General Discussion

General DiscussionSolo Offlane Vs Aggressive Trilane

Solo Offlane Vs Aggressive Trilane in General Discussion

    So recently i’ve been encountering trilanes, in my most recent ones, a trilane of Shadow Shaman, a roaming pudge who didn’t leave the safelane for the entire laning stage and a wraith king, which sums up to a stun, a hex a root a slow and a hook
    All in all, is there anyway to lane against this type of fuckery?


      What hero are you playing?


        Doesn’t matter what hero i’m playing as i dont think any hero can contest this trilane.


          I think if you have 3 heroes keeping tabs on you you’ve won other lanes, so maybe farm when creeps are acailable, just don’t feed I guess.


            Brood when she hits hers power spike can eat rasta and pudge, timber because thats 2 strength heroes and you can outheal rot with max passive

            Este comentario fue editado

              Yes, i already know that, but my teammates do not, so they proceed to lose the safelane even when going 2 on 1


                Then thats out of your hands my friend. But offlaning is fun, games like these happen, but they can also happen to safelaners and mids. Maybe dark seer because you don’t even need to be in lane, just put ion on creeps and make the wk sad. Enchantress cause you can kite and with good micro even kill shaman and pudge because of their low armor. I can make a lot of theories but I personally love having the whereabouts of 3 heroes always. Tide cause he has purge. I can go on with all these perfect situations but it all boils down to you finding an impact later on in the game. You don’t have to win the lane to have a good outcome in the offlane



                  Take a look at this, I was against slark cm and es in lane and killed the cm twice and the slark once, because I know after their spells I can kill them easily and they’ll chicken out for some reason. Also even if I lose I know ck an pa are freefarming and i can empower them and RP later and have more impact than the slark even if he gets like 2 items ahead of me.

                  fifi nono

                    You're taking winning lane to mean what exactly? If your goal is to win the majority of games, then the way you win lanes like that is by allowing things to happen elsewhere and not doing too badly. In terms of your goal, it should be wasting enemy support time (stopping both rotations and counter-rotations, stopping stacking and preventing the zoning other cores), keeping up in level (focus on exp, gold is secondary) and stopping enemy core farming, although against good players that is the same as wasting support time (good supports will only dedicate time to staying there if you are a threat to their pos 1).

                    The how is much more tricky, but things you SHOULDN'T worry about are:
                    1) Your teammates' performance - giving advantage to your team increases your winrate period.
                    2) Their supports wasting too much time zoning you - the counter to this is to play as if the opponent is making the best possible decision by being where they are.

                    A good trick I use is to make the best guess you can as to where the enemy supports are, with the assumption that they are playing well, every 2-5 seconds. This helps you contest pulls, be ready to take runes and not die.

                    If you want to complain about teammates not capitalizing on the advantage you provide by dedicating 2 enemy supports to sit and stare at you while you get exp and don't die, go play mid or something idk.


                      Buy a taunt and taunt the rasta and pudge for babysitting their carry so hard and tell your teammates that their supports are occupied, play more aggressively


                        ^ nop, not here to complain, just looking for good advice, thank u for the input


                          I’m spamming necrophos offlane 🤨


                            Imagine a tide backstroking while you’re just siiting there and they’re sharing exp 3 ways and the creeps WILL go under your tower I guarantee it. Esp at our bracket. Because pudge and shaman will try to kill you and forget to pull elegigle and wk will get crits and screw up equilibrium. Think of those things that will boost your morale. Wk needs items to do damage, pudge wants blink aether and all that, so does rasta, and they can’t kill yoi so where are they gonna get that cash? Their ass and runes? Also runes don’t give xp anymore. And you, imagine your a tide and you press R and stun multiple heroes with no items. How is that “lost” as a lane


                              But pick somebody like LC and feed duel damage because you also need to snowball. And couldn’t, details like that


                                Is it still possible to pull ur creeps as an offlaner?
                                And if it is, what is the timing

                                Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                  That is a defensive trilane. The best you can do is get exp from the trees and make them waste their resources. Even if you die, they will eventually run out of mana.





                                      Take this game for example i'm not vs a threelane but still clinz is and he loses

                                      U see it's not about winning ure lane it's about giving their carry a hard time and doing that should allow others to win their lanes!
                                      U just need to put pressure on them that's it


                                        Survive, get exp and gold if you can. They will leave eventually when mid or their offlane need rotation. If you hit your power spike first(get level 6 first on certain hero) and their carry is only level 3-4, you can kill their carry or force him to leave lane for long time after his supports leave him alone. At SEA server, if the situation above happens, most of the time their support will tilt and blame his carry openly in all chat.


                                          Unfortunately, i don’t play on SEA

                                          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                            Pick the hero that survive a tri lane.

                                            Best offlane hero I can think of is:
                                            Pitlord. He can jungle if it needs to. Tank enough to survive. Good AOE disable. Only needs level to be useful on early game.

                                            Other good offlane are bristleback, pandaren, timbersaw, omniknight and puck.

                                            Then, prioritize XP over last hit. Avoid dying as posible. Pull the creeps on on their jungle camp if posible. Or pull the creeps on their tower. Get bounty rune. Avoid last hitting if its too risky. Don't panic like chatting, "AM free farm. GG" as long as your safelane Luna is also free farming.


