugged...), but still nowhere near as consistently good as his old ulti.
      Adaptive sounds great in theory, but you still have to use 2 skills for double mana if you want to utilize both, and there's a cooldown, not to mention you can't disorientate enemies with a ministun with the damaging version adaptive.
      The only real buff is the attribute shift, old Morphling with it would have been what you can call OP.

      Can't Buy Culture

        cons : every silence fucks him

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Just make Morph retain his base stats and everything and I will consider the hero OP


            hey the stats are good now
            though he is lacking in int but you can make a do with linkins


              Attribute shift is so strong I think it carries the hero

              chicken spook,,,,


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                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Yes, of course Morphling's stats are good. I mean when he uses his ult (which is named Morph as well), he loses all his original stat and has the copied target's base stat instead. That's just sad.
                  They also made Morph form now changes your primary attribute to the target's one too, which means if you build all those agility items and you Morph into an intelligence hero, you lose all the damage. I don't even understand which drunk fuck did that patch.


                    the ult is made to abuse high value non ultimates. any stun or buff will be really helpfull

                    i just wonder what happens if you morph tb, use metamorph and morph back - you should keep the transformation, right? then you activate manto and take a tower or 2. gg ez

                    also you can use it to show the enemy how to use his skillshots. taunt, just improved


                      Hes super buffed and can be picked over am and nyx easy
                      But aa is stil problem for morph


                        Development of Morpling in 7.07 is like a roller coaster from trash hero to OP one by just 1 patch. How could you deal with Morpling when his SS literally give him 1 free hp/mp guage within 40 sec. In my opinion shotgun Morpling didn't suit him anymore but full-fighting morp build (manta,BF,Skadi,Assault) may suit him best.


                          Morph-Tiny combo.

                          Morph into Tiny, grab a tree, morph back, profit.

                          The DarKNovA

                            Morphling can turn into Bloodseeker, thirst is active on him, and when he morphs back, he will see those enemies who were affected by thirst until they die. It is basically free maphack.

                            General Asim Muneer

                              i morphed into an np before trying to kill him .. he teleported to another lane.. i did the same.. then he tped back to the old place near tower thinking he escaped .. but i had BoTs so i killed him anyways xD damn this patch is fun


                                His ulti is good for clutch abilities like disables or buffs
                                U can become tiny, toss ur teammate in, then take a tree then turn back to morph and keep tree buff for 5 hits


                                  Crash the server with bugs lel ez game

                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                    I just thought maybe the reason why they don't let him retain his original stat is because max Agi Morphed Drow is too OP


                                      Why morph to CK though? you don't get ultimate, so what's the point?


                                        Replicate teamate nyx with aghs and enjoy perma stun enemy

                                        Riguma Borusu

                                          One thing is for certain, this hero is way more fun to watch and the outplay potential is actually way higher particularly if the enemy picks heroes that have it.


                                            @awakened you don't actually need ultimate to kill 1 or 2 people tho


                                              it's just sad that you can get their talents too and the cast range on ultimate is too small

                                              The DarKNovA

                                                In short, he's an amazing situational pick, but a weaker consistent pick than ever before.
                                                Not OP by any means.