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    Honestly, this was an amazing post. I for one always attack T3 towers as a support when we are pushing for early game wins. I understand now to stay back a bit and wait for carry to take em down.


      Heroes that are able to "passively" take T3 towers when pushing high ground are indispensable. Lone Druid's bear, Pugna blast, Lesh, Any hero with creeps or minions, Death Prophet ulti, and Centuar are great for allowing you to take out the tower while positioned to attack or defend. I don't remember what game it was (I think OG and Navi) where they had a Centuar take all the hits from the tower and allowed the Return damage to kill it, while all the allied teammates were within blinking distance to counter initiate if the other team jumped on Centuar.

      Being able to pretty much take tower while team fighting is a huge deal because it makes even a lost team fight where you take out the tower worthwhile.

      I'm DADDY

        No one even reads the article. This blogging is bullshit with all the retarded potatoes acting like they never been to a forum. This will be boycott soon enough.

        UNCLE KUSH

          1ST LUL 100%


            I calibrated at 1.4k, I know the struggle. I just made sure to get my best position (carry) every fucking game. I think it was something like 6.84 or 6.85, I picked PA a lot. Why? Cause you can be aggressive as fuck in the lane. You just wait for a good situation and get some kills in the laning stage. If you snowball you can usually end games at the 25-30 minute mark. Once your team gets that you can kill 2 heroes with ease then they will follow you to victory. That shit worked really well for me (30 games on PA, 80% winrate (Not on this account, this is my smurf, I was sick of 2k, 3.8k on this account [it really payed off])). I think you can go with TB instead of PA in this meta, just get your team to push and PUSH EVERYTHING DOWN! I can give the advise to pick a good midgame carry who can also be effective in the lategame.

            JOHN TRAZ DE VOLTA

              When, you lose even having more XPM, OPM, and CS than the other team and your team. You'll understand. It's way worth it to abbandon, when you're 100% the game is thrown, like your teammates doing stupidity, even saying that they are throwing explicity. And even when they're not, they're just doing stupidity cause they are 100% stupid. It's way worth it man, to abbadon then to lose 50 min of your time and either get bummed by being there for so long and still lose a game with a team that you knew it was done by the time it begun. Trust me, my % win rate got so much higher doing this, I reckon I haven't been doing this lately cause I started to try to be nice and "improove" my teammates by talking. Damn, what a lame I am, so much lost time and loses attached to my account and even I started to play worse, cause these guys can contaminate you.

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              JOHN TRAZ DE VOLTA

                @Captain Phasma sounds good me. I'll better try that! TB. I'm not so sure. I just went really hard on TB like 400 cs 40 mins, one of my best plays, which is a LOT to my skill players level and they still managed to not follow me. ^^ I guess people in my bracket don't know what meta is or which hero is in the meta. ^^ So you might not want to be that "cool", cause it wass like, they didn't even got what was going on.

                Este comentario fue editado

         is this your 400 cs 40 min? Seriously, you're just a scrub, don't fool yourself. Your losses don't have anything to do with your team. You can't play team games - go play some solo like starcraft or hearthstone or whatever - there are plenty of them!


                    Lublu chleni vo rtu


                      LAST LULULULULUL

                      Class Prez

                        Lol no its gank>push>turtle>push bcause a succesful gank = push or objectives. You cant just group up and push eveytime. Medusa is a strong defender. Better push when you have the number advantage so gank then push


                          Broken carrys indeed haha
                          -sven with echo sabre and dagger (5k gold=10min farm)
                          -slark with echo sabre and silver edge (8k gold= 13min farm)
                          -lifesteaker with mordiggan and echo sabre/ basher (6k gold= 10min farm)
                          -terror blade with dragon lance and manta (9k gold= 11min farm)

                          there is no turtling in this meta IMO, spectre is good vs a team full of low hp heroes (out of meta), medusa needs more of 50min to effectively come online, ANDYmage isn’t very good fighting low mana heroes (out of meta).


                            Dealing with turtling: Splitpush and/or pickoffs.