General Discussion

General DiscussionDotaROOT v2

DotaROOT v2 in General Discussion

    [u]What we are looking for:[/u]

    • Players with any MMR
    • Any role specializations
    • English-speaking
    • Playing on any servers

    [u]About us:[/u]

    • We are a community of Dota2 try-hards, we play to win
    • We focus on forming stacks that exploit winning strategies and generally taking the game more seriously than our opponents
    • We also teach solo queue strategies that turn our solo queuers into killing machines (If they're willing to learn)
    • Our goal is to help every member attain very high skill, no matter his/her current skill level
    • We have multiple members as well as coaches on leaderboards, willing to provide expert help for nothing more than kudos
    • We are also an emerging forum-based community with very laidback moderation

    "We are distinguished by our "tryhard" philosophy. The "tryhard" insult pleases us, in fact; we only see either winners or losers. Let others give themselves the excuse to fail - more gold for us! Winning is fun, and it's what we're for. DotaROOT is essentially an elect community focused on winning." by: mxFrei

    Our forum is at its very early stages in terms of community, but we are determined to make it a future home of something quite cool. At first, we won't have enough members to form many stacks, but if you share our philosophy, join us!

    Forum link


      Why did DotaROOT v.1 fail?


        well. Site Admins dissapeared. Literally no answers to emails or steam. (last time logged in 3months ago)
        as i know one of them left dota. so we couldnt edit site, manage ingame guild, take care of ppl. slowly died. as i know few ppl, common stacks still friends and play together.

        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

          Mxfrei found out that Avidity wasn't a girl is my guess. They ran off in separate directions. I contributed and Joined as well. Havoc where you at.

          Miku Plays

            is Mxfrei dude a girl ?


              He is called "Max Frei" on his Steam profile so I would guess not

              Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                He's a guy. Avidity is possibly a "girl". Miku. Make an account. Contribute.


                  welcome in Meloday-San :) appreciate your help


                    guy pretending to be grill = GAYYYYYYYYYYY

                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                      Catgirl thread. Never forget.


                        I never ever watched anime before. but damn catgirl thread....i joined to the darkside...
                        huge anime fan <3

                        Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                          LOL. Sorry for your loss. I will get havoc to sign up later, and try to bring a few more over as well.

                          Y M V N

                            can i join ? play at SEA server on saturday to sunday, solo mmr 4554


                              well. register to forum and im sure u'll find mates to play... i remember to old days we had few SEA players.
                              but still, forum in very early stage, not dat many members. just join cus ppl see there is activity than more likly will join to us.

                              Este comentario fue editado

                                Sigh, my coaching thread was big and it became harder to keep up with it as there were 20+ people who added me and I was expecting like 1-2 people. I can sign on but I dunno to what end...

                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                  Nobody wants you to coach visage bro, (Trust me I've seen it) :wink: Glad to see you hopping onboard with me hhaha.


                                    this is for TRYHARDS, i feel like i should join, may be.


                                      just ask big Chris for tips and coaching will be np

                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                        No body wants chris to coach cm. Other heros, sure. Like bear.


                                          I don't play Visage very seriously unless I am with my US team as there I hate putting so much concentration into something that is casual knock around.

                                          Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                            I know man haha I'm just cracking jokes.


                                              Sunrise: all welcome :)

                                              thx for the support, Havoc and Melody

                                              Este comentario fue editado
                                              Ples Mercy

                                                if you want to make something, then please try and make something decent. That forum is ugly and the community looks like some random shit random people make daily.


                                                  Il join a stack what is ur ingame dotabuff chat? do you have a guild or smth


                                                    ^^ all they need to do is change the background color and post one picture of something DOTA on the first page and it will look fine.


                                                      I will join too, good luck :)

                                                        Éste comentario fue eliminado por un moderador
                                                        Miku Plays

                                                          Is using Lc, earthshaker, PA or Lion considered tryhard?


                                                          @Melody and OP

                                                          I secretly went to dotaroot v1 to check out cat girls thread lol

                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                          playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                            joining cuz why not?

                                                            playinginursockdrawer mm soc

                                                              Looking at the forum, it feels like it was made in 2007, maybe it's just me.
                                                              But I like how there's categories before you get to threads.


                                                                well guyz i wont lie to you. I really liked the v1 dotaroot. it was awesome but!

