General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play gyrocopter

How to play gyrocopter in General Discussion

    pls help me i have 25 % winrate on this hero


      Just click ur spells and watch people die
      It's not that hard


        go mid/offlane
        mid=aquila-phase-yasha-veil-sangeyasha-octa/shiva/watever skill:3112141222
        offlane=boot-stick-phase-wand-veil/yasha-yasha/veil-sangeyasha-octa/shiva/watevr skill:1212121212121212121212121212121212121212 4 when posible

        talent just go hp barrage calldowncd global call/homing

        enjoy your 70% winrate


          when to go drums when to go dragon lance when to go mom need sight pls


            i never go those items,but drums is when you gonna fight/early clashes
            dlance if you gonna push a tower,especially t3 t2 (or aiming to get forcestaff,like vs clock,forcestaff 1st is good also rather than just going vanilla dlance)
            mom for farming? i never tried mom on a gyro before

            Lruce Bee

              A solid build is drums butterfly bkb rapier


                a more solid build is my build


                  Lance is dead on the hero, just buy it after force when u r against clock to build into Pike.
                  MoM for farming and drums for early fighting/group pushing
                  Smth like phase MoM/drums sny bkb butter is usually the build

                  Este comentario fue editado
                  Lruce Bee

                    You don't need lance or Mom on gyro. Decide if you want to go matumbaman build. Drums bkb butter. Or pub build. Drums sny bkb. Or aghs build.


                      I don't think bkb after drums is good in ur pubs
                      Aghs build is just not as good as sny rn

                      chat banned :)

                        drums mom sy for early

                        < blank >

                          the Ancient just gave you advice. i suggest you take it

                          chicken spook,,,,

                            check dotabuff guides


                              with 4 games


                                i think he want safelane gyro,i pos 1


                                  focus on damage and lifesteal on that hero, tank enough to survuve early fights, not too much tho. s&y is overall great as first item imo.

                                  i wouldnt recommend mom since the recent nerf
                                  dragonlance is situational, you mostly buy pike for the forcestaff effect on that hero. E ignores attackrange, q needs you to be close anyway.
                                  gyro is more of an early fighting position 1, thats why ppl buy drums. its like aquila and phaseboots on common agi cores. skip it if you wanna focus on farm.

                                  Lruce Bee

                                    Don't buy Mom or lance. Sometimes you really don't need sny. Damn noobs.


                                      Aghs maelstrom is the only way to play you filthy heathens


                                        watch high tier player and learn from them, cuz it's hard to help u with just few sentence liek HELP I SUCK AT IT


                                          do you know why you have low winrate? let me help you: because you bought that acc and u suck