General Discussion

General DiscussionComment on the Dotabuff above you

Comment on the Dotabuff above you in General Discussion

    G: Decent carry good statistics
    B: Never play sniper

    Forget me not

      G: that abaddon winrate is insane.
      B: almost always the same tanky type hero.


        G: Plays all roles well
        B: Anime profile pic


          G: 90% core picks. How do you even get that?
          B: Sub 50% wr

          Muhammad Sumbul

            G: Good performance on most played heroes
            B: Ez -25 .Red days.Red Days


              26% support picks.
              3 heroes in the top 10 with over 60% win rate.
              nice GPM even on non-farming heroes

              most support picks are for BH / roamer and not real support.
              second most played hero is about 40% win rate


                G: doesnt have a single Mars match yet
                B: Barely plays support

                smurfs = no balls

                  G: nice winrate and kda on pretty much all heroes
                  B: bad meepo

                  Este comentario fue editado

                    G: positive winrate on rubick+versatile player

                    B: 83 games on techies

                    The Legendary Phenom

                      G: nice broodmother stomping unranked games.
                      B:archon player and why your archon player? Your name says it all.

                      Este comentario fue editado
                      The Legendary Phenom

                        G: one of the best(probably the best) sf, invoker, tinker, mirana, pa player this worlds ever seen.
                        B: no longer play games. Pls come back dota dying without you

                        Weird Shit

                          G: impressive 0/8/3 troll abandon, i respect that tilt.

                          B: currently hasn't won a game in 3 months :(

                          A Wild Pikachu Has Appeared!

                            G: 53% win rate
                            B: Normal skill


                              G: immortal rank
                              B: necro spammer

                                Este comentario ha sido borrado
                                IM JUST A SUP

                                  G: great winrates
                                  B: definitely smurfing