General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Hell as a 2k support.

MMR Hell as a 2k support. in General Discussion
Bles Bridges

    It's real. I'm not going to debate it. I want to REALLY know if someone has some proper advice:
    1 How to get out
    2 How much playing doing you have to do to realistically get out

    Before you hit me with the git gud cliche, let me mention the following:

    1 I've watched purge and BSJ videos. I spent a lot of time learning mechanics and heros.
    2 The ONLY time my rank really changes is when I'm calibrating (2,3 to 2,8k)
    3 Been practicing pulling, warding, denying, itimisation,lane dynamics, focusing objectives, smoking, 3 best heros, PMA and even looking at the meta. This has absolutely no effect on my MMR.
    4. As a side note is dota more toxic nowadays? Almost 70% of games are ruined by grievers on my team or opponent.

    Essentially, I feel every game I get to stomp 2 or 3 wins it gets succeeded with my team being 18-2 by 10 min.

    5 I don't think I'm some secret 4k player or anything, but none of the work I put it seems to pay off.

    Surely I can't be the only one.

    Thanks in advance.

    Free 2 Play Scootz

      In all honesty I would say try learning core. You can probably climb playing support, but climbing as core would be much faster. I only say this because in general, at least for the bracket you’re in cores have a larger impact on the outcome of the game.

      Bles Bridges

        @Scootz Thanks for the reply. Ugh man I don't enjoy core XD.
        Sucks to be me.


          Support climb is slow compared to core climbing.
          You have to keep adapting and changing playstyle based on your lineup, enemy lineup, flow of game, etc.
          Also, I don't know how much I can stress this, but a support with glimmer, force, heals is much scarier than support with blink, aether, scep, etc.

          Playing support is all about winning a string of mini-mental battles. You don't bother with winning the game, you just bother with creating the best possible conditions for winning.
          You said you studied itemization, but none of your recent games as support have glimmer or force or meka. You keep rushing flashy items like dagger, euls, aether, etc.

          As a support getting tilted is the last thing you want. You need clear head to keep absorbing information and processing it. Core heroes only have to mind their own position and enemy position, for support you have to keep track of all of that + your teammates position as much as possible.
          Also, learn to swallow you ego if you really wanna climb.(This i learned from watching Singsing). No matter how toxic your core is, your only purpose in the game is to ensure he has the best game of his life. "He flamed me, now I'm not gonna play around him" - typical mentality of low mmr supports.
          And if you want to be toxic or "I don't like taking orders", abandon the idea of climbing mmr as support.

          Simple PMA test.
          Try going 25 games, without flaming, trashtalking regardless of win or lose. No matter how bad someone plays or how much someone provokes you.

          Lastly, stop playing on auto-pilot, keep thinking throughout the game. Don't just make same items/ skills build every single game. If game goes south, adjust your itemization and try to die as less as possible but also understand that your life has lower priority than any of your cores.

          Watch your own replays with the intent to flame yourself, easiest way to identify and rectify bad plays.


            You can't climb as support under 4k.
            It's impossible and i tested it many times.The only way is do what i have account with up 7k behaviour score and up to 4k mmr.
            Queue pos 4-5 and if u are good as you say,you'll climb.
            I was stuck in 3k braket without chance of climbing and now in 4k i'm climbing pretty fast.
            May be 4k is too much for you,try 3k.
            If you need we can discuss it in private.


              Lol i had like 20 wins in a row with a Chen on Archon back in the days.

              There are actually only a few supports that can carry the game. One of them is winter wyvern.

              Bles Bridges

                @adgoku thanks for tough advice. That's really hard to follow but I'll keep it in mind. I think my builds have become core minded because ive lost trust in my team.

                @banjo you might be right but it's CERTAINLY not something I wanted hear. My behavior score is 8,5k (which is ok). I've peaked at 2,8k before and I felt very little difference in quality. Grievers ruined my calibration and now I'm literally stuck in 2,2k.

                I enjoy the game, but I enjoy being competetive too. I like learning and improving thats why I don't enjoy unranked. But in ranked it feels like my learning and application just don't render any results XD.