                                                                i made the v2 forum in 3hours or 4 maybe. I watched dota and did other stuff in dat 3-4 hours too so kinda just created a forum. U know why? cus there are hell lot of pessimistic and haters out there and i was kinda interested for the reactions, answers about it.

                                                                ppl flaming me cus i "gather 2k noobs with my 4k+ shit mmr"...dude. i really feel like you can help out those ppl if they need help and mostly ppl just rage or givin up on dota cus they cant find the right place or ppl who actually help them. (i hope higher mmr players will join (we got some 5k+ mmr players) and help me out how i help to lower players)

                                                                im pretty sure 80% of the haters would like to join but their ego is tooo huge to do dat. cus they are fuckin gods to actually use a forum like this --" u know what? i dont shit and flame. (criticism > flame )

                                                                u can change the sytle of the forum, u can set up a "welcome page" whatever. its currently freeforum but if ppl like it and its gonna work we can move to a normal site...giff me ideas since it feels my "vista looking" failed since ppl dont like it...

                                                                Im not a dictator. i wanna form the forum with members since we all use it together.

                                                                and yea. ofc: huge thx for those guys who register and give an opportunity ;)

                                                                ICE SKULL

                                                                  Originally Posted by BlackwolfLT7 View Post
                                                                  Before i start, i want to note that this is not a rage, but more or a warning/review post of the site. I feel need to tell people truth about dotaroot before they join. Please read this carefully.
                                                                  Hello, my nick is blackwolf. I consider myself real tryhard with years of experience (in dota and dota forums) so i wanted to join dotaroot, a place for tryhards. Since the start, everything felt fishy - root is a pro team name, users begging to join EMPTY site, promises to boost mmr. In most forums you get user status just by registering. In first days (i was one of the first to join) forum admins would post goru porn or just porn in some subforums, until they got closed due to many users asking for it. They would swear like sailors (while they should be example of how to act) but i closed my eyes on this - they had "laidback moderation"; if i have right to speak free, then they should too. Site was slowly gaining form while users suggested ideas for forum. A lot of my ideas were implemented. I had lots of karma there and i was most active user. I really tried to help that site in most ways i could. Posted few guides, avatar packs (that some users use them as we speak). I even gave dosens of tips in friendly way, without trying to insult anyone; with links and quotes to explain everything - i would do that in other dota forums and hundreds of users would really appreciate it. One day, while trying to upload some art/logos for the site i spent hundreds of hours in, i got kicked out. When i tried to log-in; i was redirected into shock site "goatse". There were no rules in forum, i had no warnings (in site), there were no spoilers. Instant gay porn in front of my eyes. This was not a job of a hacker. Admin did this to my account. Never had anything like this happen to me in years of helping others in forums with strict rules. While i was away when this all happened, my little sister opened internet browser... Let's say that her childhood is ruined at very least. I kept receiving spam in my email and i couldn't disable them because i could not access forums that i got banned from. Admin didnt wanted to delete it (my account) because i had posted some stuff he wanted there to stay. He knew how bad he was acting as ADMIN so he avoided talking to me at any cost. He asked other members of dotaroot (ascarab/static/any other with | root) to steal users from other sites for karma award. I gave him a week to cool off and to think how he acted himself and to remove ban. In reality i just gave another week for Dotaroot to spread its evil weed roots. After another week i contacted him myself, with new account made in internet cafee. He banned whole city later. Deleted my art i uploaded just because it had my name on it - some users that saw it loved it. I asked him to let me disable that spam his site was sending me (he used my ip to spam me), and to remove ip ban so my brother could have chance to join that site - he did not reserved ban. All these simple things that would had never happened in REAL forum for trade to my silence. 5 days passed (instead of 3days i gave him) for him to fix things; Things that no SELF RESPECTING site would do. Who even does that kind of punishment for no reason/warnings???? That alone can say a lot of about the site. People can find goatse site links in forum to this day; there is not even need to get banned. No forum admin would post that stuff in public place with kids. Except dotaroot. Self respecting, educated people would stay away from place like this. Some a**licking users from there even think that this is acceptable punishment for "being annoying". Community isn't great, nor smart either.
                                                                  Oh, and i don't know why people are asking to join that horrible place with admins like that - they accept everyone. A lot of butthurt, biased dunning kruger 2k "pro" users sit there, raging if you give them tips. A circlejerk of one opinion - everyone who thinks different, gets downvoted or even banned; as in my case. You can say that drow mid is great and everyone will agree with you; being afraid of non-mentioned punishments. Place is full of sheep. That low skill 2k majority dictates everything, even if they know NOTHING. The mmr boost they advertise is just doing the same, known cheese strats like "5man global ultimates" - they only inflate your party mmr and teach nothing. Once people meet someone with brain, they get countered hard. Smart people can see that they (dotaroot) only try to get as many users as they can - known name, lies about mmr boosts that dont work. This is for future advertisments, i guess. I can bet that i would not had gotten ban, even after posting porn myself if i would had donated money. Now; if you see staric/asarab/frei coming here to explain themselves, you can already see that they did something wrong. People can dig the forums to see everything themselves (even with admin deleting/editing topics). I can even prove about goatse thing with video for those who want it. But people can find some wicked pictures on forum themselves. The site had some potential, the tools inside were great. It is just bad because of a**licking, sheep community who does not allow to express your opinion. Like highschool girls who trashtalk eachother behind their backs while acting nice in public. Oh; and your private messages are not private - admin talks about them or donaters can see them. Have example for those who want one. Some bigger forums already are boycotting dotaroot. I want more people to know how things are run there.

