General Discussion

General DiscussionPA contract no set rewarded

PA contract no set rewarded in General Discussion
"TheKid belowMeIs an ass"...

    I can understand this sometimes, but I was KotL and PA had to kill me first, but I got him first. If you kill a PA first with KOTL you should get that set everytime. I mean how easy is that.


      same 2 games no set awarded ... volvo please some mercy


        just yesterday, we got the contract kill and won game. i proceeded not to get a nimble edge PA set because i was put in low P during the middle of the game (flamed the previous game).

        gg wp no re


          dude, easiest as shit, and u dserve no set
          300 dmg in like lvl 5? sure


            Probably none had PA arcana.

            THE REWARD

            All players on a team that has been both victorious at the end of the match, and has successfully Fulfilled or Denied a contract will be rewarded with a trophy. Additionally, each Arcana owner in the match has a chance to trigger a cluster-drop of items for the winning team.

            Este comentario fue editado
            Totentanz to The King: M ...

              "has a chance" is the magic word here.