General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat to do when your core is outright braindead as pos5 supp

What to do when your core is outright braindead as pos5 supp in General Discussion

    you may understand it by watching my viper items and death score in one glance


    Problem for me as support player is when you play position5 support you don't have exp nor gold (it's worse when you play hard support like Oracle) but many game you found out your core is retard later on and yes you can't do nothing except place ward and pray that your carry won't feed anymore.

    My question is what could you do in the game when you realize that it's impossible to win because you can't convince this 2 digits IQ to listen (I asked this Viper 3 times why would he pressed MoM in fight when his dmg came from 1st skill and it gives 40% slow, and he said he won other game with MoM BibleThump). I'm not fan of "GG end mid" or abandoning the game, so could I ask what is the best way to deal with this situation as support.



      Your job early on is to make sure that the enemy never reaches the point that the braindead carry will ever have issues with feeding. If your core has 5k-7k networth more than the enemy team and you have false promise, then he shouldn't die, ever.

      you are the early playmaker, amplify the later game playmakers.

      Este comentario fue editado

        lmao, learn when to gank, how to gank, basically just learn the timings of shit


          Play better as a support. It's your fault you didn't save the dude even if he run into 5 hero lul. Staying in your fountain won't help you win. You have no excuse just because you are not a core


            You need to adjust to them since you are "better". Calling them noob / stupid won't make you win, but improving on how you support / gank will change the outcome of your games.


              I'm assuming you have other cores. Enable them instead, if you see that the one you are babysitting is impossible. If safelaner is absolute ass? Gank mid and get your midlaner to his power spike faster. Get your offlaner some space. Things like that.


                Easy: you sell your items, go midas and afk farm. Also don't forget to block camps. Here's a demostration:


                We manage to crash both safelane with their Abaddon feeding nonstop early game and offlane lane thanks to my rotations to help the solo Morph. We gather to get all the t1s, all is going great. Idk how the fuck their AM doesn't have a BF 17 minutes in yet (AM+Bane vs solo Morph), like I said Aba is basically playing in our team, I get tons of wards and detection for Treant but still have a great impact without items, 4-3-14. Perfect.

                After that Tinker goes LITERALLY afk farming, I ask them LITERALLY 8-9 times to push, I LITERALLY beg them to gather and exploit the advantage 'till we can (we had a Tinker and a ROAMING Qop vs a late game Ember and AM + cancer Treant). That stupid piece of shit doesn't listen and keeps tping around the map and starts dying to the AM that meanwhile has got BF and Manta. I start losing my patience and throw some offenses, Drow sees Tinker farming and joins the afk state of mind, Morph does the same. Ember has all the time in the world to get his items and Treant to become cancer. From that point on it's just phase boots Jakiro and 2 worthless pieces of shit, 4-8-8 mid and 8-15 roaming, blaming me 'cause I RUINED THE GAME. We couldn't win any fight anymore, they had come back, that fucking waste of cum STILL DOING THE SAME MISTAKE OVER AND OVER, SPLITTING, QOP FEEDING, and the 4-3-14 pos 5 Jakiro RUINED THE GAME. OK.

                I swear to God when you find yourself in these games with such fucking sub-human monkeys there's only one thing you can do: follow the steps listed above. There's literally no hope. Try to communicate of course, be polite, you wanna win after all, but after the 9th time fuck it, just go BF Io, Daedalus CM 'cause the chances you'll have to win are as high as these fucktards' IQ anyway. Zero.

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                  You can tell if a core is retarded by watching him lane.


                    you pick sf and deal 510 damage on lvl 1 with triple raze


                      position 5 support below 3k lol


                        ES Lina Viper lost the lane to slardar... there is definitely something wrong with your so called "position5 support".

                        To answer your question, the best thing you could do is to stop being a retarded toxic player who blames everything in the world except yourself.
                        From my smurfing experience, I've never seen a single support player in your tier who actually knows what to do in the game apart from doing anything they could to make the game harder.


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                          OK, want to listen what really happened LINA AFK behind tower when slardar and pudge dive to viper at lvl1 and they got FB ,after that she got lvl 2 so she just tp to bot lane after that and leave Viper and me on top.


                            playing ES pos 5 Clap
                            tranquils at 14 min Clap


                              when you pick ES first and no other hero who can go pos5 what can you do? Clap

                              mosquito net on my feet


                                зачем я начал поиск

                                  I would start by not picking a ward slave.


                                    just my 2 cent as 3 k trash and i play support most of my game, as i know earth spirit is good as a roamer bad at laning phase. and i rarely see people playing earth spirit as position 5 .. as u can see ur losing ur lane which disadvantage ur carry , try another hero like skywarth ogre witchdoctor dazzle which known as a good laning hero at least ur carry win a lane even ur mid failed, maybe that can the result of the game, if u wanna play support dont pick position 4 support first , u must pick 5 position like i usually done. maybe u can try position 5 support?i dont know why u blame that viper that much u even lost ur laning phase(thats big mistake) just my 2 cent, maybe there is another people can give some advice in this forum like rpq sama, or unheabledamage etc which know the support role than i

                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                      Play the game and try to make the most out of it

                                      Just like it happens to you, it possible to happen to the other team as well, just make the mist out of it
                                      Do your duty, be the good guy