General Discussion

General DiscussionNullifier on Night Stalker

Nullifier on Night Stalker in General Discussion

    Will it be effective?


      The real question is how do u get that farm with NS ??

      Totentanz to The King: M ...

        too expensive to buy realistically, but nullifier is a really good item if you can afford one and dont need anything else.


          I started playing ns, and after buying utility item and vanguard i dont know what to buy anymore. Which end up witn me buying aghanim

          SASA POPOVIC

            NS is useless without aghanims, thats the strongest point of that hero to deny enemy vision and make yourself a mobile ward

            Este comentario fue editado

              vanguard lul

              ever heard about solar crest?


                after the flying buff, aghanim is not really mandatory, still a good item to get though.

                Potato Marshal

                  Back when I was 3k, I liked rushing armlet into heart, followed by basher. But this was before he even had an aghs.


                    i've actually never want to buy agh if i'm a core ns(okay i know it's pretty a joke),why don't you just go an item that can beatup someone
                    who needs flying vision unless you're fighting stuff like tinker

                    usually i go pt-vg(for tower diving,medal can work) for core

                    edit:pretty sure you'll be building basher/mkb+bkb+null for him if you want to play core

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                      Night stalker used nullifier. It's not very effective!


                        Night stalker used spirit vessel.It's super effective!

                        Totentanz to The King: M ...

                          Night stalker had aghs since 6.60 you know that right?

                          chat banned :)

                            pos 4 NS nullifier is like u already won the game too expensive but its good

                            Potato Marshal

                              I don't know why I thought NS aghs was added in the last 2 years or so. But I don't think anybody was buying it back then anyways?


                                what the heck is night stalker aghs at 6.60? i dont think i recall

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  it is the same thing since then.

                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                    but yeah people didnt buy it in dota 1 at all (vision was super unimportant back then, no one even knew what wards are) and in dota 2, NS was mostly played as a core till the last few patches so they bought mostly armlet and BKB, sometimes aghs.


                                      oh,yea on my palce at least someone buy wards i think (idk dun realy remember,first time i seriously playing dota was when there's OMG map,the one you mix skill)
                                      yup,nobody buy dat agh thingy i guess