General Discussion

General DiscussionKey Difference in mechanics between LoL and Dota 2

Key Difference in mechanics between LoL and Dota 2 in General Discussion

    So i've been meaning to put this in words for a while and rather then go into details I'll just give the abridged version.

    After watching Tournament games, playing them myself and comparing and contrasting both LoL and Dota 2, I can safely say that out of everything the biggest notable difference that is game play related is the comeback factor.

    With Dota Even if you are behind in gold and levels, you can still put up a good fight and even come back if you're tactical enough.
    But with LoL, if you fall behind you're kinda stuck there. Every fight ends up being a stomp against you, and you're just stuck hoping that you can either hold off long enough that the gold lead doesn't matter, or they flat out throw the game.

    To put it in simple terms, Dota 2 isn't remotely as snowbally as LoL is, which in turn makes the game feel much more fair by comparison.

    How accurate is this?


      The game feels more fair, but in reality once one team gets a better draft/advantage the game is already over, the casters just don't want to say that.

      A match could be over as early as like 5-10 minutes, the rest is just building enough advantage to finish it.


        Not sure that really counts when a game can go on for as long as 2 hours.


          I guess the way you could phrase it is that if the enemy team makes a significant mistake in Dota its possible to recover from a large disadvantage but if the enemy makes a significant mistake in LOL then they're probably still going to maintain their advantage and win.

          Playing well and being tactical are still not enough to win games if the enemy is far enough ahead. You kinda need the enemy to make a mistake.


            Yeah thats a good way to put it. Point being dota isn't as slanted towards whoever gets an early lead. They still have a huge advantage but its not impossible to come back.


              BECAUSE u dont lose gold when u die in lol, we have unreliable gold and reliable gold in dota.

              Player 345996680

                in lol you xant buyback tho, one death on mid or carry in a 60 min game can be gameover. at the same time, burst is stronger in lol (assasin heros have their burst spells scaling with attack damage, so they can easily oneshot most carries/glassscanon heros in lategame).

                the biggest difference between the mechanics though, that LOL spells scale with ability power, and there are some spells that scale with attack damge, so like, spellcasters usually scale much better (at the same time there are much more heroes who rely on their abilities to deal damage, whereas in dota there are all kinds of different carries who mainly rightclick for DPS) and in general all items and the way the game feels is a bit different because of that.

                however as some dotabuff veterans once said, league is more 1-dimensional - and it often bois down to who has the stronger 5man and who gets the jump. unless somebody snowballs out of control. in dota there are more ways to control the game.

                Este comentario fue editado

                  You cant deny fucking creep in Lol so what more should we talk ... its trash game for rtd american kids.

                  Pale Mannie

                    league - deep as a kids pool and wide as an ocean (wall of text descriptions of every damn spell in this game you have to remember)
                    dota - wide as a lake and deeper than the mariana trench


                      Actually LoL is more family friendly than dota


                        I have friends who say the opposite: LoL isn't remotely as snowbally as DotA 2 is.

                        But LoL is definitely the more toxic game

                        Lruce Bee

                          Snowball in Dota is because you generate a larger lead and deficit the more you rape the enemy. that's because of Gold loss etc. So u can become more and more aggressive. But Dota also lets you get punished more if you're overly aggressive. So yea Dota is more snowbally. Think the word ppl are looking for is "volatile" when comparing the two games.