                                                                  Join it if you:
                                                                  *love agreeing with everything you see that 2k mmr people post, even if you know if you are right.
                                                                  *are totally new
                                                                  *believe in magical mmr boosts that don't exist
                                                                  *can donate money to secure your seat

                                                                  *were in 4chan
                                                                  *love playing same hero (you were ordered to) for hundreds of games

                                                                  Don't join it if you:

                                                                  *don't have anime avatar
                                                                  *if you have an opinion
                                                                  *if you are self-respecting, educated person who knows that admins CAN'T act like that
                                                                  *respect laws
                                                                  *know something about game

                                                                  5/10. A site geared towards tryhards, but in reality it is for total casuals. Tools are great, admins use their powers just because they can. Community is small and stubborn. Lies and domain names just want to steal users from other sites. Don't be surprised if one day you get shocked by some ip-porn redirect because xenophobic,aspergeric admin from 4chan who does not want some users to join his site felt like to. Oh, and if our email is getting flooded. Join at your own risk.

                                                                  ICE SKULL

                                                                    oh my

                                                                    Miku Plays

                                                                      do u wanna build dotaroot v3?

                                                                      Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                        Except avidity was 5k = casual.

                                                                        Wave logic.

                                                                        [*]Wave and both MX had anime avatars anyway, yet there was a separate section of the website.
                                                                        [*]Blackwolf was a troll and bashed other members so he got a hammer.
                                                                        [*]Swearing doesnt show immaturity. You can be a respectful adult and use cursewords. Get the fuck over it.
                                                                        [*]>Bitching about spam in emails when you can block emails from said site with every current day email.
                                                                        [*]There's not gay porn on Dotaroot. Just catgirls. Cry more.

                                                                        Blackwolf just proves he's a bad troll in that post, let alone shows wave can't come up with his own arguments so he references dead posts.

                                                                        >Oh my

                                                                        Just because other kids sleep at 4 am doesn't mean you proved a point and no one has a retort to your "Comment".

                                                                        You wanna know what Dotaroot is/was? It's a community with a decent forum where Melody can't post off topic because topics are sorted and Mods do their fuckin job and ban toxic members such as blackwolf. IE: Introducing Dotabuff forums V2.0 new and improved. (Not melodybuff.)

                                                                        Go back to bed wave. It's way past your bedtime.


                                                                          Blackwolf is also banned from this forum for being a cad, basically while trying not to get involved he got banned for being a big-headed 3K player and talking shit to other members and just generally being a Blunt. Without trying to take sides I think the admins didn't take it very well and took to "trolling" him back.

                                                                          In the same way that the majority of posters on dotabuff, dotaroot, and others, are about 3K and are the most active on the forums. This is because they have more to say/ask then someone of a higher skill might. That note from blackwolf is pretty much just a prime example of how he takes to rejection of his perceived skill and people disagreeing with him.

                                                                          "Some bigger forums already are boycotting dotaroot. I want more people to know how things are run there." Like whom?

                                                                          Primordial Soup

                                                                            I wish I can join, unfortunately I'm not an English speaker.


                                                                              So I opened the site to check it out and 5 of the 7 topics are last posted by Melody.

                                                                              Not Melody-buff you say?