                I don't think I feel strong enough to buy an acc. But learning to play core might be a mess too.


                  i like how banjo says that its hard to climb past 4k mmr but i remember the time when the ranked match making was out i calibrated at 3996 mmr. It was impossible to me to get out of 3k bracket for many months and lets say years. But when "techies" came out i easily climbed out of the 3k bracket and right now im +- 1k mmr. From 4.1k to 4.9k mmr rarely i hit 5.1k mmr and then i drop again. For me my climb stops once i hit the 5k mmr.


                    so i just watched the first 10 minutes of the last game "u won" and im disgusted with what i saw
                    i dont know what were those mechanical skills that u learned from bsj or purge, a random bot doing better than what u did
                    u had no ward in your lane for 10 fucking minutes as pos 4. u bought one sentry for whole first 10 minutes and it was on fucking min 7
                    u just leached xp when 2 big waves coming in your tower on min 1-2 for no fucking reason

                    what exactly u learned from bsj or purge? are u braindead or sth? like i watched bsj only 2-3 times and he literally talks about letting core get solo xp 10 times per minute

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                    Bles Bridges

                      @kowareta lol man listen like I said I don't think I'm like some hidden 8k player or something. I know the xp issue happens but I've had games with pos 1 abandoning if I don't help them harass in lane. I'm not saying my every game is perfect, and a lot of them were played during "rage queue" as I've increasingly become frustrated. But also your advice sucks.


                        The job of a support no matter 5 or 4. Harassing enemies. Warding/dewarding. Securing range creeps (even in 4.5k-5k doesn't happen very often). How to secure it? Use spells on the range creep when low on health. Deny your range creeps/melee creeps (mostly range, but if u deny melee it is no problem - less gold and xp for the enemy). Try dying less in the laning stage since it doesn't matter how farmed your offlaner is if you died 2,4 times from the enemy. Harass the enemy and try to take as little dmg as possible from them. Contest pulls. Pull your neutrals towards your creeps. If you don't know how watch replays from high mmr matches they do the same. Repeat.

                        These little things what results in?

                        Denying range creeps? IF memory serves me right the range creeps gives more xp than the melee or so and if you deny it your enemy won't reach lvl 2 faster. IF you deny multiple melee and range creeps if they're 2 people splitting the xp theyll get to lvl 2 slower than you (unless the enemy does the same thing)

                        Die less if possible dont die at all. Don't worry if the enemy carry is getting more farm than your offlane its normal. Remember there're 2 other lanes from your team during your gameplay. If your carry is getting kills and farms he'll have more xp/gold than the enemy carry.

                        Stopping pulls results in the enemy support wasting his time and resulting him in no gold/xp for the duration he tried to pull. The only down side is if u stop the enemy pull The carry will get the entire creep wave gold/xp instead total xp/2. But your offlaner will have the same as the carry.

                        Try pulling your neutral camps towards your creeps. What results? IF its double stack and the enemy carry doesn't notice on them where the enemy creeps are he'll result into entire loss of xp/gold. Usually in high mmr matches the enemy contest the pull.

                        Edit: People suck at math.

                        Este comentario fue editado

                          @Bles, Kowa is a potty mouth, but his advice is pretty good.

                          The guy went through the effort of giving you a replay analysis, you got a free replay analysis from a immortal player, try to look beyond the abusive tone.

                          1) You had no ward in lane for 10 minutes. (Game losing stuff)
                          2) Pos 4 playing without sentry for 10 minutes. (Game losing stuff)
                          (Keep a sentry in your inventory, watch enemy movements in the lane based on your movements in the fog and try to get the obs they placed - basic support plays)
                          3) If the wave is under your tower, you leave the core to farm it, meanwhile you walk to enemy jungle to ensure that enemy is not able to pull/stack. -> This point is literally repeated so many times by BSJ/Purge/Jenkins or any other Dota 2 coaches in any of their youtube videos.

                          Support player have their most impact in the first 7 mins of game. Most low mmr players don't seem to understand this. They just sit afk in lane doing nothing.

