General Discussion

General Discussion Dealing with women

Dealing with women in General Discussion

    Ok, if we are able to uunderstand and study a game as complex as Dota, surely a woman wouldn’t be too hard right? Right?... sadly... it seems all men are heralds when it comes to understanding wemen.

    I mean in a relationship standpoint, They get mad over KNOW you’re doing everything right, and she fucking just fights you over something thats 100% out of your control. I mean seriously, Every Dota hero has a counter, there’s an AA for huskar, and magic damage for timbersaw, but how to stop this uncalled for rage and conflict? I mean cmon.

    Just be Alpha? And control the relationship like a mid asking for tangoes, wards and 20 ganks. Or will being a lil bitch like a pos 5 lastpick who gets flamed cause he couldn’t win all lanes for his 4 core lineup, somehow be the key for a healthy relationship.(doubt it) men are waaaaay easier to negotiate with and understand it seems.


      It seems like you haven't found da Queen.
      Never give up.


        Please don't compare a gender to dota u make me want to vomit


          Women are like Roshan, You can't do them without sacrificing time and health

          a god among feeders

            ^found the virgin


              *Tempted to show off with GFs photos
              *Takes deep breath
              *Goes back to play Dota


                Never trust women witb pre mens syndrome


                  i don't want to marry anyone,but if you meet someone get mad over anything i think you should just get another human


                    Tell her to grab your dong otherwise you'll call her dad and tell him she ain't willing to do so.


                      You compare the complexity of a video game with the complexity of a human beeing.

                      The woman you describe is just toxic. Walk away, problem solved. Find one that is not too crazy.

                      If my girlfriend annoys me, I just give her a break and ignore her until she behaves normally again. I do that with all people that annoy me. Ignore them and do not get mad. Simple solution.


                        u fuking dogs


                          small dick.


                            You can break up with your gf but not dota


                              women are like roshan

                              10 people will compete for her but only the one that lasthits her gets the lasthit

                              so you better lasthit her if you want her ifuknowwhatimean

                                Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador

                                  5 gay threads out of 7


                                    play "super seducer". The game has good tips on how to get a girl :-))

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      im watching bulldog play it on utube and its very hard to watch, omegahaHAA every minute

                                      Dune, the Desert Planet

                                        Broke up with gf yesterday. fml

                                          Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                                          not arin

                                            how do i install tinder on caterpillar


                                              Have you tried destroying the enemy ancient GF anus?

                                              Este comentario fue editado

                                                arin u could download a phone/android emulator and use tinder on ur pc

                                                not arin

                                                  i know, im just derailing the thread with dumb posts as usual

                                                  and their users are the exact opposite of people that i might actually like, i can't imagine my crush using this atrocity

                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                    and their users are the exact opposite of people that i might actually like, i can't imagine my crush using this atrocity


                                                    maybe im just being elitist for no reason + i never actually used the app + its almost nonexistent here but i get an impression that people that use it are normies in the worst sense


                                                      what do u mean by their users?

                                                      there are lots of "gamer/anime" "OTAKU:DDD" girls as well

                                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                        gamer/nyaaaaaaaa kaWAIII ;3 gurls are even worse


                                                          Damn I didn't know triplesteal still played dota


                                                            idk im just saying tinder is diverse and there even are ppl on tinder that say tinder sucks/is cringe

                                                            not sure what you have to lose, just download the app, upload a few pics of urs and try it, if u dont like it u can jsut stop


                                                              I already have girl so super seducer unnecessary

                                                              I talking about the complex enigma that is a wamens mind

                                                              Destroy gf anus roflmao cuki


                                                                Dota is my gf


                                                                  MODSMODSMODSMODS iS thiS DOTA FORUM OR DOG FORUM ?

                                                                  Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                    asking for life advice to a bunch of sweaty virgins, surely will end well


                                                                      Dr dee... that was the point.

                                                                      Can nobody understand im meming? While looking for hunor from a community I find relatable and who’s toxicity has started to become music to my ears

                                                                      not arin

                                                                        asking for life advice to a bunch of sweaty virgins, surely will end well

                                                                        im not sweaty u fat fuck

                                                                        not arin

                                                                          idk im just saying tinder is diverse and there even are ppl on tinder that say tinder sucks/is cringe

                                                                          not sure what you have to lose

                                                                          last remaining scraps of my dignity


                                                                            But you look hot irl arin owo


                                                                              if you looking for that,you came to a wrong forum then
                                                                              go go to 9gag


                                                                                last remaining scraps of my dignity

                                                                                these are long gone, so try it


                                                                                  All of you got small dick stroke your own dicks. LOL


                                                                                    If you want real and hard answers! check out Jordan B peterson! clinical psychologist!

                                                                                    Mungo Time

                                                                                      She does not respect you as a man.


                                                                                        these are long gone, so try it

                                                                                        only on dotabuff
                                                                                        irl i don't go outside

                                                                                        Story Time

                                                                                          woman is a real player and man is just a walking creep, so when she last hit you, you give away your money and your experience


                                                                                            Not going outside is not something that preserves ur dignity


                                                                                              Not going outside is not something that preserves ur dignity

                                                                                              but this way noone knows that i don't have any

                                                                                              chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                But you look hot irl arin owo

                                                                                                no kappa tbh

                                                                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                  generalizing a whole gender and comparing them to a video game rofl go to 9gag or some shit


                                                                                                    Dota released the most stable patch ever with 6.88 that hadn't even begun to end its turnover cycle when valve released 6.89.

                                                                                                    If it ain't broke...etc

                                                                                                    Women make more sense because at least things are up for discussion. R.I.P. perfect patch FU Naga + Meme Hammer

                                                                                                    Potato Marshal

                                                                                                      Women are like the enemy ancient. You gotta the destroy them! Haven't you virgins ever read about Roman strategies?

                                                                                                      chicken spook,,,,

                                                                                                        whoa i read that somehwere!!!