                                              You can't really compare rhasta pudge to es+cm. The damage is not even close. Rhasta has one of the highest base dmg in game and pudge has good dmg as well. LVL 1 it is insane.

                                              ES is so weak in zoning lvl1.

                                              For example with doom you can't even leave your tower lvl1 vs first, you can actually force es to use half his regen and LVL 3 you have kill potential on them. Not against pudge and rhasta.


                                                Plus u have Wraith king stun and invoker was Sunstriking me lmao, i think i developed cancer after that game


                                                  Fair enough, Last person I want zoning me is probably a rasta. But thats not the end of the world, it’s just the life of an offlaner.


                                                    You should be happy if you've kept their supports from roaming. offlane is depressing now that iron talon has disappeared.

                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                      Do this.

                                                      If done right, that pull gives you a level advantage against a tri-lane and it forces the next creep wave closer to your tower so you can gain exp more safely.

                                                      Also, to get the most out of a tri-lane and not just feed, you need to understand what creep equilibrium and power spikes are (your hero's and your opponents' heroes), and how to abuse them. Plenty of youtube video guides to learn that.


                                                        Brood when she hits hers power spike can eat rasta and pudge, timber because thats 2 strength heroes and you can outheal rot with max passive
                                                        The fuck? Brood gets countered by both of those punks.
                                                        I’m spamming necrophos offlane 🤨

                                                        This hero gets countered by an item(spirit vessel). I highly recommend you to not play him tbh he's weak rn.
                                                        All in all, is there anyway to lane against this type of fuckery?

                                                        I highly doubt there's a way to at least draw the lane. If you're able to trade hits with the supports, do it. Keep in mind to do that as near to the tower as possible. Try to grab the bounty runes and pull the hard camp of the enemy side to your lane creeps so the enemy lane can be pushed. If this ain't possible then try to do some stacks if your hero can easily clear them.

                                                        Keep in mind that you're creating a lot of space for your cores to farm and push the lanes. The enemy core is supposed to be under leveled from the lane if there's a trilane for over 4-5 minutes(insanly stupid if this occurs).

                                                        Este comentario fue editado

                                                          Is there a case for letting them take an early T1 tower? Seems creep equilibrium is difficult for a lot of carry players and could well leave their core out of position. only opens up the ancients to farm in addition to other neutral creeps.

                                                          on the other hand it is a lot of gold/exp to give early game.

                                                          archon theorycrafting ftl.


                                                            I don't think so. If you let them get an early tower, it means that you opened the map for them. They will be able to gank you and mid laner way more easily.
                                                            1- If you push the lane and rotate to jungle, they'll come and kill you.
                                                            2- If you don't push the lane, you let them to deal damage to the t2.


                                                              in such games u can't really harass the enemy core by attacking him or get farm from lane u need to pull the creep wave it's the only way and if ur hero is strong like Bat rider after getting some levels u can go aggressive and get kills or farm jungle camps stacking will help also


                                                                One word of advice do not pick timber vs very aggressive trilanes especially when they have stun and slow cause if their carry can deny creeps well u literally get nothing and end up being lvl1 vs a lvl 3 sup

                                                                Armor and regen won't save u against some heroes


                                                                  @OG.n0brain HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! :O


                                                                    if you can't pull their creeps into your lane (pull the first wave if you know what i mean) then hide in the trees in sideshop. if you do this properly you can soak half exp or full exp if the enemy carry doesn't deny his creeps, then the supports will look for you OR NOT. Just use ur tp if you feel u r in danger. I usually proceed in the trees at minute 0 and let my teamates take the bounty rune so even if they put a lane ward i'm already at the trees and they don't even know about it!

                                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                                      play techies and k il l yourself (banned term? its relevent to the ability though....) whenever they go on you, keep up experience, kill the supports. your team should have tp's for when they dive


                                                                        A lot of these questions can be answered by analysing high mmr replays, just sayin.


                                                                          Offensive trilane is when they trilane their offlane, with the intention of pressuring your carry(hence offensive). Defensive trilane is when they trilane their safelane, with the intention of securing their carry's farm. Just wanted to nitpick your term usage lol
                                                                          You're creating space by requiring the attention of 3 heroes. Trust that your teammates will take advantage of this space. By the way, keep your mind open to the possibility of switching positions, in terms of farm priority, with your pos 4, if he got stuff done. As in, you become the 4th in farm priority, he becomes the 3rd. I've won games because of times like this; I accepted that I didn't get anything out of the lane, but my pos 4 support got a lot done, so I tell him "go build items, I'll transition to support"


                                                                            From what I’ve seen broods can use spin web and jungle to outmaneuver the supports. Hide in trees etc. And when she has an army can run them down. But I’m no brood player myself, but I can see it being done, maybe a different web placement or something that goes from jungle to behind the t1 of the enemy

                                                                            Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                              u literally get nothing and end up being lvl1 vs a lvl 3 sup

                                                                              I remember happening this to me as a Pandaren. Not lvl1, but around lvl3 and the trilane are also lvl3. I just make sure to use drunken haze everytime their core tried to last hit. Almost no cs. Yet, at mid game I catch the farm immediately, having dag, phase, stick, and soul ring on about 18mins.

                                                                              Bottomline is:
                                                                              Pick the correct hero, and accept the harrassment. Just survive and live the tale.

                                                                              Also, pray that your supports will tp back out when they start tower diving you.