                          P.s. There's a reason why I don't watch replays. It's mind boggling to see someone who complains about "how it's impossible to climb as support", but then you watch the replay and they play worse than your lowest expectations.

                          Real life example would be : Imagine a guy bitching about how the Pc won't start "no matter what he does", but then you go to his place and find out that he hasn't turned on the power switch on SMPS.

                          Este comentario fue editado

                            here for others who blaming me for being my self. there is no hope for any of u. if u had brain u figure stuff on your own. why would anybody waste his time trying to help hopeless creatures instead of making joke about them and atleast maybe make some others smile for a sec

                            this guy literally talking about not being 8k mmr when i tell him he bought 0 wards and leached xp when core farming UNDER TOWER. im staring at my screen for 5 fucking minutes, maybe disassembling arcane boots before buying aether lens is what TI winners only do =))

                            Bles Bridges

                              Listen bro I appreciate you watching and all but I know I'm a fucking noob, like everyone has their levels. Yeah some games I tilt or some games you end up doing weird shit like abandoning your safelane cause the previous safe laner had 45 CS in 30 min.

                              We generate bad habits in the bracket cause sometimes you feel like you need to improvise when everyone is doing there own thing.

                              Point is - I would love some advice from pros / experienced people. My last few games went really bad because I was playing on tilt. So I stopped for a few days to ask people on dotabuff. Fuck Me Right?


                                You win the lane by helping your core to maximize last hits and denies. Problem is, in your bracket, your cores cant even last hit when no one is contesting. So naturally, playing core and being able to get 90% of the last hits and most of the denies would be more rewarding.

                                So what skills are required of a support?
                                1. Deny - Get yr cores to focus more on last hits while you pick supports with high dmg that are able to deny

                                2. Last hit - Last hit creeps that yr cores are unable to last hit (out of atk range or disabled etc)

                                3. Warding - Plant more lane wards instead of jungle wards as they are harder to detect

                                4. Jungling/ Flash farming - Some supps like Jakiro can flash farm in the mid to late game, where your cores are out of reach

                                5. Stacking camps - Stack multiple camps for yr cores

                                6. Smoke ganks or escape

                                7. Essentially every skill that is also required for a core, just that you do not steal your core's farm

                                Focus on taking objectives and paying attention to timings. I have never met an excellent support under 4k coz they usually dont prioritize objectives and are so bad at their lane mechanics. If you are really good, you can easily apply pressure all over the map to create space for your cores to farm. But dont pick pudge. If your opponent supp is a Pudge the game should be ez.


                                  hey billy, what i just said was basic principles. i have no idea what the hell are u talking about. if someone shoving food up in his ass instead of putting it in his mouth and swallow, its not a bad habit. bad habit is when u eat with dirty hands instead of a spoon.

                                  keep making excuses but u cant escape the reality. u are a fucking loser. its fine tho, we are all here. but u are a disgusting one who makes excuses over and over and seeks attention

                                  fucking disgusting pig

                                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                    if someone shoving food up in his ass instead of putting it in his mouth and swallow, its not a bad habit. bad habit is when u eat with dirty hands instead of a spoon.

                                    Quality analysis right here :laugh2: :laugh2:

                                    Also, nice Dazzle game btw, I'm in awe of this top-tier support play highly recommended by BSJ & Purge:

                                    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                      What the fuck is that video??

                                      Like the dazzle just spent 80% of the time walking back and forth, without hitting.
                                      Holy moly, no wonder ppl think it's impossible to climb on support. If you play like that, you can't climb on any role.

                                      pinoy supp0rt

                                        Kowareta is a real professional but dont trust anything this Goku fella says. He has proven his serious psychosis on countless occasions and i hope his parents find out soon that he hasn't been taken his psychiatric medication becos he should really get back on it

                                        Bles Bridges

                                          How sad that people spend time hating, even uploading videos. Fucking toxic. Nothing constructive. Just spending their free time hating on people 1k below.

