General Discussion

General DiscussionDota players aren't bad, they are masochists.

Dota players aren't bad, they are masochists. in General Discussion

    Ever wonder why someone would pick a 4th carry? Why can't they just pick sup and win? Its not because they are doing a hero challenge, or because of their pride or because they don't trust you to carry. Its because they know full well that picking sup and having an easy 30 game. ITS BORING. They would rather play the game the hardest way possible because it makes them feel rewarding if they win. For all I know they secretly love being verbally abused by teammates as some sort of weird fetish. You actually thought that a 4th carry picker is bad because they picked a 4th carry? Nah dude, why else are they in your bracket? Humans are like that, they INSIST on learning the HARDEST way possible.

    You're 5 years old and your mom tells you to not touch the oven cause its hot, you touch it and get hurt. You're a teenager and you know full well getting black out drunk is bad but you do it anyway then never do it again because the alcohol smells like the time you almost died. Dota players either love learning the hardest way possible because its human instict when they pick a 4th carry, or they secretly love really hard games, also the fact that MMR is on the line also gets their cocks hard. They just need to have a 70 minute game with a 15/20 KD.

    So if you ever last pick a carry when we already have 3 just let me know you're a masochist and want to play a really hard game so I don't go all like "WTF WHY U PICK 4TH CARRY IDIOT".

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