General Discussion

General Discussiontechies = low priority ?

techies = low priority ? in General Discussion

    so 2 days ago we wanted to play a pub with 5 stack, but we didn't have the other 1 so my friend say "lets just play unranked". So i pick techies (can't really play the hero) and got reported by my solo teammate and enemies (i think) then i got my 3 games of single draft.

    Machado98 #xatubaking

      I don't think Dota punishes people for picking unconventional heroes, or doing unconventional builds and strats, or having a bad game. Might even be some toxicity from you or maybe you roamed too much and got an abandon lol
      If Dota does punish people for being unconventional then Singsing better get some smurfs.
      Guess we LoL now.


        I am sure it was enemies that reported me, because i only play with my 4 other friends and party member can't report each other right ?
        This is so lame
        "omg, we were winning before he buy rapier, let's report him together"
        "omg he picked techies, so annoying, I'm gonna report him, who's with me ?"
        Lame as fuck


          watch the newest dota wtf moment's first clip. now that shit deserved some reports


            this hero is broken and gets hated by community so hard, i also report when someone picks it because its so annoying to play with or against(4vs5 whole game with techies in team and endless highground siege if you play against)


              techies has been my ban every game for a while now. i neither like playing with him in my team, nore vs him. annoying af for everybody else in the game.

              Story Time

                party member can't report each other right ?

                I think they can :D i reported one last month


                  you can report your party mates by quiting the group during the game


                    I played so many games in both ranked and unranked with techies ! I never get reported by neither the enemy nor teammates! So that’s not the main reason i think!

                    Bill Cutting

                      I know it’s unfair to report someone for picking a hero in the game - but I hate techies games. They are only fun for the techies player

                      Hour and half games man

                      Machado98 #xatubaking

                        tbh I hate playing with or against techies but I never reported a single techies because I have my own share of techies games, the hero is fun to the player (the player only)


                          You can't report party members; however, if you leave the party before the game ends, you can.

                          Story Time

                            ^oh yes, that is the wei to do that :)


                              Yeah, I found that out a few months ago. I left the party before we won the game, signifying I didn't want to play another game with them because of tilt, then in the post match scoreboard, I saw the report button available on top of my friends' names.


                                "To create peace, something we need some explosion"
                                -Mahatma Gandhi-


                                  working as intended


                                    I report techies whether or not they are on my team. I prefer them to be on the enemy because you can play around it and win. Techies on your team it's like you literally have a 4 person team. At the score screen you can even see "Techies --- Building Damage: 0"

                                    I vote to Delete Techies.


                                      "To create peace, something we need some explosion"

                                      Tu tayta

                                        A report for picking Techies is a justified report.

                                        Mlada i Luda

                                          Lolórde da badaga 23 hours ago
                                          I don't think Dota punishes people for picking unconventional heroes, or doing unconventional builds and strats, or having a bad game. Might even be some toxicity from you or maybe you roamed too much and got an abandon lol
                                          If Dota does punish people for being unconventional then Singsing better get some smurfs.
                                          Guess we LoL now.

                                          dota doesnt punish people by observing what shit they are doing in game, dota punish people based on reports or abbandons they have.

                                          welcome in earth bro .

                                          op , yes techies is guaranted low priority, that hero trigers 9 players in game potentially . prety sure 2-3 reprots in 1 game guaranted if you play techies.

                                          Cheesy Wenis

                                            One game with 9 reports isn't going to get you into low priority. It takes a pattern of bad behavior over an extended period of time to get into LP.

                                            That techies game was just the straw that broke the camels back.

                                            casual gamer

                                              It takes a pattern of bad behavior over an extended period of time to get into LP.

                                              or a pattern of picking techies


                                                It takes a pattern of bad behavior over an extended period of time to get into LP.

                                                pattern stretched over two games

                                                Cheesy Wenis

                                                  I'll do 10 Techies games, let's see how this LP thing goes.


                                                    All of you are talking as i am a techies spammer lol, i picked it once in a 4 man stack, unranked game, can barely remember its ult trigger's hotkey (legacy)


                                                      Dude u dont get lp for getting reported by 1 party the report count in ur summary are reports from different parties and from different games.


                                                        Hero needs to be removed. And if you get like 10 reports in 2 games yes you gonna get LP for sure but few like 2-3 not the usual 5..

                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                          I'd remove him completely from the game. Retarded piece of shit hero.. Literally makes no sense to be in Dota 2. Hero concept is just retarded


                                                            ^ agreed. No place in Dota. Valve should just do a referendum.