General Discussion

General Discussioncan you guys help me ?

can you guys help me ? in General Discussion

    I'm a pos 4 or 5 player and i just cant raise my mmr, How to be better ? or should i switch role ?

    Yami Yugi

      you might want to try Warlock, Sire

      Yami Yugi

        and NO, don't buy him Glimmer, just Shadow Amulet is enough to let him finish Upheaval channeling, and give him Aether Lens too


          need help too, i rush my mmr to 3995 then got back to 3.4k again i want to get out of 3k bracket. can someone help me how to be better player


            Play better


              how? can someone teach me how to improve my gaming ang mindset in playing.


                Try looking at the minimap more often

                Leafclubb🍃 ♫

                  Just zone efficiently maybe also with lotsa regen then follow the cores and stick after ez.

                  I can't help endorsing Dark Willow level 6 casually walking anywhere then solo killing someone xd.

                  rank 1 AML mafia player

                    @frag1le where do you think you are weak at?

                    Just by looking at your last 3 storm games, your life is a priority unless youre sure your team can get 3 kills or more off your death