                                          Bles Bridges

                                            @kowareta good at dota. Shit human being. I know which one I'd rather be good at 🤙🏻


                                              The above just proves, why you or many other player at low mmr are forever stuck in the trenches.
                                              You claimed you watch BSJ and purge, yet you spend 30 seconds walking back and forth not hitting the enemy once, and that's just a min clip.
                                              You want advice, but when ppl pick out your mistakes, you get all pissy, calling everyone hater.

                                              As I said before, you ppl play like this and claim it's impossible to climb as support. That's the most hilarious part.

                                              A full hp support, hiding in trees, letting the enemy offlaner cs freely. LUL

                                              You can't even keep your temper in check on random forums, how the fuck you gonna manage to keep PMA in game.
                                              Getting all bitch over ppl pointing out your bad plays.

                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                              Bles Bridges

                                                Bro read Koweta calling me disgusting fucking pig? Nah man I'm not mad. I just think it's useless.

                                                pinoy supp0rt

                                                  have u tried reddit dota community? it's a safe space dont worry becos Goku is perma banned from there after they found illegal underage material in his public shared folder. he's really a degenerate



                                                    Denying range creeps? IF memory serves me right the range creeps gives more xp than the melee or so and if you deny it your enemy won't reach lvl 2 faster. IF you deny multiple melee and range creeps if they're 2 people splitting the xp theyll get to lvl 2 slower than you (unless the enemy does the same thing). Die less if possible dont die at all. Don't worry if the enemy carry is getting more farm than your offlane its normal. Remember there're 2 other lanes from your team during your gameplay. If your carry is getting kills and farms he'll have more xp/gold than the enemy carry. Stopping pulls results in the enemy support wasting his time and resulting him in no gold/xp for the duration he tried to pull. The only down side is if u stop the enemy pull The carry will get the entire creep wave gold/xp instead total xp/2. But your offlaner will have the same as the carry. Try pulling your neutral camps towards your creeps. What results? IF its double stack and the enemy carry doesn't notice on them where the enemy creeps are he'll result into entire loss of xp/gold. Usually in high mmr matches the enemy contest the pull.

                                                    ALso him: "Point is - I would love some advice from pros / experienced people."

                                                    Listen u "shithead" if you don't listen to these simple things climbing mmr will be difficult for you. If you expect pro's or "experienced" players to answer your shithead question youre wrong. This dotabuff contains of toxic/integreted kids who flames the bust out of kowareta and others. If u expect something good to happen in this forum you're mistaken. You won't become 7k player in a day. You need practice like anything else u do in life. These things we all say are valuable. It all means that whatever comes in ur head comes right out of it.

                                                    As you u said. U watched bsj and the likes then keep repeating it until you master it. Also some times the games are unwinnable. You need to wait for that game that is winnable and to try your best at it and not to tilt your mates souls.
                                                    The amount of time ive spend on this forum i coudlve done better with my life than reading threads from folks like you.

                                                    Este comentario fue editado

                                                      ^ At this point, I'm convinced they don't want any advice.

                                                      What they want is ppl who just agree with them.

                                                      Something like: "Hey man you are right, it's impossible to climb as support, it's not your fault."

                                                      Bles Bridges

                                                        Listen all I'm saying is when you ask for advice and someone calls you a fucking pig I'm not gonna pull rank here like we are in military. You can still respect someone even though they're a shitty dota player.

                                                        @bambooni I'm not disregarding your advice, I appreciate it. Sorry I just get fllamed by some of the BS posts on here. Maybe I should just ignore. Expected more from an immortal player.

                                                        I don't need people to agree with me, I'm just saying I find it objectively hard to climb mmr, buy maybe my issue is my execution.

                                                        The point of someone not knowing what their fault is is that they are unaware of it, right?

                                                        But not gonna apologize for flaming on someone calling me a fucking pig.