                                                                                ^^that sentence would be enough x)

                                                                                Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                  Because I'm active? All posts are on topic and in a sorted category. Excuse me.


                                                                                    It wasn't a dig at you Melody, just a humorous observation.

                                                                                    Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                    Jʌy Δshʙoʁnɘ

                                                                                      There have been literally 4 people that have posted. You can't have a community without starting. Since no one else will, I will gladly step up again.


                                                                                        Blackwolf scrubs it up where ever he goes , best to just ignore him


                                                                                          well Guiri. i just started the forum yesterday. so u wont see hundreds posting there.
                                                                                          Eul: i meant on forum you have to use english! i guess its a good rule so we can understand eachother.

                                                                                          Well. Blackfwolf story. haters gonna hate. Cristiano Ronaldo: "Your love makes me strong, Your hate makes me unstoppable"
                                                                                          dude. i still use the avatar pack u sent on the forum. u can see lil invoker. U posted a lot, u shared good things but u always acted like a dota god. even i thought we were friends and we had good partnership. I didnt know what happened with you since i wasnt leader or moderator or even guild officer or whatever on forum v1. i was just the guy who tried te keep it alive with formed stacks, guieds, help, coach. i never ever touched any anime/catgirl before but still it wasnt problem for OFF topic. OFF topic!!

                                                                                          I dunno what happened with you and the admins, static whatever. dude i dont care....i dunno who is right here. but still i dont care! but u know what. its a shame. u come here and you try to destroy my project!!! you lie to ppl...its not nice.

                                                                                          "Join it if you:
                                                                                          1*love agreeing with everything you see that 2k mmr people post, even if you know if you are right.
                                                                                          2*are totally new
                                                                                          3*believe in magical mmr boosts that don't exist
                                                                                          4*can donate money to secure your seat" => answered to your shit =>

                                                                                          1; its a disaster. i wont comment this shit
                                                                                          2, ppl joined with 2-3k hours in dota2 and more in dota or hontrash. ppl joined with 5k+ mmr and we found fun games together
                                                                                          3, well u have to remember to my gold party. cus this party was the most popular on the forum! i played with 20-30 ppl, and achived a great friendship with 3-4 guy. so "magical mmr boosts" = with this party we won ~23-24 games and lost only 2...minimum +20 in overall 20*25points.... u dont have to send your boddies to post shit here. u shouldnt lie to ppl
                                                                                          4, well i cant see any donation button on the fuckin forum. i never asked for it. why u lie to ppl?! :(

                                                                                          "Don't join it if you:

                                                                                          1*don't have anime avatar
                                                                                          2*if you have an opinion
                                                                                          3*if you are self-respecting, educated person who knows that admins CAN'T act like that
                                                                                          4*respect laws
                                                                                          5*know something about game" => answered to your shit =>

                                                                                          1; i saw no avatar guys. i should ban them.. --" assohle....
                                                                                          2, what is this shit. i just asked for your opinion here about forum skin...well. u lie again..its a bad thing boy..u should grow up
                                                                                          3, well. u know what. U came over here and shit...its like u visited me in my country. came here. and shit on my fuckin carpet. what kind of answer u want from me after your post?! respect?! u want respect after your post. when i thought we were friends.. hell no.
                                                                                          5, why should i comment this :/

                                                                                          Este comentario fue editado
                                                                                          ICE SKULL

                                                                                            sorry me no insult you, me only copy paste a post from whitewolf from april 2014

                                                                                              Este comentario ha sido borrado

                                                                                                well i found this comment "I find it amusing how he talks about how horrible the people and the forums was only AFTER he was banned from it. Why exactly where you so desperate to part of this 'horrible' community?"

                                                                                                im done with blackwolf story and i ask you to stop it. i dont wanna this thread to turn into drama.

                                                                                                We recruit ppl here :D if u wanna know more details than visit forum or add me on steam.

                                                                                                Este comentario fue editado

                                                                                                  From the thread Dionater posted you can see the kind of quality that Blackwolf posts and how any forums should be overjoyed to have his input.

                                                                                                  On the other had I have been considering a move from dotabuff so if dotaroot goes well I may move over.


                                                                                                    Just signed up, was getting frustrated with finding it difficult to get a stack together.

                                                                                                    Would it be possible to add a subforum for introductions?

                                                                                                    Or if there is one forgive me for being stupid.