                                                          If u want real advice heres another one:

                                                          If you're losing or your team mates become toxic towards you and you to them. Just shut up, play your game and hope for the next one to be better. Thats what im trying to do some times and thats why my beh score drops


                                                            Im playing at my best when there're tournaments and when i watch pro matches what they do. The thing about you is that you ask for advice and we give it to you. The pro and immortal players will say the same. What was it called? Try checking gamerclass. There're pro players who literary are saying what u need to do on ex. positions.
                                                            Also i think people forget what quotes means " ". Here're other advices.

                                                            How to beat the enemy?
                                                            What you need to do in order to beat them?

                                                            Have more gold and levels than the enemy is usually the goal.
                                                            How to get more levels and xp?
                                                            Kill creeps, neutrals and heroes. Denying creeps/blocking camps will reduce the enemy to get cold and waste time. In dota 2 every second is important.
                                                            Yes dota 2 is team oriented game where every move depends on your team. Yes some times games are unwinnable, but there're games that are winnable this happens in all brackets from herald to immortal literary. The best way to climb mmr is to find group of friends who knows what to do and try climbing that way. Climbing solo is hard especially when you depend on the other 4 people of your squad to be decent.


                                                              One last thing. No matter the bracket even pro teams. People suck at fighting and strategy. Its easy to kill creeps, but killing heroes, pushing, smoke its all random. Some times its good some times not. Nothing is guaranteed.


                                                                Things you can start with if you want to climb on w/e pos.

                                                                1. Limit your hero pool (spam max 3-4) so you learn them as second nature. I literally mean that for the next 100 games you should not play more than 4 heroes.

                                                                2. Watch pros playing pubs on those 3-4 heroes and try to be judgemental of what they are doing. ( try to predict their moves and also try to figure out on your own why they did a certain thing)

                                                                3. Try to gradually improve on individual aspects of the game. Set a goal for example to get better at laning stage (which is the 1st challenge you are facing in a dota game). Aim on "winning" the majority of lane scenarios. Once you stabilize that you will naturally start thinking about other aspects like itemization, better warding, positioning etc.. Dont try to get better at everything at the same time, i dont think you can get much out of this approach.

                                                                Sh Prime

                                                                  Guys I'm having throwers and grievers in my every games, any idea why? (I don't mind losing so you don't have to analyze then be rude to me lol) (9.7k conduct)

                                                                  Este comentario fue editado
                                                                  ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                    Seems like OP would benefit greatly from having an in-game coach to remind him to do what supports should do in the laning phase and beyond that and not just walk around in circles xD

                                                                    People have climbed to immortal maining support. And you say you are stuck at archon claiming to have done the things BSJ & Purge advised?

                                                                    If you were looking for advice to improve, you have got plenty already. This is a known hive of degenerates - you wanna ask for advice AND vent? Then take the salt with the advice or ask for help on reddit

                                                                    Leddit don't tell him :laugh:

                                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                                    pinoy supp0rt

                                                                      the gentleman above is correct. dotabuff forum community has shunned that obscene immoral degenerate perverted weeb Goku - don't trust a single word he says. u may end up assaulted and molested (or worse) by this sick Goku monster (if he could do it to his own biological sister he can do to anyone).

                                                                      we all pray he goes back to his euthanasia medications soon.


                                                                        Lol, the salty animal just keeps mentioning me in every single one of his comments now.
                                                                        Just how pathetic of a life do you need to have to keep stalking my ass in 3 different threads.

                                                                        pinoy supp0rt

                                                                          How bad is your schizophrenia that u think anyone other than a violent sex crimes investigator would want to stalk u?

                                                                          May I offer to pay for your English lessons so u can learn how to reply me properly? It's so boring at this point because you've obviously depleted your mental capabilities despite only a short conversation. I know my intelligence is far superior but honestly never expected to fry your sad autist ape brain so easily.

                                                                          Reminds me of a senile dog at 15yo brain not working basically just a waste of oxygen


                                                                            u think anyone other than a violent sex crimes investigator would want to stalk u

                                                                            Well, commenting on every post talking about me, when you were not even mentioned, says a lot about you.

                                                                            I know my intelligence is far superior

                                                                            Yup, a Archon dog that doesn't know difference between taught and thought is very intelligent.

                                                                            Este comentario fue editado
                                                                            pinoy supp0rt

                                                                              retarded dog thinking the whole world revolves around him as usual. im talking to others in the thread to warn them about your psychosis. none of my messages here are directed at u so do us all a favor and silence yourself. if u know how to punish yourself then go ahead and do that too, save your parents the effort


                                                                                im talking to others in the thread to warn them about your psychosis.

                                                                                none of my messages here are directed at u

                                                                                pinoy supp0rt

                                                                                  im trying to help you. and i will always be patient and kind despite your ungrateful behavior. you will probably never realize but im the only 1 here who genuinely cares for your well being and thats why i hope u can receive the psychiatric treatment that u deserve


                                                                                    Thank you Mr. Angry salty Delusional low mmr Monkey for caring about me. I appreciate your concern for my well being.

                                                                                    pinoy supp0rt

                                                                                      its boring when u keep repeating the same words like a broken record. but at least i know i did something good for the world by politely teaching you

                                                                                      ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                        This thread is quite entertaining, not gonna lie. Much better than getting stormed by last pick Storm :fail:

                                                                                        ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                          I appreciate your concern for my well being.

                                                                                          Jeez get a room already :wink:

                                                                                          pinoy supp0rt

                                                                                            The only room Goku should be is a morgue for filthy diseased animals

                                                                                            low prio master

                                                                                              Had a same mmr as you for years, i would say its a very decent rank for casual after work player, dota is really just about getting better so nothing better to say really 🤭 to get mmr.

                                                                                              Unmuting D2players? No th...

                                                                                                Bles Bridges I can coach you for 3$ per hour, I am not asking for much. You will be like 3k in a month if you are willing to improve and pay 30-40$ for it.

                                                                                                Unmuting D2players? No th...

                                                                                                  You need live coaching or replay analysis if you are stuck.


                                                                                                    All I can suggest to you (If you were a hardcore support player that cannot play core at all) is to suck your core's dick harder than before, for example:

                                                                                                    > you ward the lane pre 4 mins on the safelane (This way your core could be more aware and most likely you won't get a blame if he got ganks or smth)
                                                                                                    > keep trading hits with the pos 4 enemy (If in the process you died no problem cause you could either TP mid and filling bottle or bring your safelane his/her items)
                                                                                                    > filling bottle on mid when you dies but keep informing your pos 1 that you were tp-ing mid (If you can voice chat it would be better for all just don't be annoying cause people might mute you)
                                                                                                    > help your pos 1 on denying/CSing ranged creep (Laning stage is pretty crucial for the first 5 mins especially those ranged creep)
                                                                                                    > keep humble and pma (PMA here is not like you being an angel for your core and you keep silent when they flame you, no. It means that you basically give your teammates a positive vibes just make it fun maybe tell a joke or laughing in voice chat would be enough(for example you lost a bounty on 0 minute mark don't blame any1 just said "wtf we got outplayed hahah" most likely it will make a positive energy, if you only use chat only then try to not be a sarcastic and sounds toxic, better be silent rather than blaming someone, if they make a mistake laugh it up but in non sarcastic way kinda secretly put "It's alright" vibe to it
                                                                                                    > always stop queueing when you're still tilted or moody after bitter lost, cause mood in dota is important af

                                                                                                    I will just put that suggestion above since it's late already right now that's all I can type for you


                                                                                                      I main support and can easily win at any mmr (below 6.5k, at least :P). I also know what you're most likely doing wrong. You're thinking of the "support" role, as if its some separate distinct thing from the carry role that must do certain things. You think you must babysit your carry. You think you must sit in the safelane and hit the enemy, or pull camps.

                                                                                                      You don't have to do those things when you're support. You can do whatever wins games. That means TP mid, walk mid to secure runes, ping smokes, tp to your offlane, or safelane to gank. You can sit mid and soak exp or push out waves and farm in the dead lane. Support can win 75+% of games at 2k by simply destroying the enemies tempo and then having marginal impact mid game.

                                                                                                      Add me if you actually want me to tell you how you're playing horribly and what you should do instead.